The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Eleven | Annoying Woman

Xenia growled and grumbled under her breath, stocking the weapons into their rightful place while she tried to ignore the nagging of April. Tried being the keyword while April talked and talked as if she had nothing else to do. Xenia’s eyes rolled to the back of her head while she felt her anger and frustration rise with every second that April talked.

“And it is not like you guys have not been apart this whole time, like come on! When am I going to see that mark on your neck? When am I going to get those juicy details? When-”

“I will give you to the count of three to fuck off!” Xenia warned, her back facing April as she scoffed.

“You give me that warning every time I talk to you, Xenia.” April laughed, Xenia could already see her with her arms crossed and a smug look on her face. “What are you going to do? Pretend to chase me?”

Xenia hummed, her hands running along with the handle of a spear while she thought. Just one simple move and April would be dead, one simple move and she will find peace and quiet for the rest of her life. Xenia could see it now, luxury at its finest.

With those thoughts in mind, she swiftly pulled the spear out and aimed for April’s stomach, her high-pitched scream of surprise pleased Xenia’s ears while she attacked. April fought her off with wide, blue eyes of fear as she tried to beg Xenia to stop but she refused. April was too annoying to not scare her to death.

April dodged another one of her blows with a shaky breath, her hands held out to defend herself. “Please, do not kill me!”

“Who is killing who?”

Xenia dropped the spear with a scale on her face. Turning her head around to see Rebecca standing there with a judgmental look on her face. “What do you want?”

Rebecca raised an eyebrow, her blond hair swishing around her head as it was tied up into a high ponytail, making her face look pulled back and ridiculous looking. “I came here for April. I did not expect to find you here.”

Xenia frowned, gesturing around the training grounds with a confused look on her face. “Are you that dumb or just flat-out stupid?”

“I think my sister was going to say, hi Luna, nice to see you on this fine day!” April interrupted through gritted teeth, her eyes glaring at an unbothered Xenia while she spoke. “What did you need me for?”

Trying to pretend to be unbothered by Xenia’s words, Rebecca pulled a fake smile as her eyes glistened with a look that made Xenia sigh. She knew that look all too well. “Well, you see, as you and I have an active... intimate lives. I was wondering if you had any remedies for the pain?”

Amongst hearing those words slip out of her mouth, Xenia gagged and began to pack the rest of the spears away. There was no way in hell that she was going to listen to that conversation as Rebecca has had it out for her about the whole sex topic. It was not like Xenia had not thought about it, it was the fact that she refused to sleep with anyone other than her mate and nobody respected that.

It was her body, her choice, and yet, Rebecca accuses her of sleeping with Alpha Zander one minute and then tries to smother in her face that she sleeps with him every night within that very same minute. The bitch was more bipolar than people with actual bipolar.

“Warm baths help, what do you think Xenia?” April asked, Xenia’s ears annoyingly paying more attention than she wanted.

Turning around after placing the last spear into the holder, she crossed her arms and smirked. “Well, after I am done with my vibrator, I roll over and go to sleep. I do not have to worry about the clean-up and the asshole snoring next to me after giving me five seconds of nothing, so I do not know. I live a life of multiple orgasms, unlike some people.”

And with that said she turned and walked away with her smirk spreading wider than it could possibly go. She knew that Rebecca would instantly be triggered. Alpha Zander has stated himself that he sucks in bed and does not last very long. She also knows from first-hand experience that he snores louder than a rooster could crow and that was just one night of having to stay in another pack.

The thought of Alpha Zander pissed her off, both Jack and Zander himself have gone to a neighbouring Pack without her to talk about what happened and to see if they have had any rogue issues. She was no longer on bed rest, she could have gone but according to them, she needs more time. More time for what? She does not know but there is one thing she does know and that was, those two were going to pay when they got back.

Balling her fists in anger as she walked, she had not taken care or notice of where she was going until she heard the sounds of water flowing. A small smile formed on her face as she felt herself relax, the water sounds calming her instantly as she broke through the tree line and decided to walk along the water’s edge.

It had been a while since she was last at this river. Xenia’s work life has taken over everything and at first, she did not care, work was a priority over everything but then her parents decided to travel the world with Alpha Zander’s, and she now feels lost. Xenia never really got along with her parents but once they were gone, she felt alone.

And that lonely feeling consumed her up until the day she saw Vincent.

His timid, afraid self, standing there staring at her as all she could see was the mirror of herself. He was the version of her that she hides and knowing that was terrifying. Xenia shook her head, eyes on the ground as her senses picked up on a smell.

His smell as she lifted her head and felt herself gasp in amazement. His wolf looked down at the water as he was huge and pure white. He is not the first pure white wolf she has seen before but with him, he was different.

Oh, so different.

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