The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Nine | Captivated

“It was Wolfsbane, Alpha. It was a high enough dosage that would kill any normal wolf but thankfully Xenia is a Beta with strong genes. She will be fine as long as she takes it easy for a few days.”

Xenia heard a shuffle and a grunt as she slowly came to consciousness. “W... when will she w... wake up?”

Vincent’s timid voice spoke through next as her wolf softly purred. Her senses came back to her next as she could smell Alpha Zander, Jack, Vincent, and of course the doctor. “Anytime now Beta, sir.”

“That will be all, thank you.” Alpha Zander dismissed before she could hear the sounds of feet shuffling and a door being closed. As much as she loved being asleep, not being able to open her eyes was slowly getting on her nerves.

Her brain tried to remember what had happened, but she could only think of blurred moments. A stranger, a weird message, a straw, and sudden pain starting from her shoulder. Although the time frame was more than just a few minutes, she felt like it had happened in a matter of seconds.

This was not the first time she has had an encounter with Wolfsbane and probably would not be her last. She was warned the last time it happened, that she was near death and somehow survived and now knowing that she had another close encounter made her wonder if the moon goddess had something planned for her. Which was a long stretch the more Xenia thought about it, but it was a nice thought.

“H... Her hand... ” Vincent gasped out, Xenia feeling her body come to the realisation that she was indeed, waking up with a fight.

Then slowly, she felt her eyes open and then instantly close again because of the blinding light coming from the hospital window. Her hand came up towards her face while she scaled in annoyance. “Fuck that window!”

“And she is back!” Jack laughed, walking up to the window before closing the blinds. “Nice to see your cherry smile as always.”

“Suck a dick!” She growled, Lola, yawning in wonder as she was also waking up. “What exactly happened?” Xenia questioned.

The room fell silent, her eyes locking with Vincent’s as his face reddened and his eyes widened making her raise an eyebrow and look over towards a confused Alpha. “I am not exactly sure.” He hummed, shoving his hands in his pockets while he thought. “One moment you were on patrol and then the next... ”

“Vinny’s wolf decided to fuck us all up.” Jack interrupted, his grin widening while his blue eyes sparkled with pride. “Damn that wolf is strong.”

Xenia felt her shock hit her mind before her face formed into many different forms of emotions. Everyone has a wolf, she knew that but for some odd reason, the idea of Vincent having a wolf weirded her out. He was so timid and well... Vincent that she did not think that he had that side of him, especially a side that was so strong. But how strong? She did not know. “What did he do?”

“How about we talk about what happened first.” Alpha Zander sighed, Xenia pouting in protest too which he ignored. “Do you remember anything specific?”

Xenia nodded. “I came across a scent. The guy knew how to hide it, which was the first red flag, so Lola followed it.” Her eyes frowned thinking about that weird detail while Vincent’s ears perked up at the sound of Lola’s name. “We followed it for a while before he decided to show himself. He was being super cryptic, he said he was here with a message and a warning. I think the warning was pretty clear but the message... I do not quite understand it.”

“What was it?” Jack questioned; his arms crossed against his chest as he intensively listened. “That bastard will pay for hurting my sister!”

Xenia rolled her eyes and scoffed before continuing. “He said ′return what is his and there will be no war’, I do not understand it. Unless it has something to do with Alpha Gary again.”

Alpha Zander grunted, his eyes frowning while he nodded. “I agree. It definitely has something to do with that guy. We did take at least eighty percent of his Pack from him so naturally; he would want revenge. He had already made it clear that he will make us pay and maybe get this guy to cross our lands and poison you. This is only just the beginning.”

Jack came up towards the bed and ruffled her hair. “As a third hand man, I will work for you while you recover. Let us go to your office and investigate this further, we will keep you updated Xenia.”

“Of course.” She growled, crossing her arms after fixing her hair. “If I do not hear anything in twenty-four hours, I am kicking both of your asses.”

Alpha Zander chuckled while he stood and proceeded to leave with Jack trailing behind. “Naturally.”

As soon as the door closed, Xenia could not help herself but look over towards Vincent. His eyes looking out the window in thought, his arms crossed over his chest and feet casually placed on the ground while he sat on the ledge. The sun’s rays made his hair seem brighter and the reflection of his green eyes made them pop out even more. He was one fine-looking man, and she could not be happier about it.

Too bad he was super shy and easy to pick on.

“I want to talk to your wolf.”

Vincent jumped, his eyes going towards her as his cheeks reddened again. “I... I do not t... think that is a g... good idea.”

Xenia frowned. “And why not? I will show you, Lola. She refuses to shut up about you.”

Girl, you did not just-′


Vincent sat in silence while she chuckled at Lola and her grumbling about being caught out like that. She could not help herself; Vincent was the number one topic in her mind and Lola seemed to not mind about that at all.

“O... Okay.” He mumbled; his hesitation so evident that she was about to tell him that he did not need to, but his wolf was faster. His green eyes instantly went black in seconds as that timid, shy boy turned into a growling, rage of anger.

His dark eyes glaring towards her direction as she could feel the power behind the anger. His low growls sent a shiver down her spine as she found it oddly alluring and a massive turn-on.

His steps came towards her in a stalker-like way while she refused to break eye contact. The whole thing amusing her to her core while she watched and waited for him to make his move.

What she did not expect was for him to wrap himself around her in his arms tightly and take in her scent like his life depended on it. Her body froze as the mate bond sent a million forms of sparks throughout her body. The new feeling made her feel different emotions that she has never had before as she found herself slowly relaxing and allowing him to do his thing.

And that was where she found herself. Wrapped up in Vincent’s arms for the next six hours as his wolf refused to let her go.

And refused to speak.

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