The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty | Parents From Hell

Xenia kicked her feet back and forth, the chair that she was sitting on seemed higher than normal but that was probably because she was currently sitting in Vincent’s lap. Alpha Zander’s office was eerily quiet but that was not from the lack of trying to break the silence on her part.

The smell of the burning corpses was still stuck in her nose as she wriggled it around to try and get the smell out. Vincent’s hands playing with her hair and Jack smirking at the two as he sat next to them.

Neither one of them wanted to be in this room and Xenia did not think that her own parents wanted to be here either, but Alpha Zander’s parents demanded it. Their glares tossed between everyone before Alpha Kenneth sighed. “I was hoping that our arrival would be less... dramatic.”

“Less dramatic!” Luna Linda empathised; her green eyes wide in exhaustion. “First we hear about the rogue attacks. Then about the Riverwood Pack and taking over their people, also, congratulations Xenia. I am so happy that you finally found your happiness and welcomed Vincent.” Her wrinkled eyes smiled towards them as Xenia grins back. Luna Linda was always a sweetheart even when she was mad. “And then we find out that Xenia got attacked because of a revenge plot and the Werefoxes were almost completely wiped out. And then lastly, we find out that Rebecca was a traitor, executed and a Werefox is my son’s real mate! Is there anything else that I am missing here?”

“We are having war threats by Alpha Gary himself.” Alpha Zander spoke up, sighing as he hated having to reveal everything to his parents this way. “I was hoping that he would back off, but some information came to light and now we have a massive issue.”

His mother frowned. “And please enlighten me on that Zander.”

He avoided eye contact with her as he looked towards Xenia and Vincent with apologetic eyes. “Vincent here is Alpha Gary’s son.”

The room fell silent, Xenia grabbing his hands to wrap around her waist so that she could keep him calm. “Excuse me!” Xenia’s mother yelled, her eyes bulging out of her head as she looked over at the couple. “Send him back! He is not welcome here if he is the cause for this unneeded war.”

“Mother!” Xenia snapped. “Vincent is not going anywhere whether you like it or not. He belongs here just as much as anyone else.”

Xenia’s father sat up, raising an eyebrow before he finally spoke. “And what does this man have to say for himself?”

Vincent stiffened, Xenia, rubbing circles along his palms as his arms seemed to tighten around her. “Wherever Xenia is, I am. I refuse to go anywhere without her.”

Xenia smiled, kissing his cheek as his eyes showed how scared he was. “And that goes for me too.”

“And me!” Jack and April chimed at the same time, both Jessica and Frank showing how shocked they were from hearing April willing agree to what both Vincent and Xenia had said.

Alpha Zander grunting as he nodded. “Me as well. We are a team, all four of you have been gone a long time and things are different now. The Pack is happier, nobody is getting whipped, and the Pack is the strongest it has ever been. We have done better without any of you in it.”

“That is preposterous!” Alpha Kenneth spoke, his eyes glaring daggers at each one of them. “All of you are still children. As long as we are here, things are going back to how they used to be!”

“And how long exactly are you going to be sticking around?” Jack questioned casually while he played with the hems of the couch. “Because once you are gone, the way this Pack is run will go back to our style. Hell, you can try and change it again, but this Pack is ruled by one person and that is Zander. Everyone loves him as an Alpha.”

Alpha Kenneth huffed. “We will see.”

The way he said that sounded threatening as she felt Vincent shiver, getting up from his lap she pulled his hand for him to follow her. “If you could excuse us, I have training to do.”

With that said she left, they were not going to go train, her medical condition does not allow that but neither adult knew that just yet. Vincent hesitating while they walked down the hall. “C... Can you wait here for a minute? I need to go get something.”

Xenia nodded. “Sure.”

She felt her heart race as she watched him runoff. Her curiosity got the better of her as she wanted to know what he was getting before she heard someone clear their throat. Her eyes rolled instantly as she knew it was her mother. “I need to speak to you.”

“If it is about Vincent, you can save it. He is staying and that is final!” She snapped; her mother gritted her teeth before she sighed.

“Actually, I wanted to say that he doesn’t love you.”

Xenia felt her blood boil at her words. “Excuse me?!”

“I said he doesn’t love you,” Jessica repeated with a shrug. “You will see. That boy is using you because you are pathetic and gullible. Remember all those years as a kid? Remember always being alone because nobody liked you? He is no different Xenia and I refuse to watch you get your heart broken. You are pathetic, a waste of space, and a waste of time and he will soon show you just that. Do us all a favour and give your title up before it is too late, your father and I did a better job.”

Xenia stood in her place completely stunned as she felt her heart clench in pain. Jessica walked off once she was done, leaving Xenia on her own. Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open as she eyed the floor. Her eyes tearing up as her heart slowly began to break.

Her mother was known for her nasty words, but she did not think that she would attack her in that way. She tried to shake off her mother’s words about Vincent as she found herself walking out of the Packhouse.

Her tree came into sight as she sat down and pulled her knees to her chin. Tears streaming down her face at the thought of Vincent not loving her. She loved him so deeply that the thought of him using her hurt more than anything.

Xenia knew that her mother was wrong, she knew that her words were not true as she just wanted her title, but Xenia also knew deep down that her mother had just brought out her deepest, darkest insecurities. Vincent was her world, her everything, and her fear of her feelings not being reciprocated burned every fibre of her being.

Her sobs slowly came out as she held her hands to her lips and placed her face on her knees. Xenia wanted her brain to shut off, she wanted to convince herself that her brain was lying to her, but her insecurities got in the way. Her mother knew how to play her and that was the way to do it.

“Xenia?” Vincent innocently called, his presence getting closer before she felt him pause. She could not lift her head as her tears refused to stop falling, her body shaking as she now felt pathetic for feeling, feelings. “Xenia, what happened?”

His worried voice nearly broke her as she did not move. Feeling his hands around her face as he forced her face up to look at him. Her eyes completely blurred but she could still see the forest green of his eyes looking back into her own with concern. His arms wrapped around her in seconds as she felt his breath hitch and that broke her even more.

“Please tell me what is wrong.” He begged, his eyes tearing as he could not take seeing her in this state.

Xenia tried to get her breathing in control as she had to get herself together. Vincent’s touch and scent helped her out as she finally whispered. “Nothing that I cannot handle.”

Vincent growled, pulling back as he cupped her face again for her to look at him. “Really? How many times have you gotten me to say what I was really feeling after trying to use that excuse? How many times have you helped me when I needed you the most? I need to hear what is wrong, I need to know.”

She felt her eyes tear up again, her chin wobbling out of control as she struggled to talk. “She... She told m... me that y... you do not l... love me. That... That you are u... using me.”

His face fell at her words, her stuttering shattering him even more. “That is a lie!” He choked out, his eyes frowning in anger. “I love you so fucking much! I would never intentionally hurt you, you are my world, my everything and that woman has no idea what the hell she is talking about!”

Xenia slightly jumped at his tone, allowing him to wipe away her tears as she slightly smiled. “Did my Vincent just swear?”

“Did my Xenia just allow a half-brained bitch get into her insecurities?”

“Did you just quote me?”

Vincent smiled, kissing her forehead before resting his own on hers. “Please do not ever doubt my feelings for you. I will tell you repeatedly that I love you until it is drilled into your head. Your mother is not your mother, she is a woman that craves power and does not deserve to have an inch of it as you do.”

Xenia felt her heart settle down, tucking her face into his neck as he moved their bodies so that she was in his lap. Her butt hitting something hard as she jumped and looked up at him. “What was that?”

Vincent widened his eyes, digging into his pocket as he pulled out a small box. “I wanted to give this to you, but I could never find the right time or place and I thought that I could give it to you today to make you feel better but then I found you like this and... well... ”

He began to trail off, his face turning red as she eyed the box. Taking it from his hands while she admired it. The small box was white with golden trimmings, she recognised the shape of it before as Jack showed her his own once for April, but she could not remember what it was.

Opening the white box in curiosity as she felt her breath hitch. A small diamond ring, shining from the glow of the sun as she admired it. Her heart exhilarated in her chest as she finally realised what it was. “Were you going to ask me to marry you?”

He sat quietly for a minute, Xenia could feel his nerves and wondered if messing with him would be fun or not. “Yes, yes I was... I mean, I am.”

She stared down at the ring a little longer, admiring it while she took her time. The longer she took to answer, the more she felt his heart against his chest and that caused her to smile. Finally looking up at him as she moved her body around to straddle his hips. “You are horrible at proposals.”

He gulped; his face drained of all colour, as he did not know her answer yet. “As I said, I could not find the right time or place.”

Xenia grinned, leaning in to kiss his lips as she heard him moan and relax into her. His anxiety was gone from her distraction while she giggled into the kiss. “There will never be a right time or place.”

“It is painful waiting for this answer.” He groaned, enjoying her kisses but was still anxious.

Xenia kissed his lips one more time before she finally gave him her answer. “Yes, yes I will marry you, Vincent Mason.”

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