The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Eighteen | War Zone

“It happened late last night when everyone was asleep. That is why so many were killed, there were no warnings or signals, they were just attacked. The remaining survivors are the lucky ones as they all barely made it out in time, but it was too late for the others.”

Despite Alpha Zander informing her about all of this, her eyes still could not look away and her throat still dried to a point where she could not speak.

So many bodies were laid out all over their village. Thousands of dead Werefoxes that were innocent are now gone in the blink of an eye and nobody knew. Nobody could do anything as her eyes teared up. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest that it began to hurt.

But most of all she was angry. She was angry at herself for being so stupid and blind as she was awake when the attack happened. She was outside dancing and staring up at the stars while they were slaughtered. As a Beta and as a promise she had made to them, it was her job to protect them, and she failed. She failed them all because she was distracted in her moment with Vincent. She allowed herself to be vulnerable and now thousands of people were dead.

Guilt built up inside of her next as she swallowed a lump of nothingness. Finally looking away as her vision was blurred by her tears of anger. “We need to prepare for war.”

He shook his head, running his fingers through his hair in stress. “Revenge will not help them right now, Xenia. Helping them lay their loved ones to rest will.”

“What about their homes?” She questioned, finding her feet walking towards the villagers as they finally noticed Alpha Zander and Xenia’s presence amongst them. Her eyes wandered around the burned buildings and fallen lives. “They have nothing now.”

Xenia helped an older man lift his wife into a carriage as he had already placed his two daughters in it. Her heart was swelling in pain as she saw the grief and agony in his eyes. “They will stay with us, in the Packhouse.” Alpha Zander announced. “It is the least that we can do.”

The man paused, his grey eyes swelling with tears. “Alpha, we cannot accept that offer. You have your own Pack to protect, we cannot intrude.”

“You will come with us, and you will be well protected under the roof of the whole Pack,” Xenia spoke, her eyes catching sight of a little boy running up to the man.

“I cannot find-” His little grey eyes turned to the woman and the two small girls in the back of the carriage. “Never mind.”

The man allowed a few tears to spill down his face as he picked up the boy and tried to cover his eyes from the bodies. “It is okay son; I have got you.”

“But dad-”

“No Jesse, they are at peace now.”

“And you both will be at peace if you take my offer.” Alpha Zander spoke again, his hands covered in blood as he also helped the remaining Werefoxes. “All of you are coming with me and Beta Xenia. This was a tragedy, but we will all rise and fight for the dead. We will rise and take back our revenge but for now, we grieve.”

Xenia nodded, liking the sound of what he had said as she helped a woman out with another body. Every Werefox that remained soon agreed to their offer as they cleaned the mess that was left behind. A few warriors came to help out as it had taken three hours and twenty carts before all the bodies were picked up. The Pack Sharman and Witch coming in next to bless the grounds so that the dead could go to the other side.

She watched in a trance as they did their work, their native tongue sending goosebumps throughout her body as she felt the tense and heavy air, lift from every word that was coming out of their mouths. Xenia never denied the idea of the supernatural as she was a supernatural being herself, however, as she watched their work, she could not shake off the feeling of the lost souls leaving their realm to be on their own.

It was both fascinating and terrifying.

Xenia sighed, washing her hands with a bottle of water as she felt a sudden shiver hit her spine, her eyes looking around before she spotted Vincent standing where she had been only a few hours prior, staring at all the dead bodies with a look of horror on his face. Guilt and regret flashing through his eyes before they turned in Xenia’s direction.

The intensity through his gaze shook her out of balance as he had never looked at her the way he currently was now. A look of knowing as if he knew what had happened and why it had happened as flashes of guilt kept appearing. Her gut screaming at her to ask questions that she did not know if she was mentally prepared for.

She did not know his past and she had never bothered to think about asking as it was none of her business but as she kept eye contact with him, the more she saw. The more she regretted seeing as his emotions spoke louder than words could. The person she was slowly getting to know, almost became a complete stranger to her in just a mere few seconds because of one look and that was more terrifying than the Sharman and Witch’s magic.

What do you know about Vincent Mason? What are you not telling me?

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