The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-Two | Pancakes

Xenia crossed her arms and huffed. “I said, I am not hungry!”

Vincent growled, lowering the spoon in his hand while he just stared at her in bewilderment. “Are we really doing this? Four months ago, this was you threatening me to eat. Do not make me sit on you!”

She stared at him for a moment, the soup in his hands while he glared at her in warning. His mean guy voice was on but all she could do was hold back her laugh and pretend that she did not find it utterly adorable. His face was in a complete frown of worry as she rolled her eyes at him. “These treatments have taken away my appetite and besides, you were so skinny and needed to eat back then, where I do not.”

“Xenia.” He sighed, her name causing her to shiver as that effect will never go away. “Please just eat something. It has been days.”

Her stomach growled at his words as she groaned. A wide smile suddenly on his lips indicating that he was right. “Fine, but I want pancakes.”

“Anything is better than nothing.” He cheered, standing up as he was about to leave but Xenia had other ideas as she also got up. The sheets around her legs were being removed while he watched her. “I can go get them on my own.”

Xenia picked up one of his hoodies as she threw it on. “Yes, but I want to watch you make them.”

Vincent halted in his steps for a few seconds before he shook his head and began to walk again. “I will never get used to you being so blunt.” He mumbled to himself while his face flushed red, her giggle behind him indicating that she had heard before his face turned even darker.

Xenia enjoyed their moments together. It was getting more and more frequent as both Jack and Alpha Zander were extremely busy, and April was training her butt off. There have been a few times where Xenia had found herself staring out her bedroom window in envy while she watched the warrior’s train but then Vincent comes in and cheers her up in seconds.

They stayed silent while they walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her body found the kitchen counter and pulled out the stool to sit on while Vincent instantly got to work. His brown hair was a mess from their recent activities, and she had to smirk to herself because of that. She loved his hair being a mess and could never imagine seeing him all tidied up. His green eyes were brighter than normal as he was happier than he was all those months ago. Long gone was the dullness in his eyes and now all she could see was his bright, forest green that had no worry in the world.

His clothes were all wrinkled and needed to be ironed but as she hugged his hoodie to her body and took in his scent, she did not care how messy his clothes were. Her eyes then landed on his muscular arms as they flexed slightly from the sterling of the batter mix. He had become a fine-looking man as she was more than happy that he was hers.

“You are drooling.” Vincent suddenly spoke, her eyes snapping away from his arms as they travelled towards his toned butt. “Now I know how women feel.”

“What?” Xenia questioned innocently while she smiled. “I am just looking at what is mine.”

“I do not get it?” A sudden voice spoke behind her as Xenia turned and saw Grace looking Vincent up and down. “What is there to look at?”

Xenia laughed, noticing that little Jesse was with Grace and doing the same thing as his mate. “You will know what I mean when you are both older,” Xenia explained as her eyes turned back to Vincent. “With or without the mate bond, you will know what love is.”

“That sounds gross,” Grace stated with the wrinkle of her nose as she came over and climbed onto a chair next to Xenia. “Good thing I have Jesse!”

Jesse nodded as he watched Vincent cook. “Yeah! What are you making? That smells good.”

Vincent looked over, his eyes slightly softening as he saw both kids around Xenia with a weird look in his eye. “Do you want to help me so we can serve our girls?”

Jesse nodded, getting up from his chair as he ran over. Vincent picked him up and placed him on the small stepping stall that was in the kitchen to help shorter people get items from the higher shelves. Xenia placed her face in her palms while she watched Vincent help Jesse flip a pancake.

His little tongue was out as he concentrated hard on his job. Grace giggling to herself while she also watched him. A small image flashed at the back of Xenia’s eyes of her own kids and Vincent teaching them how to cook. Her son standing in the same place Jesse is as Vincent looked over and smiled at her.

The thought of having kids had never crossed her mind but as she watches him with Jesse, she could not help but picture it. Excitement bubbling inside of her before her head began to spin.

Straightening out as she groaned and tried to breathe through it. Grace called her name, but Xenia could not concentrate on her. Her ears ringing as she placed her head in her arms. Xenia was warned about this, she was told that she would get effects from the treatments, but she did not think that it would be that intense.

A soft hand touching her back as she instantly felt the sparks, her legs being pulled as she was picked up bridal-style and placed onto the couch in the living room. Her eyes were slightly blurred but she could still see Jesse walking in with a plat in his hands and handed it to Vincent.

Xenia tried to sit up as she pushed the plate away. “I am fine, it was just a small moment.”

“You have gone pale!” Vincent panicked while he looked over her body. “You are eating and going straight to bed. Do not argue with me!”

For once, she decided not to argue and slightly nodded. Watching as Vincent hesitated to leave her side to feed the kids but did it anyway. Her plate slowly got empty as she pecked at her food.

That moment terrified her while she tried to calm her heart down and she hoped that it would never happen again.

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