The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Six | Doctor From Hell

Xenia crossed her arms with a glare on her face. A hospital gown around her body while Jack and Vincent sat with her in silence. At first, Jack was determined to leave her behind, but Vincent chose to stay, and she instantly knew it was because he knew that she would sneak out.

This entire thing was a waste of time.

“W... Why did you not t... tell me something was wrong?” Vincent innocently questioned; his eyes hooded while he stared at the floor. “I... I should have known s... something was wrong.”

She looked away from him a little ashamed. She did not think that it was that bad, the occasional memory glitch where she forgot what she was doing or the occasional blackout where she missed thirty minutes of her day did not matter. Her memory when she first wakes up in the morning concerned her for a little while, but she ignored it and maybe Lola being in a coma was also a little concerning.

But Xenia still did not think that it was a big deal. She just did not want to worry Vincent. “There is nothing wrong, I just know it.” She mumbled as a reply but really it was for herself, convincing herself that she was perfectly fine was the only thing that she could do.

Jack scoffed; his anger still radiant as he stared out the window. His silence was worse than him hating her, and she hated to admit that. Jack always cared but Xenia did not know that he cared that much, she never thought anyone cared that much thanks to her parents.

They never cared, all they wanted from her was to become a strong warrior so that she was capable of being Beta. That was it and nothing else, no affection, no love or care, just do as you’re told and you will get fed. That was all she knew.

The door opening broke their weird, awkward silence as the doctor came in and froze as if he could feel the tension. Clearing his throat before speaking. “After doing some blood work we have found what the issue is. We will need to do some more tests on your brain as your results are a little strange.”

“Strange how?” She questioned her eyebrow-raising while she played the stands of the gown.

He took a deep breath, his eyes darting between Jack and Vincent before speaking again. “The Wolfsbane that was last placed into your system is slowly shutting your body down and has made its way into your brain. Because this is your sixth time having Wolfsbane in your system, your body will not be able to take another dose.”

Vincent’s eyes widened, sitting up as his eyes flashed from green to black. “What would happen if she had another dose?”

The doctor jumped at Vincent’s tone, his voice sounding pissed as she just found it amusing. “Xenia will die.”

Her heart stopped, her breath hitching as she was speechless. For years Xenia thought about death and if she was being honest, she was not afraid of it but now that she has Vincent, she had somebody that she was officially going to leave behind. April, Jack, Grace, and Alpha Zander were there as well but she did not have that special spot in her heart for them as she did for Vincent.

He was the reason as to why she was still alive.

“Great!” She suddenly beamed her typical smile and pretended that everything was fine. “Is there a way to get it all out or am I just royally fucked?”

The doctor froze again, not used to her weird humour before shaking his head. “We will have to drain your system of all the Wolfsbane within fifteen sessions. This is a slow process, especially in your condition. You cannot do any physical activity and will need to sit out of your duties.”

“What! No!” She yelled, fists clenched as she went to stand but Vincent standing so close to her made her lose her footing and kick the side of the bed. Cursing under her breath as she shook out her foot from the pain. “I can deal with fifteen sessions, but I cannot step down from my duties!”

“I am afraid that you will have to Beta.” He responded with a gulp of nerves. “If you do not stop during these sessions, your body will internally fail, and you will have to be placed into a coma to continue the sessions.”

Her heart could not take it as she sat on the bed again, her eyes both glaring and watering as she did not want to believe it. She did not care for herself, but her duties and her job were the most important things in her life.

“That will be all.” Jack finally spoke. “Thank you, doctor.”

He nodded as a response, his eyes lingering on Xenia before he left the three alone again. She just wanted to be alone, she just wanted to curl up in a ball and pretend that she was perfectly normal until she heard the next worse news of her life.

“Your parents are coming back,” Jack mumbled, his arms crossed as he stared at her to see her reaction. “They will be here tomorrow.”

Xenia groaned, throwing her body down on the pillow behind her as she tried to smother herself. “Great.”

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