The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 19

Blaine’s POV

“Please just make him stop already!” I begged Xavier as I watched him walk around the living room with a still crying baby JJ in his arms.

“Well what do you suggest I do!” He yelled back over the noise of the wailing baby. “I’ve tried to feel him but he doesn’t want any of that, he won’t burp and he doesn’t smell like he needs a change!”

I groaned as I buried my head into a nearby pillow “I don’t know but please do something before we have your whole pack banging on our door and demanding why we are torturing their future Alpha”.

“I don’t know what to do Blaine! This baby is usually the most chill baby in the world, I don’t think he’s ever cried this much” Xavier groaned as he cringed at another screach JJ released.

I huffed before getting up and limping over to Xavier’s phone, maybe Google has some answers that could help us.

“Hey where are you going?” Xavier suddenly demanded as he walked after me, “don’t leave me here with him!” He exclaimed and I couldn’t help but laugh at the fearful look on his face.

“Relax, I’m just getting your phone” I laughed as I handed it over to him so that he could put his passcode in.

“It’s 1 2 3 4” Xavier said as he looked at my outstretched hand with his phone in it, “I am not taking my hands off this baby just in case he wriggles and I drop him” he said.

I raised my eyebrows at that and couldn’t contain my laugh “your passcode is 1 2 3 4? Are you serious?”

“Hey don’t laugh at me it’s not my fault I have a bad memory and can’t remember a simple number sequence” he defended but he couldn’t help but laugh along with me slightly. “Why do you think Jax never trusts me with any of the safe numbers for their safe room? He knows I’d have to write it down and in his head that means someone could get their hands on it” he shrugged.

I just rolled my eyes at him as I opened up Google and typed in why is my one year old crying.

A bunch of websites popped up and after rifling through some of them, I finally found something. “Okay this site says that if we have tried all of the obvious reasons like him being wet, cold, hot, hungry etc the next thing would be teething” I stated as I looked up at a confused Xavier.

“What?” He asked, as he looked down at JJ as if looking for the answer.

“The website said that he might be teething, apparently that can be really painful for babies as their teeth are getting pushed through their gums” I continued to explain.

“Great, I have some whisky in that cupboard over there” he said as he gestured to a closed cabinet behind me.

I frowned as I looked over my shoulder before turning back around to stare at Xavier, hoping he could clarify why we needed whisky in a situation like this.

“To ru on his gums” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I stared at him shocked before I burst out laughing, “we aren’t living in the 50′s Xav! You can’t just go and get a baby drunk in the hopes that you’ll get a good nights sleep, especially when that baby isn’t even yours” I continued to laugh over the noise of JJ.

Xavier just rolled his eyes as he continued to bounce JJ up and down in his arms, “well what does the website suggest then?” He asked as he kissed JJ on the head.

“Well it says here a milk pop, whatever the hell that is, or a cold teething ring will help” I said as I looked up at him from the phones screen, “do you have any of those?” I asked, hoping to god that he did.

“Do I look like someone who has teething rings stored away in their fridge for a rainy day?” He asked as he made his way over the the kitchen with me slowly limping behind him. At least the baby had stopped him fussing about me, I could now get up and walk around without being told off.

“Well what do you have that’s cold?” I asked as I sat down on the kitchen table.

“Umm... beer...frozen peas... carrots... steak”

“Well they’re not going to help” I rolled my eyes at him as he carried on listing things he had off the top of his head.

He rolled his eyes at my sarcastic remark before carrying on, “I mean I have frozen chips, surely that could help” He said as he kicked the bottom of his freezer, signalling where they were.

I thought about it for a second before shrugging, I mean it couldn’t hurt to try right? I got up and limped over to the freezer before fishing out a frozen chip to hand off to Xavier. Please let this work because if not I don’t know how much more screaming I could take.

Xavier took the chip off of me before waving it in front of JJs face, hoping to gain his attention but when he didn’t take much notice of it I signed in frustration before snatching the chip out of Xaviers hand and all but shoved it into JJ’s open mouth.

He cried for a little longer and struggled a bit but when he realised that the coldness from the chip was helping him slightly he took it from my hand and started to chew away in it, becoming the most quiet he had been since he had gotten here.

We both stood there in the kitchen as we held our breath, waiting for JJ to pick up with the screaming again but when he stayed silent and just continued to knor away at the frozen chip we both let out a sigh in relief. He was quiet.

“Nice thinking with the chip” I sighed as I looked up at Xavier with a smile.

“Nice thinking with the phone” he said back as we both laughed quietly at each other, not wanting to startle the now silent baby.

It was then that I realised how close we had actually gotten to each other, we were both so focused on the fussing baby in Xaviers arms that we weren’t paying attention to our proximity to each other, but now he was happy our attention had suddenly shifted. He was so close to me I could feel his heat radiating off of him, his scent completely intoxicating me as he looked down at me with his deep chocolate brown eyes.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I suddenly remembered to breath, my eyes still entranced with his as we stared back at one another. What was happening to me? I had never felt something like this before, I felt all hot and fluttery and everytime Xavier shifted slightly it released another wave of his scent and I was knocked backwards. The butterflies were whirling around my stomach and I closed my eyes as my vision became funny and my breathing became laboured.

I looked up as I heard Xaviers breath catch in his throat and before I realised what was happening we were both leaning towards each other, closing the gap between us inch by inch. My eyes involuntary shut on their own accord and I held my breath as I felt Xaviers brush against my face, this was it, we were going to kiss. I was finally going to kiss my mate.

“AAAHHH” JJ suddenly screamed in between us and we both sprang apart at the loud noise in the quiet room.

We looked around, both blushing slightly at what had just happened, before we focused on the again crying baby in his arms. “It looks like we need another chip” Xavier said, his voice slightly raspier than earlier.

This was going to be a long night.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! This is only part one of them babysitting so don’t worry there’s plenty more to come! ;)

Let me know what you think through a VOTE or COMMENT and I look forward to seeing you all on the next chapter <3

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