The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Seventeen | Mini-Me

“Just like this, never tuck your thumb into your hand. That is how you break it.” Xenia instructed, Grace slowly nodding while she bawled her little fists.

“Like this?” She questioned, standing with her legs together while she showed Xenia her hands. “I think I am doing something wrong.”

Vincent chuckled, side-eyeing Xenia before his face turned red. “You have to part your legs. Like how Xenia is doing it.”

Grace’s eyes widened in realisation as she looked down at her feet before frowning. “I always forget something; it is not fair!”

“Hey now!” Xenia said, crouching down to be at eye level with Grace. “You will get there. It takes time and practice.”

“But I want to be like you right now!” Grace whined, crossing her arms in anger as her face morphed into a look of disappointment and annoyance. “I want to be big and strong and scary like you!”

Xenia’s smile widened, watching Grace as she whined and tried to copy everything that she did. She could not deny how cute she was, her new-formed habit of mimicking everything that Xenia did was both entertaining and adorable. “You are big and scary!” Xenia mimicked as she crossed her arms and pulled the same face. “And one day you will grow even scarier!”

Grace beamed, her eyes lighting up as she jumped up and down. “Can we do archery next!? Can we!? Can we!?”

Xenia nodded, Grace, beaming even more as she ran off. Her eyes watching the little mini-me try and grab a bow before she felt eyes watching her. Although she had known she was being stared at the whole time, this stare felt a little different as she turned.

Vincent’s eyes completely black as she scaled and glared at Blaze. “What do you want?”

“You.” He started straight away before he growled in rage. Grabbing his head as his eyes flickered, at first Xenia went to help him but soon enough Vincent’s eyes turned back to their normal green. Wide and in shock as his face turned bright red in embarrassment. “S... Sorry.”

Xenia did not know what to say or do, Grace, running up to them as she eyed them back and forth with a confused look on her face. “Did I miss something?”

She shook her head, looking away from Vincent as he was as speechless as she was. “No honey, did you grab the arrows?”

Grace held the arrows up in their bag. “Yes, and they are heavy.”

Vincent walked over, taking the bag from her little hands as the awkward atmosphere thickened. Xenia could not help but find it funny, however, as he was more embarrassed than she originally thought. It was natural for their wolves to be extra horny and possessive, but it was as if he hated that side of himself.

Where she found it more than just entertaining.

Xenia helped Grace position herself, holding the bow up as Xenia helped with the arrow. “You remember what I had instructed?”

Grace nodded, closing one eye as she concentrated on the target. Her bow was a little wobbly as she pulled the string back and aimed. Her tongue out of her mouth as she released the arrow. The arrow flew in the air before it landed on the ground a few metres away. “Son of a b-”


She turned, a smirk on her face as she caught what Grace was about to say as she followed Xenia’s direction and quickly bowed. “Alpha.”

“Hello, Grace.” Alpha Zander greeted; an eyebrow raised as if he also knew the kid well. “I need to speak to you, Xenia.”

“Sure.” She said, patting Grace on the back as she looked at Vincent who was currently staring at her again before looking away. Chuckling at his cuteness she also looked away and followed Alpha Zander. “What do you want on this fine day?”

He kept silent for a moment, his face looking serious as he frowned. “We have a situation, a very bad situation.”

Xenia stared at his back as they walked, heading towards the bridge that was attached to the Werefox territory. “What situation?” She questioned, her heart picking up speed as she could feel the tension. “What happened to them, Zander?!”

He did not respond, his eyes falling as they broke through the trees. Her eyes widening as her eyes caught sight of the most gruesome scene she had ever seen.

“What... How?”

Alpha Zander could only look in her direction as a tear fell from his face. “It was getting worse. If only I knew that they were going to get attacked if only I knew what was about to happen.”

“Then maybe this would have been prevented.” She finished for him, her heart dropping in her chest. Her eyes were not looking away from the dead bodies that were everywhere. Only a few people were left behind as they cried for their dead loved ones and little kids crying over their dead parents.

The entire scene was a bloodbath as they both stood and watched the scene of at least fifty Werefoxes cry.

“How did we not hear this happening?” She questioned in a whisper.

“How could I have not heard this happening as an Alpha?” He responded back with the same energy.

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