The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Three: Adorably Timid

The car ride back to the pack was eerily quiet. Her eyes casually observing Vincent while he squirmed under her gaze however, she could not help it. He was utterly gorgeous and taking her eyes off him felt like a sin. From his mattered dark brown hair to his forest-like green eyes, his sharp jawline to his perky lips. His body somehow built despite the lack of food, and she could feel the power behind his shy exterior, Xenia could not help but purr in complete satisfaction.

He was perfect, completely, and utterly perfect.

The Pack had all packed their things and were all following behind. Alpha Gary and his Luna were the only ones left as nearly all his pack members had left. The few that stayed only stayed due to bribery but neither Alpha Zander nor herself cared. Jack eyeing all three of them while the driver hit a few potholes. If it were not for the two idiots in the car, Xenia would have been trying to do things to Vincent that his innocent self would probably pass out on.

And that thought alone made her smirk to herself in delight.

However, despite her crazy, wild thoughts she knew that she would have to wait. From the small period of observing him, he did not like to be stared at or even talked to. He would flinch and stutter like a child getting told off by his parents and she could not allow herself to think about the bruises, let alone anything else. He was broken and needed a shower, a steaming hot shower to clean off the filth that pack had placed on him. Then she would make sure that he was well fed because he needed it. It was as if he had not eaten for days.

“Would you stop eye fucking the poor boy and listen!”

The words of Jack made her roll her eyes, casually throwing her head back and rolling it as she looked over at the blue-eyed asshole that disturbed her thoughts. “I would prefer to be fucking him right now, but I am showing some courtesy for the both of you.”

The smallest gasp of shook, shot through the confined space while Alpha Zander shook his head. “You do not have to be so blunt, Xenia.” He muttered before straightening his posture. “What we did was wrong and that whole situation could have been avoided. We did not put you through six years of anger management therapy for it all to wash away in a miller second.”

“I second that!” Jack laughed, throwing a smirk towards a wide-eyed Vincent before smirking. “She’s a feisty one.”

“Anyway!” Alpha Zander cut back in. “Despite what happened, I am thankful that these people are being taken to a real home. On the downside, we do not have enough room. I have already contacted some of our builders and they are working to build these people their own homes as we speak.”

“What about Alpha dad-bod and his beak of a nose Luna?”

“Now that is where we will strike some issues.” Alpha Zander replied, pinching the bridge of his nose in thought. “They will seek revenge which means they will potentially start a war. As Beta, I need you to keep a team of investigators and scouts on those two for as long as possible. I need to know what their plans are and when they are going to strike, we need to be ten steps ahead of them for the pack’s safety.”

Xenia nodded; his words being replayed through her to the people he requested before she smiled. “Done.”

“Now, because that is over, I want to ask old Vinny here some questions.” Jack cheered, clapping his hands before he leaned forward with a wide, unpleasant smile on his lips. “I want to know your thoughts, what do you think of when you hear our Pack name?”

Vincent shrunk back, his mouth slowly opening and closing while the entirety of his face turned red in embarrassment. “I... I do not k... know... sir.”

Jack frowned, pouting a little while Xenia giggled at Vincent’s deep but adorable voice. “What do you mean, you do not know? We are famous after all.”

“I... I am only a s... slave. I was not t... told about o... other packs.” He admitted, wrapping his arms around his body while he flinched back. “I am s... sorry for being s... so s... stupid.”

A loud growl escaped Xenia’s lips, her eyes turning black from his words while he flinched back even more. His words had hit a nerve, a nerve that Xenia herself did not know that she had before she felt Alpha Zander’s arm push her back. His Alpha commandment made her stop before she huffed in annoyance and looked out the window with her arms crossed.

Jack rolled his eyes before he turned back to Vincent. “Excuse her. She has always hated people being treated like dirt and dislikes it when people put themselves down.” He stated, Vincent’s eyes flickering towards her in wonder for a few seconds before he turned back to Jack. “Anyway, the FireFly Pack is adequately named for our alliance with the Werefoxes. We live in harmony with them while in return, they help protect the land with our warriors. Our pack border is also littered with fire-lit torches, so we are both hard to miss and very hard to find. Our Pack is packed with thousands of people making us the second-largest Pack in the world next to the King and Queen. That family, however, just loves to start wars and it is quite stupid considering the queen herself, has abilities that are physically impossible to have but that is beside the point. The FireFly Pack are all treated as equals. Equality is massively important to us as we are a large unit that needs to work together. There are Omega’s but the Omega’s are retired Pack members that just want to spend their last years in peace. Slavery does not exist nor does anything else that you had to endure. Any questions?”

Again, Vincent was left with his face full of shock. Shaking his head ‘no’ as a response before the car turned a corner. Trees replaced the open road while Xenia smiled. The smell of the fire and the Pack hitting her senses as she turned to the three men and purred openly. Jack and Alpha Zander rolled their eyes at her while Vincent’s eyes softly darkened.

The feelings of home always did put her in a better mood as the vehicle came to a stop. The door is opened for them as they all jump out, the other vehicles slowly arriving soon after. The Pack members were already waiting, their wide, friendly smiles causing Vincent to shrink back in fear. Some curious looks, looking his way before Xenia growled at them in warning. The Pack had always been nosey for a Pack that was so peaceful.

After some time, Xenia turned to Vincent. His small bag over his shoulder as she gestured for him to follow her. The Pack watched even further as she casually walked towards the packhouse. What she did not expect was to feel his presence suddenly falter as she turned around and found him standing in one spot with his gorgeous green eyes, wide in astonishment. “It is not that scary.” She announced with a chuckle. “You will be living here from now on, I am just taking you to your room.”

“M... my room?”

Xenia nodded, watching as his face reddened again for the millionth time. “Yes, I would gladly have you staying with me, but I would not be able to control myself or my wolf. So, it is safer if you stay a few doors down until you are ready.”

Her bluntness seemed to appease him as he slowly nodded, his feet starting back up again as he slowly walked towards her with timid steps. “T... thank you.”

Xenia smiled, tilting her head as she knew this was going to be a long night. “You are very welcome, cupcake!”

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