The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-Three | To Calm A Storm

Vincent stirred in his sleep, a sudden heaviness on his chest while he groaned and tried to move to no avail. Confused, he slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to take the blurriness away before he jumped in surprise.

Xenia casually straddling his hips and waiting for him to wake up. Her attire did not help him as she was only in shorts and a sports bra. Her hair was in a messy ponytail while her eyes stared down at him in excitement.

For someone who almost passed out three times the day before, she seemed overly energetic. “Damn you are hard to wake up and I mean that literally and figuratively.” She laughed, getting off him as he felt what she meant, and groaned in embarrassment. “I want to go for a run, Lola has finally woken up from her coma and she wants to be let out!”

His head shot up from the pillow he had been currently smothering himself with. His eyes surveyed her while she ran around their room looking for something with a pout on her plump lips. “I get to see your wolf?”

Xenia shot her head up from under the bed, her eyes wide as she stared at him. “You have not... oh yeah.” She mumbled, tucking her head back under the bed as he shook his head and smiled at her. “Where is your hoodie I wore yesterday? I love that hoodie.”

His eyes roamed the room as he tried to think of a place that he had not tried to hide all his clothes. Xenia was not the tidiest person in the world, hell! Vincent wondered if she knew that she owned draws and a wardrobe as her clothes were everywhere but then he turned and looked at her again before signing in defeat.

Getting up from the bed as he made his way over to the wardrobe and opened a drawer full of all his hoodies that he had hidden from her and pulled out the one that she loved. It was beginning to smell like her as he smiled at it and shook his head. He might be getting sick of all his clothes getting stolen but seeing her happy was more important to him.

Xenia’s face lightens up in seconds once she notices him walking out with it in his hands and kisses his cheek as a thank you. Her soft lips caused him to blush before he shook it off and got himself ready. Vincent was not going to shift as he needed to keep an eye on her, he felt like it was his responsibility to look after her especially finding out how abusive her parents were.

He could not believe their treatment and to expect either of them to reject each other for their own benefits? He had to stop himself from laughing in their face. Xenia might be out of her job for a while, but she was still the best Beta he had ever seen, and his old Pack was full of powerful people. Xenia just had a different spark to her; she knew how to train you without feeling pressured or insecure and he loved that about her.

“Are you ready to go?” He questioned, watching her throw on his clothes as if she owned it.

Xenia nodded, grabbing his hand to pull him out of the room and out of the Packhouse. Pack members were everywhere as he slightly frowned in confusion. Alpha Zander and Jack had been so busy lately that Xenia had no idea of what was going on either and Vincent had a feeling in his gut that they should not go very far just in case something happened.

Their walk through the woods also did not help him as there were warriors everywhere on patrol. “Why is there so much security?” Xenia questioned out loud while they walked. A few warriors looked them up and down in confusion while Vincent found himself doing the same thing to them.

“Do you think it is safe for you to go for a run while the Pack seems to be on high alert?” He questioned her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as more and more warriors came into view. “It just seems like we are missing something.”

Xenia shrugged. “We can just go to the river for ten minutes and then come back. Mind linking ass face is not going to work, he has not answered a single one of my questions yet.”

Vincent pulled his lips back to hold in a laugh from her words. “Ass face?”

“Zander.” She chuckled, her smile relaxing him a little as she looked up at him. “Do not worry, I just need to stretch her out for a bit, and then we are good to go.”

Vincent decided not to argue as they found the clearing. The rushing water caused him to relax even more as the fresh smell of the water surrounded them. Xenia looked around to see if the coast was clear before she stripped in front of him.

His eyes bulged as he went to turn and cover his eyes before he stopped himself. He had seen her naked many times and had even put his face in places he would have never thought he would go but, the thoughts of seeing her naked still made him nervous. Her curves sent a shiver down his entire body while her tattoo that started under her right breast and curved down to her hip, complimented her skin tone and body shape. Her ass was plump and sexy as he had to distance his brain from her altogether. Looking around as if the grass was the most interesting thing in the world.

Images of her flashing through his eyes while he tried to concentrate on a piece of grass when really, all he wanted to do was take her against a tree. The feeling of something soft caught his attention as he looked down and stared at her in awe.

Her black wolf looked up at him in happiness while she rubbed herself up against him before running off to play in the shallows of the water. Her snow-tipped ears flapped in the wind as he folded her clothes and sat down beside them to watch her play.

Xenia was a larger wolf than normal thanks to the Beta blood in her which made her stand out even more. He had noticed that she did not need to try to get attention, Xenia could be walking around in a sack and completely dirty and men will still drool over her. Knowing that annoyed him greatly but what helped was the fact that she ignored it all and pretended as if she had never noticed them.

Vincent sat there and watched her play, Lola howling in joy while he held a small smile on his face. How he was gifted with someone so beautiful he had no idea. She was everything that he could have imagined and more. She was a dream come true and he had questioned many times how they were mates.

But then he thought back to everything that had happened. They both seemed to have worked in sync from day one, somehow knowing how either person was feeling without saying a word. His lack of anything, she counteracted by being able to do it and vice-versa.

The wind picked up while his nose picked up odd scents every now and then. His hands dug into the dirt below him as he was ready to defend if he needed to. Xenia had prepared him for war, and he knew he was ready. To protect her, he will do anything.

“There you guys are!” Alpha Zander spoke, Vincent jumping in fright as he turned to see a freaked-out Alpha. “Both of you need to come back! Xenia!”

Xenia paused from her playing, running over as she grabbed her clothes from Vincent and changed behind a tree. “What is wrong Zander?” She questioned, coming out just as loud howls were sounded from a distance.

Alpha Zander stood there for a moment as if he could not believe what was going on himself. “Alpha Gary is... he is surrendering.”

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