The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Four: 3am Habits

“I said, eat it!”

The glare that she pulled would have made any man, woman, child, and demon shake to the core. Her face unmoving while she sat across the table with her chest against it. Alpha Zander smirked to himself while he took a sip of his whiskey. Rebecca sitting next to him with her typical scowl on her face. Jack casually fed April while April’s wide, blue eyes watched the scene in front of her.

And yet, even with all the staring faces, Vincent was still being stubborn as he pushed the plate full of food away from himself. “I... I am not h... hungry.”

“Eat. It!” Xenia growled through gritted teeth. Her patience was running thin as she had already spent the first three hours forcing him to shower. In the end, she had to physically grab him and throw him in herself, what made him wash was when she started to strip. “I will literally sit on your chest and force-feed you. I am not afraid to watch you choke to death!”

His eyes widened even further, his Adam’s apple bobbing while he gulped, and still, he shook his head just to be defiant. “N... no!” He stuttered, his reddened face darkening as he shuffled in his spot. “T... thank you.”

“Right, that’s it!”

“No!” Alpha Zander cut in, her body already standing and ready to crawl across the table before hearing his Alpha command. “Sit down Xenia. Let the boy eat when he is ready.”

“Awe you ruin all the fun,” April whined, getting up from Jack’s lap as her brown hair whipped his face. “Come on, this was kind of a turn-on.”

Jack’s face lightened up at her words, jumping from his spot in seconds before he gave the rest of the group a salute. Xenia’s face forming into a look of disgust. “How is she, my sister?”

Rebecca scoffed. “She’s not.”

“No shit Sherlock Holmes, how did you figure that one out?!”

“Girls! Seriously, can we have one night where you two are not bickering?” Alpha Zander sighed, his eyes turning towards Vincent in sympathy.

Xenia rolled her eyes, standing from her chair as she stretched her back. “That day will come when she tries to kill me and fails. In the meantime, I am going to get my beauty sleep.”

She did not give anyone the time to respond or react as she walked away, flipping Rebecca the bird while she walked. It was not like she did this shit on purpose, Rebecca has had it out for her since their first day of kindergarten. She was always the jealous type and Xenia could see why. Rebecca had hair that was pin-straight and blond, her eyes grey and murky like some zombie and that does not include her long nose and crooked eyes. Where Xenia on the other hand had raven black hair and golden-brown eyes. Her skin complexion complimented her dark attire as her figure was to kill for and she knew that. It was not hard to know that she was hot as most of the male population had tried to sleep with her on more than one occasion while Rebecca was treated as a laughing stock. Rebecca did get her big break in high school however as being the lead cheerleader and the popular, stereotype blond got her places, like in the future Alpha’s arms. Xenia on the other hand was feared as she sharpened knives during their lunch break instead of eating.

They were completely opposite and that is what pissed Rebecca off. She tries to be better than her and Xenia proves her wrong with just a blink of an eye.

Alpha Zander was lucky, however, having Rebecca as a mate meant fewer threats and wars. She was not attractive enough to have other Packs or even rogues try and attempt to take her as their own and that was another thing that pissed Rebecca off. Hence why Xenia was forced to be by Alpha Zander’s side at all times in hopes that she gets taken. The downside to that plan however was, Alpha Zander had more respect and honour towards Xenia to leave her side. She was not just his Beta but also his guardian, his protector, his assassin, and most importantly, his best friend. And Rebecca had no leverage against all of that.

The boiling hot water soaked her body as she stood and enjoyed it. Her wolf was still purring in delight knowing that her mate was around. Though she was not happy that they were sleeping in different beds, and she was also not happy with the fact that they had not mated. Xenia had to push that side of her down deeply, Vincent was far from ready for any of that. He was not ready to see sides of her that would terrify the hell out of him, but he was ready for one thing and one thing alone.

And that was being her student.

A wide, satisfied smirk crossed her lips as she hopped out of the shower and dressed for bed. Sleep coming soon after as she thought about the training, she will put him through personally. The new members were already settled into temporary homes, they were welcomed, and the Pack even threw a party in celebration of the growth of their colony. It was fun and delightful and everything Xenia despised. She stood at the side-line and kept an eye on everyone just in case of intrusion, they all had their guards down while her own was more than just up.

Xenia felt like she had only just drifted before she heard a sudden crash. Her eyes snapping open in seconds before she sat up and got out of bed. Her scenes were on high alert as she crept out of her room and down the stairs. Thanks to her high scenes, she knew exactly where the sound had come from before she smelt the smell of cleaning supplies.

Her eyes frowned in confusion as the lights to the kitchen were on. Her body slightly paused as she picked up more than just the smell of cleaning supplies but also her own mate.

Vincent casually scrubbed the floor on his hands and knees. At first, she just watched him, her heart throbbing with an ache that was foreign to her, but she knew so well. An ache that she pushed down so deeply all because she felt pathetic for feeling it.

Her eyes moved away from him and looked around the kitchen. Not only were the floors so clean that you can see your own reflection, but the entire kitchen was as shiny. Top to bottom, the counters to the tiles sparkled as she shook her head. “Can’t sleep?”

Vincent jumped, his body freezing before he slowly turned. His face turned red before he slightly nodded as a response. It was as if he did not know what to do as she stood there and stared at him, his eyes flickering towards the bucket and the floor and then back up to her. “I... I uh... ”

“You had to do this in your old pack?” She questioned, his face morphing into a look of surprise as she nodded. “I figured as much.”

“Y... you are not m... mad?”

His sudden question made her title her head. Was she mad? No. Was she furious? Yes. Was she going to irrationally start screaming and scare the shit out of him? Maybe.

“Yes, but I can contain myself.” She finally answered as she walked up to him and grabbed the bucket. Making her way over to the sink, she tilted the bucket up and poured the liquid and chemicals down the drain. Her subconscious screamed at her that there were better places to do that other than the environment before she shrugged and turned back to Vincent who was currently gasping like a fish out of water. “Now, off to bed. We have work to do tomorrow.”

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