The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Fourteen | A Growing Man

“Damn, you have been training him hard!” Jack commented, his eyes watching Vincent fight the dummy with a sword in hand. “Three weeks ago, he could barely pick that sword up.”

Xenia sighed, her arms crossed while she observed Vincent’s stance and movements. He was perfect, he listened to everything that she had said and followed her instructions, he was so well trained that she could see that he outshined at least half of the Pack warriors that had been under her commandments for years.

He had only been following her instructions for four days.

“And it also looks like my Vinny is on steroids.” Jack continued, although he had not stopped talking, Xenia had zoned him out. “Look how buff he is! All muscle and sex appeal.”

“And your point is exactly?” She questioned, not looking up at him to see the smirk on his face. “Muscle does not make a man, intelligence does.”

Jack fell silent for a moment, not knowing what to say as she signed in satisfaction. She preferred her peace and quiet while she watched Vincent train but for some reason, Jack had decided to join them by talking her ear off.

“Are you happy?”

Jack’s sudden question startled her as she jumped and looked up at him with questioning eyes. “You are going to have to elaborate, Jack.”

She could see in his eyes that he was being serious, the blue swirls in his eyes a little darker than normal as he spoke. “I just want to know if you are happy with him. You are a strong woman Xenia but last week gave me a heart attack. If I had known what was going on, I would not have been training him as hard.”

Xenia shook her head. “No, it is good that you did that. My hormones have gotten the better of me that is all.” She reassured, sometimes seeing Jack like this creeped her out. He had always looked at her like a little sister and seeing him act like this almost made her want to bolt from the cringe. “And yes, I am happy. I was always prepared for baby steps, and you know that I prefer that method anyway.”

“Good.” He started before he suddenly smiled. “Go take a break. I will watch him and make sure he stays out of trouble.”

Xenia did not need to ask why as she smiled and walked away. Vincent paused as he finally noticed Jack’s presence and softly waved at her as she passed by. His gentle soul hit her heart as she felt their bond flow through her entire body. The longer they were around each other, the stronger the bond got and the more they both felt the effects.

Sometimes she liked the feeling and other times she wished that he were not so timid so that she could jump him already.

She could see the changes in him as well. His body is no longer a small twig as the bulkiness in his shoulders now match the rest of his body. He no longer looked awkward and shy but now looked intimidating and fierce from afar but up close, he was still that Vincent she met from day one. Red-faced and shy.

Shaking her head from her thoughts with a smile on her lips she decided to walk back to the river. The day she found Vincent there was the best three hours of her life as she talked away. There were a few moments where she thought that she was boring him or if he had fallen asleep but as soon as she looked down, he was still looking up at her with the weirdest look in his eyes and a relaxed stance.

His coat of hair was the softest coat she has ever felt as well. The white shined under the sun’s rays as she found herself wanting to never let him go.

Xenia dipped her toes into the water, the ice-cool liquid satisfying her from the heat of the day. Closing her eyes as she listened to the sounds of the rushing water, the birds chirping, the trees swaying from the wind, and last by not least, the giggle of a kid behind her.

Her eyes snapping open as she turned and caught sight of a head of dark hair coming towards her. The little girl tripped over it, it was that long as she tried to act natural. “I need help.”

Xenia eyed the girl from head to toe. She looked no older than eight years old, her little body in a worn-out dress, her long brown hair all matted and her brown eyes looking a little dull. She knew that the girl was from her Pack but what Pack member, she does not know. “What do you need help with?” She questioned as the little girl came up to her and sat down on the grass.

Her head wincing as she sat on her hair. “I cannot find my mummy.”

Xenia eyed the girl a little longer before she pulled down the hair tie that was around her wrist. “Let me help you with your hair first.” She muttered, getting the little girl to sit up so that she can tie her hair into a messy bun. Just enough so that she did not trip on it anymore. “There, all better.”

The girl’s brown eyes brightened as she shook her head around with a wide, missing tooth grin. “Thank you! So much better!”

She smiled, pulling her feet out of the water to put her shoes back on. “Now, before I help you find your mummy, what is your name? Mine is Xenia.”

From the sounds of Xenia’s name, the little girl gasped. Her eyes wide as she goes to back away. “I am sorry Beta; I did not realise it was you.”

“Hey, it is okay!” Xenia reassured, putting her hands up to show that she meant no harm. “My title does not affect you needing my help in any way.”

She paused, her little face going back into her cute little smile as a strand of her hair fell into her face. “I am Grace.”

“Nice to meet you, Grace.” Xenia greeted, helping Grace stand as she held her small hand on her own. “Take me to the last place you were with your mummy.”

“Okay.” Grace agreed, skipping ahead, and dragging Xenia behind her as they walked through the trees and back towards the Pack.

Walking through the village as a few people stared and others gave Xenia a confused look, but she did not care. Just because she had a reputation does not mean that she was cruel to kids. Just adults.

Adults were dicks.

“Here,” Grace spoke, Xenia looking up to come face to face with the Pack Orphanage. Her eyes frowning in confusion as Grace eyed the place with a sad expression.

“This is your home is it not?” Xenia questioned, she did not need Grace to answer to know why she was so sad and desperate. If this was the last place, she had been with her mother then it was clear that she was abandoned. “Do you want to show me inside and play a game?”

Grace’s face lit up in seconds from Xenia’s words as she aggressively nodded and pulled Xenia inside. Her happy little bounce in her step caused a warm feeling to hit Xenia’s heart as she met a few more of the kids and began to play with them.

All the responsibilities that she had could wait. These kids and especially Grace needed her more.

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