The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twelve | Vincent's Mysteries

Vincent found himself emerging in the sounds of the running river, the flow of the water laying upon his eyes seemed almost mocking while he stared with slow, blinking eyes. His mind was in a near blank state, while the soft wind blew at his coat of hair. His tail wrapped around his laying body while his face gently rested on top of his paws.

For once it was nice to sit on his own and think about absolutely nothing. To not have to worry about his surroundings and environment or even have the fear of a Pack member finding him to torture him.

However, he still had Blaze. The annoyingly frustrating, other half of him that could only think about sex and sex alone. If it were not for Vincent’s willpower to hold Blaze back, he does not know what that wolf of his would do.

Vincent found himself holding a grudge against Blaze, he was only supposed to take over for a short period of time, which was what they agreed on. Not for two, almost three days. He was more than angry, he was enraged. He wanted to completely pretend that Blaze did not exist at all because of what he had done and worst of all was the fact that he had to watch. He had to watch Blaze, tease Xenia, and almost mark her on the spot before he found the sudden strength to fight back for control.

Blaze’s one goal was to mark and mate her, but Vincent did not want that, not yet anyway. At the thought of her, he felt his heart pick up speed. She was more than just a Beta or even a well-trained killer, she was feisty. She was brave, she was confident, she was beyond attractive, and most of all, she was way out of his league.

And yet, she still had not rejected him. She has instead welcomed him into her home. He has met her small family and has even been forced into a friendship with the most annoying male he has ever met. Jack was a whole different species to have such stinky gas come out of his body.

Sighing he placed his eyes down into his paws even more before tilting them back up to stare at the water again. A few trout swimming by in the shadows of water before he felt sudden sparks hit his back.

At first, he jumped with fright and almost instinctively flinched away until he realised that it was Xenia. Her hand softly running through his coat as he found himself internally groaning in pleasure. His body shivered at her touch while her eyes looked down at him in amazement.

He could not help himself but to move and place his face into her lap, her small giggle making him wag his tail in excitement before she played with his ears. Her touch was addicting, and he craved more with every second. His eyes did not leave her face while he observed her.

Xenia was so olive and fine. Her skin tone was so gorgeous that he had to cringe at his own white complexion. Her raven black hair was a bundle of curls that he knew frustrated her to no end as she had a habit of flicking it out of her face every five minutes. Her eyebrows shaped her heart-shaped face almost flawlessly as his eyes contacted her own. The brown of her eyes placed him into an awed state as he could see the swirls of gold throughout them. Her button nose he loved most as she would crinkle it whenever she had seen someone that she did not like, and Xenia did not like anyone. And then, her lips, so plump and pink that he craved to touch them, to feel them but he stopped himself every time he dared to think about it.

He knew it was wrong to hesitate, but he could not help it. Past trauma had placed him into a state of nerves and tremors. His past used to haunt his every move before she found him and sometimes it still does but then he looks at her when she is not looking, and his mind starts to think positive.

The nerves in his system skyrocketed to no end but at the same time, they disappear when she is around. She does things to his brain that both fascinates and confuses him at the same time. Hence his hesitation to speak, it was not that he did not know what to say, it was the fact that she amazed him so much that he finds himself completely speechless.

“You know, you are the only one that I actually like.” She stated in a matter-of-fact way with a chuckle. “Everyone else pisses me off and is bloody annoying as hell.”

Vincent felt his heart skip again at her words. Xenia doing it again, his brain going numb at the sound of her voice while he laid there and stared up at her with interested eyes. He loved everything that came out of her mouth, and it could be anything. As long as she spoke to him, he was at peace because she was his peaceful place.

“Are you really interested to know why I am mad?” She suddenly questioned; Vincent could feel his ears pulling down as an indication that he did not like what she had said while he refused to change the expression on his face. “I guess so, April has this fetish of us mating and wants to know all about it.”

With those words he felt himself jerk up in shock, whining in embarrassment as she laughed at his reaction. Her giggles instantly sent a shiver down his spine as her laugh was officially his new favourite sound.

He found himself snuggling back into her again as she began to talk. His eyes not looking away from her own while he admired her. His brain kicked in as he listened to her speak, he wanted to be strong like her. He wanted to be as determined and stubborn. He wanted to be her match and the only way to do that is to train and to keep training until he sees that he matches her.

Vincent could not see himself without her in his life and knowing that she was protecting him and fighting for his rights both hurt him and made him admire her even more than he already does.

And as he looked up at her, he set two goals for himself. Match her to be the perfect mate that she deserves and to get rid of his stutter.

Because the day he tells her that he loves her is the day he refuses to mess up because of his speech.

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