The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Sixteen | A Dance To Remember

Xenia sighed, kicking her blankets off her legs as she was sick of counting the number of patterns and lines on her ceiling. Boredom consumed her as she wanted to go back to the orphanage and play with the kids again, but it was past midnight, and they were all asleep.

Her sighs got louder as she sat up and looked around. Her wardrobe doors were wide open as she did not bother to close them, her bathroom making itself known as she also did not bother to clean the towels off the floor from when she showered. A few clothes littered everywhere in between while her pillows surrounded her. There were nights like this where she wished she had a cat, then maybe night-time would not be so boring.

Getting out from the warmth of her bed, she decided to wander around. Nobody was awake at this hour as she opened her door and hugged her hoodie to her chest. Her socked feet barely left the wooden floors as she dragged them around.

Lola was sound asleep in her mind as Xenia wanted someone to talk to but came up empty. The night was dark as she walked, her eyes looking around as if she had never seen the Packhouse before, but she has, a million times in fact as this was not her first night-time walk.

Xenia found the stairs as she made her way down, jumping down from the second to last step as she sighed again and walked into the living room. The couch seemed inviting as she eyed the TV but decided against it. What she really needed was fresh air and with that thought in mind, she opened the sliding door and slipped out.

The garden-fresh and smelling like weeds and grass with a touch of different species of flowers as she found her hill and tree to lay under. Her back resting against the trunk as she looked up at the stars with a content smile on her face.

The fresh air hit her lungs as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the peacefulness of the night. The stars seemed brighter than normal as she found herself drifting until she picked up a scent that made her chuckle. “I swear you are just following me now.” She commented, not even looking in Vincent’s direction while he sat down next to her.

“I... I think I am.” He said back, the lightness in his voice causing her to look over and smile. The more he got comfortable with her, the less he stuttered and the more he spoke freely, and she loved that. She loved the fact that he was slowly coming out of his shell.

They fell into a peaceful silence, the crickets making more noise than they were as they stared up at the stars. The moon shining down on them as Xenia felt more than just at peace. She felt at home for the first time ever. She felt like she belonged and that was all because of one person. He never needed to say anything half of the time as she was excellent at reading people and their thoughts.

He did not need to say a thing and yet, sometimes she wished that he would just talk. It does not matter what would come out of his mouth, she just wanted to listen to his voice and drift off into sleep knowing that she would wake up the next morning with him still by her side.

“Dance with me.”

Vincent’s soft voice spoke through the silence as she did not register what he had said at first. His body moving so that he was right in front of her, his green eyes staring at her with the same look he had given her by the river. “There is not any music to do that.” She started with amusement but took his offering hand anyway.

“We do not n... need it.” He spoke, his voice sounding nervous as she allowed him to be bold. His sudden boldness was what really shocked her as they both stepped away from the tree, Vincent spinning her as a giggle escaped her lips.

Their steps fell into sync while they danced to the sounds of the bugs and wind. The trees swayed as they swayed with it, and the more they danced together, the wider their smiles as the sparks had gotten more and more intense.

They had fallen into their own little world as Xenia could not look away from the green of his eyes. They were so forest-like that she found herself so entranced and curious. She might not know his past yet, but she does know that he was Vincent, the shy, stuttering, green-eyed boy that she was slowly falling for.

Their faces seemed to get closer together before she felt their foreheads touch, her chest against his own while they swayed together. Neither of them had been this close to each other before as they did not dare to look away, his hand around her waist as she found her own on his chest. The feel of his heart beating rapidly caused a surge of pride as she knew the reason for his reaction.

She was the reason for it and her ego spiked up to new lengths as their faces got closer. Vincent’s eyes darkened while Lola began to wake up with a fright of excitement. Xenia did not understand why Lola was acting that way as her brain began to fog.

The world seemed to disappear as she felt her breath hitch, her own heart beating at rapid lengths as their lips touched. The sparks of their bond exploded against her skin as she felt herself moan at the contact, his fingers going into her hair as she found herself doing the same to him.

Their lips moved in sync as she felt like she was going to drop, her legs giving out if it were not for Vincent’s hold on her. Lola howled in satisfaction while they kissed.

Xenia never wanted it to end, she wanted to stay like that until she died as they parted, their bodies instinctively swaying again as she placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

If this was bliss then she never wanted to come down from it, ever.

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