The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Two: Silent Killer

The limo was dead silent.

The intense atmosphere sent a cold chill down her spine as Alpha Zander’s best friend and the third hand man sat between the two with a wide smirk on his lips.

Her head out the window as she coughed and choked on the stench. “Did you have to, Jack?”

His smirk widened, holding back his laughter by covering it with a fake cough. “What?” He choked out, nearly losing it completely when he saw the glare from his best friend. “When you got to go, you got to go!”

“You fucking shat yourself!” Alpha Zander snapped, his own head out his own window as the air conditioning was not doing anything. “That was not a fart!”

Xenia had to agree, the smell seeming to get worse by the second. “It smells like diarrhoea and a dead corpse had a baby.”

With those words, Jack lost it. His loud booming laugh shook the vehicle as even the driver had to pull the screen up to prevent a car crash from the smell. What made this whole situation worse was the fact that this fart was silent. Completely and utterly silent!

“How long until we get there?” Xenia asked loudly, her voice straining as she had to slightly turn her head inside to look at her distressed Alpha. “Please tell me that we are stopping now!”

“Five more minutes!” He growled out. His eyes still glared holes at Jake who laughed even harder at their struggle.

It was not that funny although she had to admit. If she were the one, who did it, she would be in the same fucked up boat that Jack is currently sailing in. Jack was an oddball of serious and crazy. One minute he would be acting like a five-year-old child and then the next, he would be commanding people to pull their heads out and scare the living hell out of them in the process.

And maybe that is why he is mated with her sister April. Although April was adopted, she was still family and finding out that April had found her mate before Xenia nearly placed a strain on their family. Being Beta meant that you needed your other half and because Xenia still did not know who her mate was, nearly caused her to lose her position as Beta.

Thankfully, Zander protested her rights and April complained about not wanting that form of responsibility. She won no matter what her parents tried to push on her.

The car rolled to a stop, the door instantly flying open as she jumped out as fast as she could. The urge to kiss the ground and suck in as much oxygen as possible was currently at her fingertips if she had not been, being stared at by a bunch of confused pack members.

Jack and Alpha Zander soon followed as the pack members of the Riverwood pack all fell with pale complexions and looked away out of respect. Xenia’s eyebrow-raising towards his direction as he shook his head.

“Alpha Gary wants to meet at the Pack Hall. Everyone has gathered there now apart from those few Omegas.”

“I feel sorry for them,” Jack stated, his blue eyes frowning in sadness as he ruffled his dirty blond hair. “Being a slave to your own people must suck.”

Alpha Zander grunted, Xenia humming in response also as they had nothing to say. There was nothing to say as they all held the same opinion, this pack was a waste of air and space.

Sucking it up and pushing down her anger, she followed the two men towards the Pack Hall. A sudden smell hitting her senses she could not help but frown and sniff the air. Her wolf got excited in the back of her mind as the closer she had gotten to this hall, the stronger the scent had become.

Xenia could not place this scent, it was an odd mix of cleaning supplies and dirt as if the person she was currently picking up had a bad case of lack of hygiene. Knowing that made her wolf growl in anger as Xenia had to calm her down, she did not know what this scent meant but she had a feeling that it was important.

The hall came into view as they slowly entered. The scent smacked her in the face in seconds as she found herself gasping for breath. Jack and Alpha Zander turned around in seconds as they heard her gasp to check to see if she was okay and all she could do was pull a thumbs up. The hall was dead silent while the whole pack stared at their visitors, Alpha Gary standing on the stage in complete boredom before she decided to look around.

All the faces of the pack members held their ranks. It was obvious from first glance as the ones who were well treated were all dressed up and well-groomed while the others... They were dirty, and their clothes looked as if they had not been washed in weeks. Her eyes then landed on a male, his soft green eyes staring intently at her in shock as she felt the pull. Her wolf screamed at her to go to him as he cowered back in fear. His dark hair was a mess and he held bruises all over his innocent face.

The look of fear was what did it for her as she suddenly stopped in her steps and growled the deepest and deadliest growl she has ever mustered. Jack and Alpha Zander paused and jumped in fright as they turned to her again with wide eyes of confusion and yet, she kept her eyes on her mate. Her innocent mate was currently quivering in the corner in fear and distress.

Her wolf surfaced in seconds as she finally broke eye contact with him and faced Alpha Gary. “WHO THE FUCK HURT WHAT IS MINE!”

The entire room gasped, Alpha Gary, growling in warning from her approach but she did not care. Her mate was hurt and scared for his life, and she was determined to make whoever did that to him, pay! “Who? That mutt in the corner?” Alpha Gary casually spoke, his anger coming through his tone while he scaled towards her mate’s direction. “I would advise rejecting that thing, he is a waste of time and too weak for a Beta like yourself.”

“Excuse me!” She laughed, Lola, taking over her completely as her voice had now changed. “I would advise you to speak about a human being like a human being should be treated unlike yourself! You fucking disgust me! Treating your Omega’s like a pile of garbage as they starve and fight to survive. You stand there all high and mighty with a bored look on your face while your pack is struggling! Who the fuck do you think you are?!”

“Xenia, you need to calm down a little.” Alpha Zander spoke, his own anger showing through towards Alpha Gary. “I am happy that you have found your mate but causing a scene while we have business to attend to is not the best idea.”

“Fuck the business!” She barked, Alpha Zander, jumping back as she used her Beta title on him. Xenia knew that he would not be happy about that but for this moment in time, she did not give a flying fuck. “This thing that calls himself a leader can rot in hell! I refuse to help him with this current rogue issue.”

Alpha Gary had walked down from the stage and was currently beside her as she had spoken. The whole pack took their own steps back while they watched the scene in front of them. “I would listen to your Alpha little girl. Yelling at me in front of my pack will not end well for you, this is a verbal warning! If you continue to speak, I will not hesitate to execute you on the spot, do I make myself clear!?”

Xenia could not help the loud laugh that escaped her lips. The audacity of this guy was incredible and all she could do was smirk at him and laugh in his face. “I fucking dare you to do it!”

As soon as her words were spoken, he reached out to grab her throat, instantly being pulled back by Jack as Alpha Zander held him at his own throat. “Touch her and you die!” They both spoke at once, the pack gasping again from their loyalty towards her while she kept eye contact with the pathetic mutt.

“You can threaten me, curse me out, or anything verbally pathetic as you wish but you will never gain the same respect and loyalty as my pack has. This treaty between the packs is over, as Beta I have the right of way and I say that I refuse peace with you as protection against the rogues.”

Her confidence radiated around the room as she spoke, Jack quietly smiling to himself as she could see the pride in her. Alpha Zander slowly nodded in agreement as he let go of Alpha Gary’s neck and looked around the room. “If you are miss treated, abused, neglected, bullied, or just outright sick of being miss treated then come with us. We will provide homes, food, warm water, and a warm bed to sleep in every night. You will be treated with respect as everyone in my pack is equal. This is your choice; you can follow us or stay here but we will not be staying for much longer.”

“You cannot do that!” Alpha Gary snapped, his wolf trying to surface while Jack yawned and kept him down. “This is against everything the council has permitted!”

Xenia’s smirk widened. “That is the thing sweetheart. It is your word against ours and if your pack members come with us willingly then that is their choice. We are not forcing them.”

With that said, Alpha Zander gave Jack the okay to let Alpha Gary go. His body fell to the ground before he got back up in seconds. “You will regret this!”

Xenia waved him off, looking around the room for her mate as she could not see him amongst the moving bodies. It appears; that the whole pack was about to come with them. All two thousand people to be exact.

Making their way out of the hall, a few people stopped and thanked Jack, Alpha Zander, and herself for their bravery and generosity before heading off to pack. A warm smile spread across her lips as her eyes watched the people spread out. A small tap on her shoulder caused her to jump with fright as she turned and came in direct eye contact with her mate before he suddenly looked down in embarrassment.

His cheeks grew red as she could not help but chuckle at his timidness. “I... I have... nobody to take me... to your uh... ”

His quiet voice sent a shiver down her spine. Although it was deep, she could hear the potential power behind it as she tilted his face to make him look at her, the sudden sparks against her skin made him widen his eyes. “You are riding with us.”

His green eyes widened even further, his mouth opening to protest before they shot towards Alpha Zander and Jack standing behind her. “O... okay.”

“He is so cute!” Jack suddenly announced, coming up towards him completely before holding the boy by his shoulders. “What is your name, new bestie?”

“V... Vincent... sir.”

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