The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirteen | Worthy Enough

Xenia walked along the pathway of the village with a grumble to her lips. Her feet carelessly dragged along the ground while she eyed the training grounds with hurt in her heart.

At first, she thought she was being overdramatic but then two days turned into a week, and she couldn’t take it anymore.

Why the fuck is he ignoring me!?′

He is just trying to get stronger.′ Lola tried to reassure, as she also felt hurt from his abandonment. ′Just look at him. After one week he is practically built, and from what Jack has said, he has also improved his speech!′

Xenia sighed, pausing in her steps as she watched Vincent from afar, training with one of the warriors. Lola had a point, he had bulked up quite a lot and she knew pretending that Jack was wrong was the wrong thing to do but she couldn’t help it. She missed him. ′I just want him to talk to me again.

She had to scale herself for acting like a baby, he probably was not ignoring her on purpose, but she still felt the pain. She still felt abandoned by the one person she did not think would abandon her, but her feelings had been playing with her mind. Vincent has not abandoned her as he has stayed, Vincent was not ignoring her even though he has not addressed or even talked to her for a full week.

Trying to convince herself that it was all in her head was slowly driving her insane as she looked away with a sad frown and continued walking. The usual bounce in her step was gone and what was replaced was a sulking, pitiful girl that allowed a boy to get into her heart and hurt her.

Xenia soon found herself walking into the Packhouse, shaking off her emotions as she had to put her work face on. Alpha Zander and Jack were back and formed a meeting with just the three of them. Despite her hatred for them at this point in time, her curiosity took over first, and besides, the asshole that attacked her was her number one person to kill on her ‘To Kill List’, alongside Rebecca of course.

“Good morning our ray of sunshine!” Xenia walked over to the couch and threw herself on it. Jack’s cherry greeting being completely ignored while the boys eyed each other in worry. “No insult? No telling me to shut up?”

Xenia hugged a pillow to her chest, sitting with her legs crossed while she finally looked up at the two idiots in front of her. “What is the rogue situation?”

They looked at each other again, their faces full of confusion and confliction before Alpha Zander shook his head. “All neighbouring Packs have had an increase of rogue attacks. Not enough to where they will need help, but it is getting to the point where there will be too many to control.”

She listened, her hurt aching as she decided to eye the window. The sun was beaming down on them as it was late afternoon. “Do we know why they have been so active lately?”

“Okay, this is weird!” Jack announced. Walking over to Xenia and sitting down on the ground. “What is wrong? We are not continuing this conversation until you spill.”

“I agree.” Alpha Zander said, his brown eyes surveying her like some sort of lost puppy.

Xenia did not want to say what was wrong with her as she did not entirely know herself. Yes, she was upset because of Vincent but it was more of a pride thing. She knew she was being overdramatic, and she definitely did not want to say it out loud knowing that she would sound utterly pathetic.

But as she was about to say that nothing was wrong, her eyes began to tear up. Her chin shook as she forced herself to hold it all back to no avail. Frustration built up inside of her as she tried to think of why she was acting like this but came up empty.

“Oh hell! Now she is crying! Code red!” Jack panicked, his blue eyes widening in fear as he stood and backed off from her. “What do we do? She does not cry!”

Hugging the pillow tighter to her chest, her stomach began to ache next. Her frown formed even deeper as she realised what was going on and groaned out loud.

“Xenia? You need to tell us what is going on.”

She wiped her eyes, turning towards Alpha Zander with a tired look on her face. “Remember that stash I got you to place in your drawer for emergencies?”

From her words, his eyes widened. Pulling back from his chair and opening the draw. “The nappy one or the insert one... I never know what you women prefer.”

Jack’s face formed into a look of confusion while he went back and forth between them. “The pad Zander. I’m too swollen for the tampon.”

“TMI!” He groaned, pulling a pack out before throwing it at her. Catching the pack before making her way into the bathroom that was across the hall. Poor Jack not realising that she was on her period as she had to laugh through her tears.

“Now that is sorted, what is the cause?” Xenia spoke, coming back into the office as she noticed that Jack’s face had fallen from all colour, Alpha Zander covering his mouth as she could tell straight away that he told him.

“I will make it short so you can go to bed early.” He stated, his dark eyes surveying her to argue as she rolled her own eyes in return. “As you know, there is suspicion that it is Alpha Gary’s doing. The word is, is that he has paid off rogues to terrorise every Pack that is associated with us and including us. The guy who nearly killed you, however, we still have no information about him and his intentions.”

“He did not almost kill me.” She muttered in a grumble as she listened to what he was saying. “Well, that is not much to what we already knew already.”

“Yes, sadly that is true.” He sighed. “You two can go and Xenia, get some rest. I know how you are at this time, and you get very aggressive.”

Xenia would have commented if he had not been right. Shaking her head as she left his office, Jack trailing behind as she made it to her room to shower.

The hot water did not help her, however, as she found her mind wandering again. Walking out of the bathroom to find a tray of food on her bed and a note attached as she slowly walked over with a towel in hand and picked up the note.

I noticed you have not been eating. Please eat for me. ~V

She read the note ten times before she felt her blood boil, balling the note into her fist as she dropped the towel and stormed out of her room towards Vincent’s.

His door seemed to be the thinnest thing in the world as she banged on it like no tomorrow. Her rage boiling by every second as he opened his door and looked into her eyes and for that split second, she almost crumbled. His weird magic that he has on her working like clockwork as she glared and growled towards him.

“A week! A whole ass fucking week of you completely ignoring me and then you decide to send me food and a fucking note!” She yelled, stepping further and further into his room as he backed away from her with every step. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

The green in his eyes swirled with mixed emotions, his breath hitching from her words as he held himself steady. “It... it is not w... what you t... think.”

“It is not what I think?” She questioned in a whisper, shaking her head as she could not believe that that was the first thing he decided to say to her. “Then tell me! Tell me what the hell is going on with you for you to suddenly flip into some asshole!”

“I... I cannot tell you.”

Her fists balled, approaching him more as she felt her face turn red from her anger. “TELL ME!”

Her Beta command nearly made him buckle as she felt guilt build inside of her for a split moment. “I... I need to k... know why... ”

Xenia’s glare turned into a frown of confusion. “What?”

“Why have you not rejected me? Why have you protected me and taken me in like I am one of you? I am just an Omega, as a Beta, you need somebody who is strong and confident. Someone who is not me!”

His cries and screams caused her to tilt her head. If only he knew that he was those very things if only he saw what she saw when she looked into those green eyes of his. “Oh, darling. Only if you knew what I could see.” She stated, grabbing his face to make him look into her eyes. “I might be a Beta and you might be an Omega, but titles mean shit to me. You are mine and only mine, no man will ever satisfy me as you can.”

Her statement came out softer than how she was when she came barging into his room as if she owned it. His body was shaking as his eyes were wide in shock, but it was not just shock from what she had said.

But from what he just said and did.

His words coming out flawlessly with no form of stutter or fuck up and as she held his face and looked into his eyes, she somehow knew more than what had come out of him. “Make a deal with me.”

Her anger seemed to disappear in seconds after his confession, his closeness causing her body to react in ways she was not physically prepared for as he slowly nodded. “O... Okay.”

“Let me train you. Let me show you that every little doubt in your mind is complete bullshit so you can see that you are already my equal. Let me show you that you are enough, you are more than enough!”

Xenia could feel her eyes tearing up at the thought of him hating himself, the thought of him thinking that he was not enough for her even though he was. He was everything that she could ask for and more, but she wished that he could see that for himself.

And as he shakily agreed to her proposal, she knew she had to pull back and walk away for the night. If it were not for her situation, she would have shown him how much he meant to her. She would have given him everything just so he would know.

But that was for another time.

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