The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Eight | Another Rogue After Another

Xenia perched her ears. The trees swayed in the wind while she stood in place and surveyed her surroundings. She could have sworn that her eyes and scenes were not betraying her while Lola took over and began to softly trot.

Her steps were quiet and stealthy as she avoided any form of sound that she could make. The border came into sight while she kept herself in the shadows. Lola tilted her head as she slowly arched her body down in a lying position. ′I lost them, Xenia. How could I have lost them?

Do not worry Lolo. You have not lost them; they will show themselves again.′ Xenia comforted, gaining control again as they sat and waited.

It was not common for rogues to disappear so quickly. They are not skilled enough to be able to do that let alone hide their scents. Only Pack members can do such a thing but only if they were born with that specific genetic, but it was still rare.

At the corner of her eye, she saw a dark shadow run past. Her head snapping towards its direction before standing and slowly following it with careful strides.

Her stomach growled, indicating that she has not eaten in over forty-eight hours, but she did not care and pushed it aside. She has been too busy to worry about food, Xenia was a Beta female, and she had a job to do.

Her mind then went to Vincent. His embarrassed face while he ate his food in front of her, the pillow covering her chest while she watched him. Jack was known to do some funny, dickhead stuff but Vincent was something else. He was her something else and she would never have it any other way.

“You are too distracted little girl!”

Xenia whipped around in seconds. Her teeth bearing while drool came out through her growling. Her back arched ready to pounce and attack while her eyes glared towards the strange man. His scent was familiar, but she could not place it. ′Get out of my territory before I rip out your vocal cords!′ She spat through the mind link.

The guy chuckled and pretended to fear her by gasping. “I am simply here to deliver a message, nothing else.”

Xenia perked her ears at his words, her senses not picking up anyone else other than him. ′What is it?′

“I am here to deliver a message and a warning.” He spoke, his mouth forming into a smirk. “Return what is his and there will be no war.”

Xenia kept her eyes on him with caution and suspicion while she listened to his every word. ′What is the warning?′

Instead of answering her, he swiftly pulled out what looked to be a straw and blew into it.

Her brain could not register with her body as a small dart shot out and hit her shoulder in seconds. Agonising pain shooting through her seconds later as Lola howled in pain and for help.

The man disappeared in seconds while she felt her body shift and collapse. Pain shot through her entire body as she felt numb, her heart slowing down as her breath began to get hollow. Lola is no longer with her as she tried to fight with no luck.

Loud, thumping feet and the ground vibrating with it was the only thing she could find herself concentrating on as she felt her eyes close and the feeling of death following straight after.

Vincent watched in horror as Jack bounced on the balls of his feet. His fists in the air while he held a wide smirk to his lips. “Come on Vinny, hit me!”

Vincent shook his head, looking around to find a place to escape from this madman before he got himself killed. “Y... You are t... to happy.” He mumbled out in fear. His eyes caught some warriors watching him before rolling their eyes and continuing with their own training.

Jack sighed, dropping his hands while running his fingers through his dirty blond hair. “Well, if you do not want to train. At least let me help you with your stuttering issue. Xenia thinks it is cute, but it is actually bloody annoying.”

At the sound of Xenia’s name, Vincent froze. His heart skipped a beat in his chest as the thought of her golden-brown eyes crossed his mind. Her hour-glass body standing at his doorway watching him in annoyance because of his stubbornness and her metallic voice talking to him as if he were the only person in the room, sent shivers down his spine.

For a woman so alluring, attractive, and scary, how was she mated to a guy like him?

“S... She thinks t... that I am c... cute?” He questioned, his cheeks going red at the thought of her thinking of him like that.

Jack nodded, smacking Vincent’s back before giving his shoulder a squeeze. “She is your mate, of course, she is going to think that you are cute.” He admits with a chuckle before crossing his arms over his chest. “Once I am done with you, she is going to adore you even more.”

Vincent widened his eyes, the thought of him being able to properly talk without the fear of being hit did make him want to agree to Jack’s offer. He, himself hated his own stuttering but he could not help it.

“I... I do not k... know if i... it would work.” He stated a small frown on his face while Jack rolled his eyes.

“Dude, trust me sh-”

Jack suddenly paused, as did the rest of the pack as a sudden howl of pain shot through the field. Vincent’s heart picked up speed as he felt a sudden pain in his shoulder and hissed. His eyes widening as Jack watches with a distant look in his eyes.

“Stay here!” He commanded, Vincent slowly nodding before Jack ran off.

He could not comprehend what was going on while the Pack scattered into chaos, their worries and cries caused a pain in his chest that he was not fully aware of.

His eyes watching Pack members disappearing behind Jack before minutes passed and Jack reappeared carrying a body. His cries for the Pack doctors and nurses, making Vincent’s ears ring.

But the feeling of his heart dropping into his chest as he laid eyes on the woman in Jack’s arms was what really did it for him.

His feet moving in seconds as he found himself running towards her, whisking her body out of Jack’s arms. He could not hear anything while he looked down at her face and tried to wake her up with no luck.

Her pulse was so thin and barely there but it was still there. She was still there as he slowly lifted his eyes and stared directly into Alpha Zander’s eyes with rage boiling inside of him.


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