The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-One | A King

Her fist knocked on the door to Tilly’s room as she waited for the girl to answer. After everything that has happened, Xenia wanted to check up on her to see how she was doing. Her ring was safely tucked into her shirt around her neck while she held it in her other hand, a small smile gracing her lips as the door slowly opened.

Tilly’s small head poked out nervously before she sighed in relief. “Oh, thank goodness it is you. I thought it was... Zander’s mother. Not that anything is wrong with her or anything but-”

“But she is annoyingly quirky and does not know how to shut up after asking you a question and then proceeds to get mad because you did not answer her question?” Xenia finished for her with a shrug. “I know. I grew up with that woman, you learn to zone her out.”

Tilly giggled, opening her door wider to allow Xenia to step in. “Exactly! But, if I may ask, why are you here?”

Xenia looked around her room, it was simple like all the other guest bedrooms in the Packhouse but what made this one so special was the fact that it was Vincent’s room. Somehow throughout the weeks, he had ended up moving into her own room and she did not mind that in the slightest. Sleeping was much easier with him next to her. “I just wanted to see how you are doing. Things have been a bit chaotic lately and well... finding out that your mate was actually mated to someone else would have been hard, so I just wanted to know how my Luna and new family member is doing?”

Her voice was soft so that Tilly would know that she was genuine. Tilly’s soft blue eyes softening even more than they already are as she thought. “I do not know. At first, I was hurt and then he told me about his suspicions and now Rebecca is dead because of what she has done but.” Tilly paused, her eyes slightly tearing as she shook her head and tried to wipe away her tears. “I am just being stupid. All I can see is her being with him intimately and it hurts Xenia. It really does.”

Xenia felt her heartbreak a little at her words, sitting down at the end of the bed while she hummed. “Did you know that Zander, Jack, April, and myself were all raised together like siblings?” Xenia questioned Tilly, shaking her head ′no′ while she looked at Xenia in curiosity. “Growing up, Zander and Jack protected us girls and we did the same to them. However, when it came to our feelings and chaotic emotions that we could not figure out, Zander was the one to go to. He was our listening ear and helped us out no matter how stupid or pathetic we felt. He has always been so kind and generous that when he found out about being mated to Rebecca, he did not question it as the rest of us did. Instead, he took her in with no fight and tried to help her with her issues. As you have seen, that did not work because they were never true mates, and he cried the day they mated. He told me that he felt dirty and wrong for doing it and it does make sense now.” Xenia sighed before she smiled and clapped her hands together. “What I am saying is, trust him. Whatever you are feeling and bottling up, you can go to him and tell him how you feel. You are both true mates and because he is the listening kind, he will help you with whatever you need to heal.”

Tilly had a face full of tears, but her eyes held hope, a wide smile playing on her face as she sniffed. “Really? Even if it is about him?”

Xenia nodded. “Especially if it is about him. He hates it when people are mad or upset with him as he wants to fix it straight away.”

“Thank you.” Tilly sighed, sniffing some more as her nose was completely blocked up. “I need to see him right now! I need to talk to him! I... I need to clear my nose; I am full of snot.”

Xenia laughed, getting up from her spot as she grabbed the tissue box and handed it to the snot-nosed girl in front of her. “Are you okay now?”

Tilly nodded. “Yes, thank you. If it were not for you, I do not know what I would do or would have done.”

“It is a good thing that I had come then.” Xenia chuckled before she hugged Tilly. “I have to go now but do go and see him. He is currently in his office and no, his parents are not in there with him.”

Xenia watched as Tilly grinned and began to get herself ready to see Zander. Rolling her eyes as she watched Tilly fix her hair before leaving. She knew that talk had helped, she had a bad feeling that their relationship would go downhill thanks to Rebecca but now she thinks that their relationship was somewhat saved, and he officially owed her big time.

Softly yawning, she rubbed her eyes. Xenia has had three treatments so far and was about to go to her next one. Vincent insisted on coming to every single one as she walked towards her room and turned the corner to then find herself turning back around to hide.

Vincent was standing in the middle of the hallway looking pissed while her mother was talking to him. “Reject her before it is too late! Neither of you deserve each other!”

“And where in the hell do you think you have the right to decide who we are mated to?!” Vincent fought back, his anger causing her to be a little turned on as she listened. “You listen here, lady! You have no right or say on who Xenia is with and you definitely do not have a right to dictate her title! I love your daughter, she is the strongest, bravest woman I have ever met, and I will be damned if I watch her get taken down by a piece of shit like you!”

“Do you know who you are talking to young man!” Her mother tried to fight back. “I am your Beta female, and you bow down to me!”

“You were never my Beta female and never will be!” He bit back in seconds. “Xenia will always and forever be my superior and you will bow down to her. Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere to be with my mate!”

Xenia pulled herself back from pecking around the corner. The look on her mother’s face said it all as she bit her lip and waited for Vincent to come around the corner before she grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

Her lips meeting his own as she moaned in pleasure, her hands digging into his hair while his own instinctively wrapped around her waist. Pulling back with a wide smile on her face as he looked at her stunned. “That was hot!”

“You... you heard all of that?” He questioned in panic; his eyes wide as his lips were slightly swollen from her kisses.

Xenia shrugged. “Only the last half but it was enough to know that you passed the mum test.” She laughed, pecking his nose before she tugged at his hand. “Let us get this treatment over and done with so I can thank you for sticking up for me!”

His eyes widened again as he realised what she had meant, the green slightly darkening as she looked away with a wide smile on her face.

Man was she whipped.

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