The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-Four | Disturbed

“You are joking right?” Xenia questioned, her eyes wide as she tossed her eyes back and forth between Alpha Zander and Vincent. “He would not willingly surrender after attacking us twice!”

They both stood in silence. Her body was still wet from the river as she had been enjoying herself. Lola was thrilled to be awake and just wanted to be free, but Xenia knew that her luck would soon run out.

“I do not believe him either Xenia, but we have to play this his way. We need to be smart.” Alpha Zander stated, his eyes frowning as he looked over to Vincent.

But Vincent had already known what he was about to say. “He asked for me, did he not?”

Alpha Zander nodded. “Yes, he did.”

They fell silent again. Anger boiling inside of her as she turned on her heels and began to make her way to the village. Her scenes had gotten a little better and she could indicate where exactly Alpha Gary was. His vial scent was disgusting, and she wished that she had some form of a blade in her hands to slice his throat open.

Both boys caught up to her as she was fuming. Was it so hard to ask for a normal life? Was it so hard to ask for a life without any drama or hassles? Was it so hard for people to stay out of other people’s lives without causing unnecessary wars? The answer to all those questions was a flat-out no. Apparently, life wanted to be difficult and all she wanted to do was love Vincent in peace.

“Please, calm down first.” Vincent’s soft voice spoke from behind her as she could hear his nerves behind his voice. Her subconscious wanted to turn around and cuddle him until he felt better but there was no time for that. “Please, Xenia.”

Her feet slowed down, her eyes glaring forward as she spoke. “That bastard is not taking away my family!”

Her words stumped them as she continued again. The break of the trees came into view as she spotted a group of her warriors, Jack and April standing in their places looking at something or more specifically, someone.

Alpha Zander’s Parents and her own were also there but as she came closer to the cluster of people, she could not help but snort. “Unbelievable!”

Jessica looked over at Xenia, standing next to Alpha Gary and his own warriors. Her father was with them also as she just felt bitter at this point. It was too predictable as she felt the boil rise to the back of her throat. “Xenia. I told you to obey me and you disobeyed. We have to do what we know is right!”

Xenia scoffed again. The feel of Vincent’s hand on her shoulder helped her a little as Alpha Gary widened his eyes in shock. Vincent had grown and it showed while his father stood there speechless.

“Do you not have anything to say?” Vincent questioned, his voice coming out flawlessly while his father got hit back even more.

Alpha Zander comes in to stand in the middle like the Alpha he is. His eyes glaring at his father who had decided to betray him. Linda was standing not too far away from Jack with tears in her eyes. She was always the better one out of the four and it showed today. “I would ask why.” Alpha Zander spoke as he sounded defeated. “But we all know why you are here.”

The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife while her eyes tossed between all of them. Alpha Gary’s warriors looked like puppies compared to her own. She could not help herself but stand a little taller with pride despite the situation.

“I want to propose a deal.” Alpha Gary finally spoke, his eyes slightly glaring towards Xenia with hatred. “And this woman right here told me that you will make it.”

“And what would that be exactly?” Alpha Zander questioned Jessica, beaming as if she was getting her own way and Xenia had to scale. Her own mother was a reincarnation of Rebecca, and it was disgusting.

“Give back my future Alpha and I will not harm your Beta.”

Xenia laughed, curling over as she disturbed their discussion. Her hands, on her knees, as she could not believe what she had just heard. “You have got to be kidding me!” She choked out before straightening herself up and showing her k-9s off with a hiss-like growl. “Fucking try me!”

“I will and I can.” He stated confidentiality. “I will give you three days, Vincent. Three days to come back to this Pack and if you decide to go against me. Your mate is dead.”

He raised his hand and signalled his men to follow him as he turned and walked out of the Pack. Nobody had time to respond or protest as she stood there completely stunned.

“My office, now!”

“Yes, Alpha!” She found herself speaking as she tugged Vincent to follow her. Jack, April, Tilly, and Linda followed not too far behind as they entered the Packhouse. The Pack was highly disturbed, and Xenia had even heard some saying that Vincent should go back. Holding back her anger as she refused to allow him to bide by his father’s word. She needed him, especially now.

His office was soon filled with people while Xenia paced around the room. Linda being comforted by both Tilly and April while Alpha Zander growled in anger. “He cannot do this! None of them can!”

“There is no rule against bidding a life for a life Zander, you know that.” Xenia answered him as she held her index fingers to her lips. “We have trained for this; we have taught our warriors everything that needs to be done just in case of war. We are ready for this!”

“But you are not!” Jack spoke up. “Xenia, you are not strong enough at this point in time and he knows that. Your weakness is his advantage.”

“I am fighting!” She yelled, her eyes blazing as they turned to Vincent. “I am not losing you! I cannot lose you right now!”

“Xenia, what are you not telling us?” April questioned with concern in her voice. “You are the calmest person I know and to see you like this is freaking me out.”

Xenia growled. “I am not hiding anything. We need to get all the women and children into our cellars for protection. We need-”

“Xenia?” Vincent spoke, his voice shaky as his eyes were darker than normal. “I know you have been keeping something from me. Lola should not have woken up until your tenth treatment.”

“Lola has woken up!” Alpha Zander exclaimed while Vincent nodded.

“Yes, that is why you found us by the river.”

Xenia’s feet picked up speed as she did not want to say it. Reality had not wrapped around her own head yet as she was more than just a little freaked out. “I am not-”

“Please,” Vincent begged, coming up to her and cupping her face as she did to him so that he would speak to her.

His green orbs sucking her in instantly as she felt her eyes tear up. “This is horrible timing.”

“Whatever it is, we will figure it out.” He spoke, her fingers fiddling with themselves as she bit her lip.

“I... I am pregnant.”

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