The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 38🔥

(Chapter song ‘Thinking Out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran, ‘I Knew I Loved You' by Savage Garden)


“Wait, you’re telling me that fairies are real and that there really is gold at the end of a rainbow.” Ivy laughs before sipping her wine.

“Aye. Very real.” I smile.

“So then leprechauns must be real.” She leans on the back of the couch.

“No.” I chuckle. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Oh, but fairies are perfectly sane.” She giggles.

“Hey, fairies are serious business and don’t get me started on brownies.” I tick my head to her as I lean back and hold my beer in my lap.

“Ok. Now, you’re just pulling my leg.” She chuckles.

“Damn, ya figured me out.” I grin.

“Oof!” She shoves me and I cackle.

She calms down and tucks her legs under her. “Tell me about home. What’s Dublin like?”

I scratch my temple. “It's not much different than here really. It’s a grand city. Bridges, buildings, busy roads. Lots of pubs.” I smile. “Fine food. Fine music. Mostly, it’s home. Like here. Ya feel comfortable there. No matter how long ya gone for, ya come back and it’s like ya never left. The people may change, but the feelings never. You find family there, ya do. Even if it ain’t yer blood. Ya can build a life there. It gets inside and almost makes ya ache for it when ya’s out traveling.”

“You’re very passionate about it.” She says.

“I am.” I nod. “I hope to share it with ya soon. I think you'd love it.”

“As long as the fairies don’t buzz around my head.” She giggles.

“They're 6 feet tall, love. They won’t be buzzing anywhere.” I laugh.

“What?” Her brows shoot up.

I shake my head, take her glass and stand. “Don’t worry yer head about fairies.” I pull her to feet and take her into my arms. “What you need be worrying about is the wolves.”

She lifts her chin to me. “Really.”

I lean close to her. “Oh yes, love. Dangerous lot, they are. They just love a helpless lass all on her own in the dark.” I say quietly as I move a lock of hair out of her face.

“Hmm…Sounds very concerning. Is there anything I can do to protect myself?” She ask.

I press my lips together and shake my head. “Not much, lass. Ya could run, but then he’d run ya down. Ya could hide, but he knows yer scent so well, ya couldn’t find a good enough spot.”

“I see.” She nods. “What if I fight?”

“Ah…The weakness. See, the wolves that I speak of, they have one weakness. The smile of a beautiful girl.” I grin.

“A smile.” She repeats as her face lights up.

“Aye, love. This smile got to be special though. Can’t be just any old smile. Naw…to bring down the wolf of Ireland, this smile must true. It must come from yer soul. Yer smile, Miss, must beam your light right at him.” I try to act serious while stifling my laughter.

“Then what happens. I get away.” She raises a brow.

I wince my eyes and tick my head. “Maybe. If he laid out, ya could get away. But what would most likely happen…he’d surrender to ya. Blood and bone, he would. Pledge his undying love for ya. Who you thought was the hunter, was the prey and he fell right into the trap.”

“Really.” She says.

“Oh, yeah. He’s caught and there’s no way he’s running away. Ya got yourself a wolf, Miss. The question now is…what are yer going to do with him?” I peer into her sparkling eyes as I wait for her answer.

“Hmm…Well…” She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair. “First, I would pet him.”

I close my eyes and feel her gentle touch as she continues to pet my head.

She gets close and I open my eyes. “Then I’d kiss his adorable nose.” She kisses my nose and I chuckle behind my smile.

Her fingers trace my jawline. “I’d tell him I love him and that even though he was free to run away, I’m happy he stayed with me. I'd say I was lost, alone and scared and I’m so glad he stayed to protect me. My special wolf is strong, so full of heart. I’d tell him I appreciate everything he did even if it was scary at first and I didn’t trust him. I would say I’m sorry for thinking he was a bad wolf when all he wanted to be was my wolf.”

I rest my head on hers and let out a little growl. She laughs and holds my cheeks. I kiss her lips and pull her close.

I break the kiss and take her hands. “I have something for you. It’s upstairs.”

“Uh oh.” She grins.

“Not that.” I shake my head.

She covers her eyes and shakes her head, too.


I take her to our room, walk over to my dresser and pull out a long, blue velvet jewelry box. As I carry it over to her, I rest my hand on the top. When someone is ailing it’s customary to give this gift to help them. I hope she likes it.

“I had this shipped from Ireland. I think it’ll help things between us.” I slowly open the box.

She sucks in a breath as she looks down into the box. On a blue silk pillow is a 2 inch gold intricate, Celtic knot pendent on a gold chain that sparkles in the light of the room. Its formed lines create a labyrinth that weaves up and down and around each other in a circle. In the middle, the lines create a small cross.

“Griffin. It's beautiful. What is it?” Her fingers delicately float around the crossing, metal weaves.

I pull it out, set the box aside and open the clasp. “It’s a Dara Knot.”

“A Dara knot.”

I motion for her turn around and she does. I open the chain, raise it above her head and float it down around her neck. I pull the ends to her back as she lifts her hair.

“Aye. The Celtic Knot of Protection. It will protect you from the evils of the world. Ya wear this, love, and evil spirits you get ya. My love would do the same, but it never hurts to have back up.” I say as I do up the clasp, grab her hair and straighten it out for her.

She turns around and lifts it up to see. “No, I guess it doesn’t.” She giggles.

“I mean it, Ivy. After the moon tells me what I already know, ya can count on me to protect ya always. Never think any different.” I take her hands with pendent and kiss her knuckles.

She locks with my eyes. “After everything that’s happened, I don’t think I could think differently even if I wanted to.”

I slide my hand onto her nape and place my lips on hers. I slowly ask for entrance and her lips part. My tongue glides with hers and I pull her into my chest. My fingers thread up into her hair and my other caresses her back. At the top of her dress, I find the zipper and gently glide it down.

My hands feel her soft skin and move to the back strap of her bra.

Pulling the shoulders of her dress off, I kiss and nip her skin. Her scent and arousal rise as her dress falls to the floor.

My wolf purrs as I kiss back up to her lips.

Her slender fingers pop the buttons on my shirt and I help by undoing the cuffs. When the last button is popped, I pull off my shirt as I consume her taste.

I slide her bra off and cup her breasts as she kicks off her heels. She hooks the button of my pants and undoes it. She pulls my zipper down and I feel the back of her hand glide up my hardened bulge of my boxers.

I wiggle out of my pants and kick them off with my socks. I hold her head as I kiss her and walk us back to our bed.

She hits the bed and I support her as I lay her down.

I slide my hand down her body and hook her panties.

As I begin to pull, my phone rings from the pocket of my pants.

I continue to pull her panties and it continues to ring.

“You should get that.” She mumbles on my lips.

“Let the voicemail get it.” I mumble back as I start to kiss down her body.

It stops ringing then starts ringing again along with text notifications.

She sits up on her elbows. “It sounds important.”

I stop with a little bit of her tummy skin in my teeth. With a growl, I tear myself away from her hot body and stomp to my pants.

Yanking out my phone, I open it and see Marcus. I groan as I answer. “Marcus…Ya better be dying, lad…”

My brows cinch as I look at my Ivy. “Hang on…slow down…what?” My eyes widen. “Both of them?...Call the medic!...You want me to what?...Finn has more experience with this…He's not picking up…Uh…Sure…I’m on my way…Don’t panic…” I hold the phone with my cheek and shoulder as I grab my pants. I snap to Ivy and motion her to get dressed. She gives me a look then gets moving.

I grab my shirt. “Marc, Marc….Yes…Just keep calm, lad…It’ll be fine…I’m off. Congratulations, mate.” I hang up and put my phone in my pocket.

Ivy slides a t-shirt over her chest. “What’s going on?”

I rush to her, grab her hands and look into her eyes with a grin. “Marc's a dad. C'mon.”

I yank us both out the room, rush downstairs, throw our shoes on and rush out of the house.

Marcus' tower on the opposite side of the circle from mine and if it wasn’t for the lake, the run would be easier, but now I need the jeep.

After maneuvering around broken roads, and other obstacles, we finally get to Marcus'.

When I open the door, it’s absolutely bonkers in here.

Marcus is on the floor with Sophie and Claudia is on the couch, trying to breath out her labor pains.

“Why do you girls have to sync up like this?!” He yells over their whines and screams.

“WE COULDN’T HELP IT!” They both yell back with angered, distressed look on their faces.


He turns as I rip off my jacket and rush to his side.

“Thank God. I-I don’t know what to do, man! I called the medic an hour ago. They’re having trouble getting through all the construction…” He says as I squat beside him at Sophie’s knees.

“Where’s Jax?” I ask.

He thumbs over his shoulder. “Over there.”

I look to where he’s pointing and see Jax's legs on the floor. The rest of him is hidden behind Marc’s couch.

I raise my brows and look back at him. “What happened?”

“Sophie’s water broke and the dumbass went down like a sack of potatoes.” Marcus grits.

I try to stifle my laugh as I shake my head. “Ok. Now, my knowledge of birthing babs is limited. My understanding is catch. Women know what to do. The medics are coming, we just have to make sure the wee ones have a safe entry. Be calm and take a lady.” I rest my hand on his shoulder and stare at him as he breathes and calms his heart.

“Get Claudia on the floor and see what’s going on in there.” I instruct.

Ivy leans down to me. “I’ll get towels and water.”

“Thanks, love.” I give her a kiss and she rushes off.

Marcus helps Claudia onto her back. “I love you so much. You’re so amazing.”

“What about me?!” Sophie whines as she holds her stomach.

“God…Yes baby, I love you to the moon and back…You’re amazing, too.” He crawls across the floor and gives her a kiss.

Claudia screams and he looks into Sophie’s eyes. “Gonna be right over here. Griff's got you.”

“Marc…” She whines more.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m still here for you. I just gotta help Dia.” He covers Claudia’s legs with a blanket as both girls cry out in agony.

I take a peek under Sophie’s blanket. “Marcus, I can see a head.”

“What? Where?” He crawls over and looks. He sits up, wraps and arm around himself and covers his mouth with his fingers. “God, this is really happening, isn’t it?

“Aye, lad. Welcome to new life.” I slap his back then get to work.

“Ok, Sophie…” Leaning on her knees, I look into her worried, pain filled eyes. Marcus wipes the sweat off her brow. She’s blowing out breaths as she listens. “Sophie. I need ya to push, love. Ya bear down. Understand? Marc, hold her hand.” I instruct.

Sophie gives a push as Ivy drop the towels beside me. She crosses the floor and positions herself to tend to Claudia who’s screaming bleeding murder.

“CLAUDIA! JUST BREATHE!” Ivy tries to calm her over her screams.

“DON'T TELL ME TO BREATHE WHILE I'M PUSHING OUT A FUCKING BUICK!!” She yells in the most loud, demonic tone I’ve ever heard a woman yell and me mum is loud when she's raging.

Ivy’s wide eyes meet mine and all I can do is laugh.

Marc rushes to her head. “It's OK. Baby, I’m here.”

“It hurts.” She cries as they put their heads together.

“I’m sorry, baby. But see, you’re a New Yorker. Ya got this.” He looks to Ivy. “Is it close?”

Ivy looks and ticks her head. “I see something.”

Marcus moves to the business end of Claudia. “Baby, you have a baby.” He smiles as he looks at her with an ear to ear grin.

“NO SHIT! GET IT OUT!!!” She cries and throws her head back.

We continue to support and encourage the ladies to bring their babies into the world. It was dramatic, I will say that.

“SOPHIE, BIG PUSH!” I hold her hand and a knee as she bears down and pushes.

“COME ON, DIA! ONE MORE!!” Ivy yells as Marcus holds her hand.

“I CAN'T!” Sophie sobs.


She heaves a breath, cinches her sweaty brow and pushes with whining screams.

“MARC!” I call out and wave him over.

He crawls to me and falls on his arse. He points. “That’s a head.”

“Aye. It’s beautiful.” I laugh.

I place a hand under the wee ones head for support as I use a towel to clean it up. “Another push, love.”

“I GOT ONE HERE!” Ivy yells as she reaches for a towel.

Marcus crawls over and sits beside Ivy. He looks like he’s about to cry. “This is so fucking incredible.” He pulls a knee up and rests an elbow on it. He scrubs his face and rubs his nape as he watches life be created.

“Ok, ladies. ONE MORE PUSH! GIVE'R ALL!” I yell to both.

Both ladies take a huge breath and clench their teeth. The room fills with their struggling screams as they birth their babies. Marc’s head flips between the two like he’s trying to snap his own neck.

Shoulders, tummies, fingers and toes. The babies were born at the exact same time. Both beautiful and both let out wee cries as Ivy and I cleaned them and wrapped them up.

Marcus was beside himself as he kissed both women like he’d just met the creator himself.

I hold the baby in my arms with a huge smile. I look to Ivy who’s holding and bouncing the baby she has. She smiles back and I see our future. Right there. There’s no question. Ivy’s mine, moon or not.

Marcus composes himself. “Gimme my kid.” He sniffs and tries to act tough.

I pass the little girl to him. “A daughter, mate.” I say quietly.

“My baby.” Sophie pants.

Marcus brings the baby to her and lays her on Sophie’s chest. Sophie softly cries as Marcus kisses them both. “I love you. Thank you.” He whispers. “She looks just like you.”

“No. She looks like daddy…after a bad day.” They both giggle and he hugs her.

“Hey, uh…I got a little boy that wants to say hi.” Ivy says.

Marcus turns and Claudia is holding the baby.

He slides over and lays beside Claudia. “My boy. My little man.” He kisses Claudia. “Thank you.” He smiles.

“I love you.” She chokes.

“I love you, too, baby.” He kisses them both.

The medics burst through the door with a stretcher and bags.


I get out the way and pull Ivy out of the way with me as they get to work cutting cords and checking the health of both mums and babies. Marcus assists as best he can.

I hear a groan come from the other side of the room. I turn to see a large hand grab the back of Marcus' couch.

“Ugh…What happened?”

Jax stands, holding his head and supporting himself on the couch.

I point to the scene which doesn’t exactly look beautiful considering the event that happened. “Yer an uncle, mate.” I grin.

He leans on the couch, takes a look at the mess of blood and other bodily fluids.

“Uh…I gotta lay down…” His eyes roll back and he falls.

I shake my head. “He tears people to pieces on the daily, yet can’t handle a birth. That boy’s going to have problems when he has kids.” I chuckle.

“We won’t, will we?” Ivy wraps her arms around my waist and I drape my arm over her shoulder.

“Not a chance, love. I plan on not missing a second.” I kiss her lips as she holds my cheek.

I break the kiss and tap a medic on the back. He looks at me and I point to Jax. “Ya might want to take that one with ya, too.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry. We know how to deal with that. We see it all the time.”


Once home, we absorbed the miracle of life and needed a shower.

“That was amazing.” Ivy says as she pulls off her t-shirt. “Even with my past, I may be crazy, but I want that.” She pulls off her shorts, turns to the open shower door.

From inside the shower, I reach out, grab her arm and yank her in, closing the door behind her.

I pin her to the wall under the hot water stream. My hand slides down her side and around her ass to her thigh. I lift her leg and break the kiss.

“I think we need to start practicing, then.” I mumble on her lips.

“That’s a very good idea.” She smirks.

We both giggle as the shower door steams up with our heat.

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