The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Seven | Kink

Vincent’s heart jumped as Xenia stirred in her sleep. The couch that he was sitting on was not the most comfortable thing in the world, but he had to stay by her side. His gut tugged at him that he could not leave despite his conflicting fear.

He was not afraid of her and that was what creeped him out. The way she turned completely while she tortured the traitor sent a weird shiver down his spine and his face turned red even thinking about it.

His brain then took him back to that day. The way her body felt against his and the intense amount of pleasure that shot through him. Vincent jumped again; his eyes wide as he had to shake those thoughts off. The way her breasts curved as she rolled over caused him to gulp and look away.

Xenia was distracting, even in her sleep as he tried to think of why he felt the way he did. He was not afraid of her after witnessing what she was capable of and that terrified him. He was beaten and broken down his entire life and yet when he turned his eyes back to Xenia, she was still this ray of light that he was afraid of losing.

Blaze stirred inside of him thinking about losing her, the pain was unbearable as he stared at her while she slept and found himself taking some strands of hair out of her face. Her sleeping state purred at his touch before she smiled.

Vincent felt his heart pick up again from her actions while he traced her face. Everything about her drove him crazy as he tried not to think about losing her. He tried to convince himself that it was only Wolfsbane and that after the treatments, Xenia will be back to her normal self, but it was hard.

“Wake me up like this every morning.” Xenia hummed as his hand froze, his eyes widening as he went to pull back, but her wide, brown eyes froze him in place. “What is it?”

He did not know what to say as he could not look away from her eyes. His throat was drying as he felt his eyes suddenly tearing, the confusion that he felt hitting him all at once as he felt her cup his face. Xenia’s concerned face directed at him as she waited for an answer, but he did not know how to answer. So instead, he shook his head and tried to pull a Xenia as he liked to call it. “I... I am fine.”

She pouted, her eyebrows frowning as he found himself getting distracted by her lips again. “Bullshit, you cannot pull a me. I am the one in the hospital bed, not you, so tell me!”

He went to open his mouth and respond with the most pathetic answer, but he knew her better than that. If he tried to lie then she would scream at him or flash him again and as much as he loved her body, he did not want to deal with his little issue again. “I do not want to lose you.”

His words slipped out of his mouth before he realised what he had said, that was not what he wanted to say as he felt his face begin to burn. Her eyes softened as she leaned in and kissed his forehead. “Is that why you have been staring into space? You do not have to worry, I am fine.”

His skin tingled from her lips while her hands soothed his nerves. Vincent could not help but shake his head however as she did not know why he was zoning out. “No, that is... that is something else.”

Xenia raised an eyebrow, pulling back as she crossed her arms. He missed her touch instantly as he internally complained but shook it off. “There is something else? Like how I scared you yesterday?”

“N... No! No, not that.” He quickly said as his breath hitched. Was it a good idea to say what he felt when he watched her yesterday? Probably not, but the way she was looking at him caused him to crumble into an awkward mess. “You... You were hot... yesterday.”

Xenia grinned, her eyes widening as he could tell that she was holding back a laugh. “Wait, you were not scared of me! You were turned on!”

Vincent felt his face burn even hotter as he wriggled his body around in his spot in discomfort. “No... yes... maybe. I do not know.”

His response caused her composure to break as she began to laugh. Her head tilted back as his ears perked at the sound. A small smile forming on his face knowing that he was the reason for her happiness. Her tearing face turned red as she widened her eyes at him. “You... You have a torture kink!” She cried out, starting up again as he rolled his eyes but watched her make fun of him anyway.

“It is not like you do not have one.” He mumbled as he crossed his arms not realising that she had heard him as she answered.

“Oh, I do!” She smirked, leaning in as her face came close to his mark. His breath hitching while he felt her lips graze his skin. His body went crazy as he felt his pants tighten, her teeth biting his ear before he heard himself moan and shiver. And then, just as it started, it ended. Xenia pulled back as her smirk formed into a wider smirk than before. “See, that is my kink. Hearing you moan.”

Vincent sat there stunned as his brain was completely fogged. Trying to adjust himself in his seat before he pouted and glared. “I know what happens between Alpha Zander and Rebecca. And I am not telling you now.”

Xenia gasped, gripping his shoulders before shaking him like a mad man. “Tell me! Tell me!”

He felt sudden power come over him as he eyed her. Xenia’s desperation was an excuse for him to be able to touch her again. “I will.” He stated as his heart exhilarated with nerves. “But you have to fix my problem that you started first.”

Xenia pulled back for a second as she wriggled her eyebrows. “Come here then.”

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