The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Four | On The Defend

Xenia skipped down the stairs the next day, a wide smile on her face as Jack smirked at her. The plan was going to be played out in full swing and it was going to be a big one. Rebecca was more than just in the shit, and she had no idea.

She sat down and began to eat her typical bacon, April coming in next as Grace and Jesse followed behind. “Good morning sunshine!” She announced, Jack pouting as he was just about to say the same thing.

“Morning.” April laughed, being pulled into Jack’s lap as she eyed Xenia. “Is he doing plan one?”

“Who is doing what plan?” Grace questioned, her eyes innocently looking around as she sat down next to Xenia. “Where is my daddy?”

“Your daddy?” Jack laughed in amusement while Xenia rolled her eyes.

“Vincent is currently doing something for me to help Alpha Zander.” She replied while ignoring Jack. “Have your breakfast before it gets cold, you too, Jesse.”

They both nodded and began to eat; Xenia could feel both Jack and April’s eyes on her while she watched the kids. She found it sweet that Grace called Vincent and herself, her parents. It was as if they were their own little family and nothing bad has ever happened.

“Anyway, have you gone to the doctor yet?” April questioned Xenia, turning her head and raising an eyebrow in confusion so that she would continue. “For your lack of senses... because well, you are our greatest tracker and now that your nose has decided to poop itself, things are getting harder.”

Xenia held her hand to her heart and pulled a touched face. “Awe, you just said that I am the greatest tracker!” She joked before she held her face in her palm. “I will eventually, I just cannot be bothered.”

“I think maybe you should go.” Jack butted in with a concerned face. “Since you got attacked, your nose is not working how it used to be, your memory is deteriorating, and I have seen you pause in the middle of doing something as if you had completely forgotten what you were doing and that has happened during training as well.”

Xenia sighed; he was right. Something was not right with her, but she had more important things to do than take care of herself. The sake of Alpha Zander and Tilly comes first because Rebecca was the worst form of human being on the planet and Xenia wanted her gone.

“What about Lola? Has she been speaking to you?” April questioned next, Xenia sighing again as an answer as she was getting sick of their worrying. “It is worse than I thought.”

“I am fine!” Xenia finally snapped, standing up as the kids froze in their places. “I am fine, I will get seen when I need to all right? Neither of you have to worry.”

“If you do not get yourself checked by tomorrow, I am telling Vincent.”

Xenia paused at the doorway, her eyes glaring as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I am not surprised Jack, not surprised.”

Xenia looked around the village, her eyes trying to find the very two people that were supposed to be in her line of vision over ten minutes ago. The plan was simple, Vincent would allow Rebecca to give him relationship advice and as they walked, he would slip a truth pill into her drink as she always carried some form of liquid in her hands.

She tapped her foot on the ground with impatience as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. It took her hours to convince him to do this and, in the end, she pulled her shirt up and flashed him her boobs. He was so distracted that he did not realise that he had agreed until she pulled her shirt back down.

And then there was Rebecca. Xenia knew that the bitch would take advantage of Vincent’s innocence and try to manipulate him, but little did she know that they had already mated. Xenia’s stubborn side of herself is now a part of him and even if he did believe the things that came out of her mouth, Xenia would soon get rid of those bad thoughts.

Maybe add a whip in this time if he accepted that of course.

Her eyes caught movement as she sat up a little, his adorable face coming into view first as she smiled to herself. His eyes showed how badly he wanted to run away from Rebecca as she talked his ear off.

Xenia could see how green his eyes were from such a distance as she waved. Vincent’s face beaming as he moved a little faster, Rebecca looking at him in confusion until she saw Xenia and scaled.

“Hello, my adorable pumpkin!” Xenia greeted while Vincent’s face flushed red. “And Rebecca.”

She scoffed, crossing her arms as her can of drink that she was holding, crumbled amongst her hold. “I was sick of talking to your mutt anyway!” She snapped, Xenia’s eyes flashing black with rage as Vincent touched her shoulder. “Where is my man? I need to see him!”

“He is in the garden,” Vincent responded, Xenia, calming her rage as he opened his mouth again. “And for your information, it is Beta to you.”

And with those words he showed his mark, Rebecca’s face dropping before she huffed and stomped away. Xenia’s heart was pounding in her chest as her eyes were wide and her mouth was open in shock. “You just defended yourself.” She mumbled, a wide grin spreading on her face as she threw herself at him in a hug. “YOU DEFENDED YOURSELF!”

He laughed into her neck, taking in her scent as she could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. “I missed you. She said some awful things and she was driving me mad!”

Xenia pulled back, rubbing her nose against his while she looked into his eyes. “Fuck it, she is dead meat really soon anyway. Whatever comes out of her mouth means nothing.”

He nodded, kissing her lips as some Pack members close by gasped and ran off. Because of that, she deepened it, fighting for dominance with their tongues while her fingers tangled in his hair. The taste of him driving her mad as she wanted to tear his clothes off again and take him on this very wall before he pulled back with a laugh. “Thank you.”

Xenia frowned, twirling his hair in her fingers while his hands rubbed circles on her back. “What for?”

“For being by my side. For helping me get stronger and step up for myself. For helping me realise that I deserve better than the life I used to have, and for helping me realise that I deserve you.”

His words sent a warm feeling in her heart as she kissed him again, her eyes tearing as her smile widened even more. “Never thank me for that. I love you and I will do it over and over again if I have to, just to see you smile.”

Vincent froze, his eyes widening as she stared at him in confusion. “Y... You love me?”

She did not realise what she had said until he spoke, her eyes widening a little as well before she shrugged. It was too late now to turn back. “Yes, I love you. So much so that it physically pains me to see you hurt or in any form of pain or to see you cr-”

Vincent cut her off, placing a finger to her lips as she pouted in protest. “I love you too.”

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