The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Six | A Stupid Bitch

The cold metal scraped across the wall, the scratching sound making her smile to herself as she sensed the muffled scream of her victim. The satisfaction of knowing the person was tied and gagged sent a shiver down her spine and she knew that her little toy in her room was going to be used tonight.

Her knife sparked for a few seconds as she stayed in the darkness, a single light in the middle illuminating the person who was currently looking around in fear. Her hands tied behind her back while she slowly spat out the cloth that was loosely tied around her mouth.

If the stupid bitch knew how to untie something that was not tied in the first place, then you would think that she would know how to keep her nose out of your business.

Essentially when it comes to getting inside the head of your own mate.


The commanding tone of her Alpha caused her to pause in her steps. The banging echoed throughout the darkroom as she took a deep breath. Her wolf whimpered to submit but she could not do that, she could not allow this bitch to walk around and pretend that she did nothing wrong.

Come on Xenia, we all know that she is just jealous of you. You have never retaliated before, just let us in.′ April begged through the mind link. The woman tied to the chair growling in anger after hearing her words. ′We can sort this out if you let us in.

Xenia chuckled. April was a smart girl but sometimes she was massively stupid. Has it not occurred to them yet? Had it not made complete sense to them as to why she is doing this? Has she gone completely insane all because of one person?

Sighing, she stopped pondering over her crazy thoughts and closed the mind link altogether. She did not have time to waste on them while she had better things to do.

Like, interrogate her Luna.

“You like getting into people’s heads, do you not?” Xenia questioned, playing with the blade of her knife as she paced around with silent steps. “You like to toy with a person’s emotions just to get what you want.”

Rebecca scoffed. “I would not have to if you kept your filthy hands off of what is mine!”

She shook her head, frustration forming at the base of her skull alongside the headache Rebecca’s voice placed on her every time she talked. “I pity you.” Xenia chuckled. “Sometimes I wish that I had fucked Zander. Then maybe your paranoid behaviour would be justified but it is not, all because I. HAVE. NEVER. EVER. SLEPT. WITH. HIM!”

Her voice cut through the silence like venom. Even the loud banging had stopped as she spat out each word. “You can scream at me. Blame me for your failing relationship and blame me for every fucked-up insecurity that you have about yourself but NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER MESS WITH MY VINCENT!”

“He is afraid of you,” Rebecca spoke, her body slightly shaking from the fear of Xenia’s power. “He is too scared to reject you because you terrify him.”

“And that is a bad thing?” Xenia questioned calmly. She knew what Rebecca was doing, the thing was, this was not the first time Xenia has interrogated someone. “I will make one thing very clear, you pathetic bitch! Stay away from him! If I find out that you have gotten into his ear and fucked up that adorable fucking brain of his, so God help me, I will fucking kill you! And trust me your death will be slow, very, very slow.”


The loud crash of the door coming off its hinges caused her to roll her eyes. Alpha Zander standing in the doorway looking furious while Jack and April stood with pale faces. “Nice to see you still do not understand the concept of knocking.”

“You really think this is funny?” He questioned, his eyes blazing with anger while he eyed the two of them back and forth. “I am so sick and tired of this shit! Both of you need to grow the fuck up before I demote and reject you.”

Rebecca gasped, her eyes tearing while she shook her head. “Please no, please do not reject me. I... I just cannot live with this woman anymore. She is driving me mad and all you do is protect her! What else am I supposed to do?”

Alpha Zander glared, Xenia could see the hurt behind his eyes as his fight for her and his own pride was still not getting through to his mate. “You are supposed to trust me!”

Xenia rolled her tongue inside of her mouth, playing with the blade as she kept her head down. “Demote me.” She spoke, her statement-making April and Jack widened their eyes in shock, but she did not care. “Demote me, being Beta is no longer my main priority, my mate is. I will protect and heal what is mine, he may be broken, and he may be weaker than a normal male Beta, but he is still a Beta. I do not care who it is that has decided to get into his head, and I do not care how close to me the person is. If anyone thinks for one second that I will allow someone to break him even more than all of you are wrong. My job is to love and support him while he discovers his true potential, and I will never let anyone get in my way!”

With that, she threw the knife. The blade landed directly in front of Alpha Zander’s feet before she made her way out. She had already made her point extremely clear and if anyone decided to disobey, she would not hesitate in killing them.

Vincent was hers. He was the boy that will save her broken, dark soul and she was his. She is the one who will heal his wounds and help him strive into the man she knows he will become because she can feel it. She does not know what type of power she can feel off him, but she knows he has it. She knows that he can use it and take down every last person who had hurt him in the past.

Most of the Pack members had apologised and made up for their mistakes while others are still yet to be revealed. Progress is already being made but he still hides. He still hides under his shy exterior and sweet self and Xenia wants to know why. She wants to know why he is so scared to open his mouth around her without flinching in fear. She wants to know why he is so scared to speak as if she was going to hit him for sharing his opinions. Deep down she knew a part of that was because of the abuse but there was more to it, and she needed to know what.

Even as she walked out of the Pack’s prison chambers and came across the very man she was thinking about, planting flowers with two little girls with a wide, genuine smile on his face, she knew there was something he was hiding. Something that she does not know if she will ever find out what it is.

She just knew that she had to try.

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