The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Five | Playing The Game

Xenia bobbed her head around and shook her hips. The silence of the room made her look like a lunatic while she walked over towards the table.

Plan one was currently in action and her job was to finish plan two. Tracing her fingers along with the blades of the axes and the knives. The swords and the spears, her excitement for blood causing a smirk to spread across her face knowing that Jack and Vincent were watching her idea of a fun time.

“Do you like music?” She loudly questioned, picking up a knife as she pricked her skin with the tip. Turning her body around to face her victim. “I like it. I mostly listen to the music of my mate begging for me to take him, but real music can be good too.”

Xenia could feel him gulp and turn completely red as she could also scene Jack making fun of him and stating how proud he was. Her dark eyes smiled at her victim while she thought. It was not like this person did not deserve to be tortured, he helped a slut and Xenia just wanted information.

Even if it meant hanging him on a wheel and watching him spin while she threw knives at his body.

The Wizard gulped; his grey eyes wide in fear while he tried to get out of his restraints. His mouth gagged with a sex ball that was put on tight enough that he could not spit it out. Xenia walked up to him as she placed the knife against his stomach and traced it up to his neck. “We are going to play a game. If you cooperate, knives will not be thrown at you but if you choose to be difficult, this wheel is going to be spun and I will have some fun!”

His eyes bulged, even more, screaming behind his gag as she rolled her eyes and yawned. “Spin we go!” She yelled, grabbing the handle of the wheel, and forcing it to turn. Her mouth formed into a cruel smirk while she swiftly gilded her feet away from it and turned.

The distance between the spinning man and herself was just enough while she tested the handle of the knife in her hands before flinging it. Pouting as the knife landed directly in between his legs but missed any form of contact with him. “Round one, you win... sadly.”

She sighed, spinning her head around to face the table again, and picked up another blade. Walking back up to him as she stopped the wheel and looked down at his upside-down form. “Question one, how do you know Rebecca Hoebergan?”

The Wizard’s muffled reply caused her smile to widen as she pulled the ball out of his mouth with the knife. “S... She came to me! I did nothing wrong!”

Xenia tisked, shaking her head as she placed the ball around his neck. “That is where you are wrong. Giving a mate-binding spell to anyone is against the code of conduct amongst the supernatural species. Breaking that rule means the consequence of death, did you know that?”

He gasped. “No! No! She told me that it was for a good cause, that there will be no consequences. I did not know about the consequences! Please!”

Xenia rolled her eyes, getting tired of his bickering. “Question two, were you aware that she was giving this spell to Alpha Zander?”

He gasped again, trying to get out of his restraints as blood pooled around his wrists. “Please, I beg you Beta! I did not know her intentions. If I had known-”

“If you had known, you would have still done it!” Xenia cut in, her smirk widening while she leaned down. “I know some pretty intimate information about you and Rebecca. You like a woman that can use their mouths and she is an unsatisfied woman; your deal makes sense. But now, it is time for you to suffer!”

Her words sent a chill down his spine as she left the gag around his throat. She wanted to hear him scream and beg for mercy. She wanted to see and hear the life drain out of him as she did not like people that disrespected and betrayed her Alpha and best friend.

The knives were flying in the air as she began to laugh like a maniac. The Wizard screamed in pain as a knife pierced through his skin. The adrenalin rush was getting to her head as she went to throw another knife, aiming for his skull before she heard a whimper.

Freezing in her place, her ears perked at the sound. Her head readjusting that she had heard that specific sound before. Her eyes widening as she remembered that both Jack and Vincent were watching her before she finally heard Jack screaming at her to stop.

Lola was sound asleep as she did not warn Xenia about what she was doing. Dropping the knife as she grabbed her head and stormed out of the torture room. She did not get it, why was her head doing this to her? Why was she acting out like some crazy lunatic? Xenia did enjoy torture but not to death, her victims were taken out by either Jack or Alpha Zander once she was done. She has never finished a job on her own.

“What the hell was that!” Jack screamed, Vincent behind him as his eyes were wide in fear.

Her heart broke at the sight of him. She wanted him to trust her, not fear her but the look on his face says otherwise. “I do not know, Jack! All right!”

“No! It is not all right! I told you to get seen to and we are doing that right fucking now!” Jack commanded, his eyes blazing in fury as he approached her. “I do not know what is going on with you Xenia, but I have never feared you before until today!”

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