The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Seven | Simple Potatoes

“I have never seen you fight for someone before. Like seriously, you are so scary right now that I cannot believe that we are siblings. I cannot believe that... Well actually your glare is really scaring me right now.”

Xenia held her glare on her face. The tree she was casually leaning against, no longer comfortable while she watched Vincent train with some of the Pack warriors. It had been a few days and he was slowly getting better; Rebecca has backed off and Alpha Zander has admitted that he respects her rights to her possessiveness over her mate. Even Jack was acting a little off while he helped Vincent train. Purposely allowing him to take him down while Xenia sighed in defeat. The purpose of the training was to lose and learn not to be allowed to win.

Her attempt at making Rebecca back off from her love life had surprisingly worked. She did not expect Rebecca to submit, and she definitely did not expect Alpha Zander to be so chill about it but he was. Jack, on the other hand, acted as if he was terrified. Xenia knew that he would get over it at some point but when she did not know.

“So, when do you plan on mating?”

“Not everything is about sex, April,” Xenia commented, her eyes straying from her mate to watch the other warrior’s train. “I have better things to think about other than that.”

April threw her hands up in the air as a defence mechanism. “Dude, I am only speaking for what Jack has already voiced to me.” She stated before dropping her hands in her lap. “He is weirded out by the fact that you are so defensive over Vincent and yet, you have not mated with him.”

Xenia’s frown deepened. Sometimes it was as if she was the only one who considered a person’s feelings and emotions. Yes, she acted like a heartless bastard at times, but she still cared enough to consider what a person is mentally and emotionally going through.

“Remember when you were a rogue?” Xenia questioned, April slowly nodding in confusion before Xenia continued. “Remember when you first started in this Pack. You were confused and lost. You were scared shitless and were afraid of your own shadow? That is what he is going through. The abuse that Pack inflicted onto him has left more than just external scarring, so if Jack really wanted to know why I have not mated with Vincent yet? It is because I am not about to force mate the one person who means more to me than this Pack and even you.”

April sat for a moment, her mouth opening and closing as she processed what she just heard. “I did not think about it that way.” She mumbled to herself as her eyes glossed over. “You are incredible, you know that right?”

“Yes, I do know that.” She agreed with a stiff nod before standing. “Now, if you do not mind. I am going to shower and go to bed.”

April smiled, standing as well while the Pack began to part ways for the night. The sun almost disappeared in the distance while her eyes looked around. “Are you not going to eat first?”

“I am not hungry,” Xenia replied. Her response sounded irritated as she just wanted to be left alone at this point. It was not like she did not like the small conversations she would have with April, it was just the fact that she hated talking in general.

She did not find having a conversation all that interesting and preferred to be left alone. That was before Vincent came into the picture, however, but some things still remain the same.

Boiling hot water washed down over her as she washed. Her mind wandered as she stood in thought, her brain completely distracted before she felt the hot water turn ice cold. The sudden change snapped her out of her trance as she hopped out and changed.

But that did not stop her from falling back into her own mind. Her gut screamed at her as she sat down on her bed and glared at the floor. Within the moments of her gut and chest aching in an unknown way, she stood and headed towards her door.

Exiting her room as she walked down the hall. The small walk felt longer than realistically possible before she stood in front of the door and knocked. She waited for a few minutes with no response in return before she knocked again and opened the door.

With a worried look on her face, her eyes wandered around the room before they landed on Vincent staring at his plate full of food that was currently sitting in front of him on a tray. His face held no emotion as he blankly stared at his plate.

For a moment she just watched him. His whole body unmoving as he held nothing for her to read. The plate seemed to be the only interesting thing on the planet as she sighed and made her way over. Taking the plate from the tray and sitting down in front of him before grabbing a spoon and scoping some mashed potato to feed him herself.

Lifting her eyes up to meet his wide ones, she did not miss his gaze flickering down towards her chest a couple of times before he looked away with a red face. To be fair to him, it probably was not the best idea to have walked into his room in just shorts, and a tank top but she knew something was wrong with him and that was his own mental conflict about food.

“Why are you not eating?”

Her sudden voice caused him to jump, his eyes flicking back to her face before looking away again in embarrassment. “I... I am n... not hungry.”

As soon as he spoke, his stomach growled, Xenia smirking instantly as she tilted her head. “Sounds like it.” She commented with a chuckle. “Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose.”

Vincent briefly turned his eyes to look into her own. Their bond hit her in seconds as he sucked in a breath. “W... what?”

“Either you feed yourself while I watch and make sure you eat every last drop, or I force-feed you by sitting on your chest and shoving the food down your throat while you choke.” She casually listened, the thought of the last one making her smile to herself but then again, she was kind of twisted like that.

It was in her nature.

Vincent just stared straight at her. The silence between them almost made her think that he was considering her two options before she watched him grab a pillow and cover her chest with it. The sound of his relieved sigh caused her to laugh out loud.

At first, her laugh started in a small giggle, his eyes widening in shock as she lowered her head and covered her mouth with her hand, and then they turned more violent. She could not contain herself as tears began to stream down her face, his own wide eyes of horror and also amusement carefully watched her as she lost herself for a few moments.

“You are too adorable.” She giggled out as her laughter died down, wiping her tears away with a smile on her face. “Now eat!”

As soon as she had spoken, he grabbed the plate and the spoon she was holding and began to shovel down the food. Her own body freezing in shock as he did not protest with her.

Somehow her chest being covered made him hungry and she had to question what the heck was wrong with him.

That or he finally decided to stop being stubborn.

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