The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Eight | The Truth

The hot water washed over her skin as she could still feel the after-effects of Vincent’s touch. He was getting better, much better and she could not be more thankful and blessed. Washing her hair with a smile on her face as she had also gotten the information that she was waiting for.

In just thirty minutes, the entire Pack was gathering for Rebecca’s trial. Xenia had to roll her eyes from the late news, Vincent had known the entire time but allowed her to sleep before saying anything and even then, she had to wait until she fixed his little issue that she caused him.

Thinking about that made her smile again. Her effect on him was a massive ego boost and she did not have to do much. Turning the water off, she stepped out and got ready to leave. Xenia was looking forward to leaving this place and to sleep in her own bed, the hospital had always given her the creeps and she was grateful for Vincent as he had stayed with her the entire night.

Even now, he was currently waiting for her as he had already showered and gotten himself ready. The Packhouse was so close to the hospital that he ran over and came back faster than she could pee. It was as if he did not want to be away from her and Xenia wondered if it was because of his newfound kink that she found hilarious.

“Are you ready?” She questioned as she stepped out of the shower, Vincent in his own little world as she noticed the hickey forming on his neck and questioned whether he knew about it or not. She was not going to say anything just to see what would happen while she snickered to herself.

He snapped out of it as he blinked a couple of times and slowly nodded. Xenia could tell that he was in discomfort, but she had to defend herself. He initiated it and she did not turn it down, touching him was like grabbing an electric fence. An adrenaline rush that she was addicted to and craved more of.

They made their way out, waving at the asshole doctor that she officially hated as she knew he heard their little commotion in her room. Stepping outside as she breathed in the fresh air and smiled widely, her spirits high as today was a good day, and nothing could ruin that.

Feeling eyes on her, she opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow towards Vincent as he answered her unasked question. “You look beautiful when you smile.”

A warm feeling hit her chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. Their movement nearly got heated again as she pulled back and rested her forehead on his. “So is yours.” She mumbled while he played with her shirt. “Let us go and see this bitch get taken down!”

He chuckled, pecking her one last time before they linked hands and made their way towards the gathering. Some Pack members stared at their linked hands in disgust as she growled at them in warning. Their judgemental opinions meant nothing to her, but she knew that it affected Vincent and for that, she protected him as much as possible. Their nasty judgement was never going to change her love for her angel.

“Damn girl! You are glowing!” Jack announced while he walked over. Xenia stared at him in confusion as the last time she saw him, he was pissed at her. “I am sorry for yesterday, Xenia. I love you so much sis and it hurts to see you neglect yourself.”

Her heart swelled at his words as she smirked and bumped Vincent on his shoulder. “He is in love with me, you have competition.”

Vincent rolled his eyes while he boldly opened his mouth. “I know how to do that thing that you like with my tongue. He has nothing on me.”

Both Vincent and Jack froze in their places while Xenia began to laugh. Jack stood in his place just as stunned as Vincent as his eyes were wide in shock. “Holy shit! You really have given him confidence. I do not know whether I should be proud or disgusted.”

“Both.” She giggled out before kissing Vincent’s cheek. “I know I am proud.”

His cheeks reddened but instead of looking away, he stared back into her eyes and warmly smiled back at her. The improvement in him was slow but damn, was it worth it. The small changes that were happening inside of him caused a warmth inside of her that made her want to push him more. She wanted to see him in his full glory and Xenia could feel him getting closer.

“Anyway, do you accept my apology? I do not want to be mad at my sister anymore.” Jack muttered with a pout.

Xenia scoffed as she wrapped an arm around him to give him a hug. “Already forgotten and besides, I should be apologising for not getting looked at sooner.”

“We can throw this shit out all day and I forgive you for that, but I just heard some people talking and it is almost time,” Jack stated while he eavesdropped on a conversation that was beside them.

Xenia turned to Vincent as she tugged on his hand to have him follow her. She might not be able to do her normal duties anymore, but she could do one thing as a Beta and that was, to stand beside her Alpha. With her mate right by her side and he had no idea what was coming for him.

Their feet moved across the field as she noticed the platform and began to climb the steps. Vincent tugged back before she smiled and pulled him up with her. His face showed shock and fear as she held onto his arm for comfort. Alpha Zander was already on the stage with Tilly by his side, Rebecca and the Wizard tied down by their hands while they were currently on their knees.

“Hello, Luna Tilly!” Xenia loudly greeted. The woman turned red as she softly waved and hid behind Alpha Zander in embarrassment. “She is so cute!”

“You say that about everybody.” Alpha Zander commented as he waited for everyone’s arrival to start.

Xenia shrugged as she placed her head on Vincent’s shoulder, feeling his body relax little by little from her soft touch on his hand and arm. “Only to the ones I approve of.”

Neither of them said a thing after that as the last remaining people arrived. Alpha Zander cleared his throat while the entire Pack stopped talking and listened. “Good evening, Firefly Pack. I would like to start off by saying that I wish this gathering were placed under better circumstances but sadly, it is not. For the ones that are unaware, this Werefox right here is my one and true mate.” The crowd gasped, Alpha Zander, holding a hand up to quiet them down before he continued. “Yes, that does sound confusing and for a while, I was also lost. That was until I decided to confront Tilly in person and because of that action, things became clear to me. As if some ′spell′ was lifted off me and for the first time in three years, I was finally seeing the truth.”

The way he empathised ′spell′ placed a smirk on Xenia’s lips. Squeezing Vincent’s hand in excitement as she could not wait to see Rebecca’s punishment. “Your Luna Rebecca is not your Luna and never has been. She manipulated me into thinking that we were mates just so she could get the Luna title. She exchanged sexual favours to many Wizards to get a mate binding spell and this very Wizard here was the one to give it to her.” He paused, his eyes surveying the crowd before glaring down at the two pathetic things kneeling below him. “All of this information was brought to light thanks to my loyal family. Your new male Beta Vincent Mason helped me by placing a truth serum in her drink and because of that helpful trick, I learned everything, and it all came from her mouth as a confession.”

Xenia grinned as she stared up at Vincent once he was addressed by his official title. His eyes were wide as she could tell that he could not believe it. Kissing his shoulder in support, she placed her head back down with a wide, beaming smile on her face. “Now, to the main reason, we are all gathered here today. The punishment that I have thought of will be placed for both criminals. This was a hard but also easy decision, and I would like to ask that all children be removed so that they cannot see this punishment. Gamma Jack, could you please bring out the nooses.”

From his words, women began to gather all the children. Grace complained that she wanted to watch while Xenia held back her laugh. She did not know about the hanging, but it made sense. The stage and the two giant beams did indicate that some form of death was going to happen, but she did not think hanging was the official decision.

Jack walked on stage, getting the ropes prepared while Rebecca sobbed her eyes out. The old mark on her neck was completely gone as Alpha Zander had destroyed him. The process of breaking a mating bond was painful as you had to slice the mark off yourself with a blade. Xenia felt her eyes tear up just thinking about him having to do that just so he could mate with Tilly when she was ready.

Her heart then dropped for Tilly. That boy sucked in bed thanks to his open confession and Xenia now felt sorry for the poor girl.

Maybe gifting her a toy will help her out.

“All done Alpha,” Jack spoke, bowing down before he walked over to stand beside Vincent.

Alpha Zander nodded, looking towards Xenia as she knew what to do. Letting go of Vincent, she walked over and picked up Rebecca by her ropes. Rebecca cried out even louder as she rolled her eyes and forced her to climb the small steps to place the rope around her neck. Then doing the same to the silent Wizard before making her way back into Vincent’s arms again, his hand wrapping around her waist while she hugged his own.

“Any last words?” Alpha Zander asked, hand on the trigger while Rebecca just sobbed.

The Wizard nodded as he turned his grey eyes to Vincent. “Enjoy her while you still have her.”

And with that the trigger was pulled, the floor opening under their feet as Xenia felt a cold shiver run down her spine. Her eyes widening as she looks around the crowd. “Oh no.”

“What the hell is going on here?!”

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