The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Ten | Roles Reversed

Her patience was running thin. Every inch of her being wanting to throw a fit of rage while she sat and stared out the window with a glare on her face.

It had been two days and it was two days too long. Xenia wanted to be out there and train. She wanted to get back to work and do her job instead of sitting in her room doing nothing but binge-watch trashy TV.

April was of no use as she was more of an annoying nuisance just like her beloved mate. Alpha Zander had his own mate issues and the Pack to run and Vincent, well Vincent was more like Blaze. His wolf who for some reason wanted to stick around longer than she thought. No matter how hard she tried to get Vincent back, Blaze refused and stuck to sleeping on her floor at night and treated her like his own personal patient during the day.

He was currently flicking through her phone while she grumbled nonsense under her breath. His scent took up her entire space as she did not enjoy his wolf as much as she thought she would. He was a possessive, stubborn asshole that refused to allow her to do anything.

Xenia could not pee without him standing outside the door.

“What are you grumbling about dear mate?” Blaze spoke but all she could hear was Vincent. Her stuttering Vincent and it did not sit right with her.

So instead, she sat there and ignored him. Her arms crossed over her chest while she kept her eyes out and watched the warriors from down below. She was fed up with his shit, she wanted her man back, she wanted to see those gorgeous green eyes again but instead, all she got was black. Dark and hollow black.


Her name flawlessly coming out of his mouth sent a shiver down her spine. Lola purring inside of her as she had to keep her cool. He will try anything to get a reaction.

The sounds of his feet coming towards her nearly made her turn to look in curiosity as he stopped directly behind her and bent down. His breath made contact with her neck as she felt her breath hitch, his close proximity causing her stomach to flip while he rested his hands on her shoulders and brushed a few strands of hair out of the way.

She could feel his eyes on the place where he will be marking her, but she refused to acknowledge any of this. His touch drove her crazy as the sparks were doing their thing on her. Xenia’s entire body was close to being a shivering mess and she hated it.

“I do not like being ignored, Xenia.” He whispered against her ear, his voice husky and deep while the warmth of his breath sent another shiver down her spine.

Xenia closed her eyes, keeping her temper at bay while her hormones skyrocketed. “Bring him back and maybe I will change my mind!” She growled through gritted teeth.

Blaze chuckled, his lips grazing her skin as she held back the embarrassing moan that she felt coming on. “Defiant as always. Be more naughty and I will have to punish you.”

Then before she could remember how to breathe, he pulled away and walked out of the room. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest while she felt her cheeks redden. The way he emphasised the word ′punish′ sent an excited but terrified chill throughout her body. Her hormones were not helping her case while she sighed and ran her hands down her face.

“For fucks sacks!”

Night had fallen quickly while she laid in bed wide awake. Her mind raced from what happened a few hours ago and what made it worse was the fact that he came back and acted as if nothing happened.

Xenia’s eyes widened as she came to a sudden realisation, she was turning into a girl!

The over analysing, the overthinking, the weird obsession with Vincent and his asshole wolf. Her own body was even betraying her as she casually looked down to see him sleeping on the floor, his breaths hollow and slow. If she did not know any better, her body would have made her jump his bones by now, but she had to keep that side contained. No matter how much his touch affected her physically, she had to keep her clothes on.

Groaning in sexual frustration she sat up and looked around the darkroom. Her own dark eyes frowning in annoyance while she silently removed the covers from her legs and placed them on the floor. The cool wooden flooring, making her shiver as she grabbed a hoodie and some socks from her closet. Slipping out of the door soon after as she kept her eyes on Vincent to make sure he did not wake up.

The cold night slightly helped her think about something else other than him while she wandered the halls and found herself in the kitchen.

Turning on the light, she did not fancy anything to eat as she stood and looked around. A few unwashed dishes were placed on the counter and the countertops and floor needed to be scrubbed since the last time they were cleaned was when Vincent decided to be a maid again.

The thought of him cleaning, caused a chuckle to slip through her lips. Pulling up her sleeves as she walked over to the dishes and ran the sink full of hot water and dish soap. Washing the few dishes did not take her long as she dried and put them away.

Her mind was still wildly active, however, as she made her way into the laundry and gathered supplies to clean. The counter being wiped down and scrubbed as Xenia was determined to make the marble sparkle.

Her next mission was the floor, knowing mops do fuck all, she went down onto her hands and knees and began to scrub. Her grunts of annoyance came out as she could not scrub off a bit of dirt before she heard a throat being cleared.

The sudden sound caused her to jump and look up with wide eyes to meet green ones. Xenia felt her breath hitch, Vincent standing at the doorway looking down at her the same way she had looked at him but what really shocked her was something else.

Blaze gave him back control.

He was back!

Relief washed over her as she quickly stood and threw herself at him. Her arms wrapping around his waist while she smiled like an idiot. “Never, never listen to me when I ask to talk to your wolf!”

His body was frozen solid. His breath seemed to hitch as she could already feel his face heating up which caused her smile to widen even further. “O... Okay?”

Xenia did not want to let go but she knew she had to. Pulling away as she went back to what she was doing, Vincent’s shocked state watched her in silence.

It was not like he could make her go back to bed, her determination was too strong as she finished up and cleaned everything while she held her hands to her hips.

Vincent wanted to say something but his words could not form once his eyes wandered down to her bare legs. Her hoodie was long enough to where she looked like she was not wearing anything at all.

Her eyebrow arched as a wide smirk formed onto her lips. “You want to watch a movie?”

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