The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 39 The Blue Moon Part 1

(Chapter song ‘Life On Earth’ by Snow Patrol)


I push the glass door open to the quiet room. Inside is a simple set of cushioned arm chairs and a small couch. There’s floor vases of red roses and a box of tissues on the small table.

I take a breath and wall to a pedestal on the floor in front of a wall. I stand for a moment then raise the rose I have in my hand and place it on top of the pedestal.

I look up to the walk of small, glass boxes. My lips trembles as my eyes float around the eight boxes, viewing the urns inside.

The largest one in the middle sits so beautiful even though it’s just a jar. Who it contains makes it shine.

“HI, mom.” I sniff as I smile.

I walk to the small couch and sit as I pull a tissue. I fiddle with it in my fingers. “I know I haven’t been here as much as I promised, but I’m going to make up for that.” I look around to my brothers urns. “I hope the boys aren’t giving you too much trouble.”

I wipe my eyes and sit back. “I’m so sorry.” I look down and pick at the tissue. “It’s so hard without you.” I whine. “I miss you all so much.”

I focus on my mother. “I…um…I’m going to the ball tomorrow night. Mom, you’d love him. He’s funny and sweet. I wish the boys could have met him before…” I drop my head and wipe the tears.

“Anyway, he loves me, mom. So much. I think this really is my happy ending. I don’t know if you know, maybe you do…the curse is broken.” I smile. “You don’t have to worry about that. It took me a while to not be afraid of it. I may still be, but I trust Griffin, mom. He’s my prince.” I chuckle as I sniffle and wipe my nose. “I hear you cracking jokes, Lenard. Griffin, would have loved them.”

I bite my top lip. “I’m in love, mom. True love. He'll protect me. I know he will. I wish you were here, but I know you’re around. I love you. I just wanted to check in. I’ll come back in a few days and tell you how the moon went. How’s that sound?”

I lower my head as the room falls silent. Giving my eyes a final wipe, I stand and walk to the door. I throw the tissue in the trash and look to the wall. “Good bye.”

I collect myself and walk out of the White Family mausoleum. As I walk across the court yard to my car parked out front, I hear my name.


I turn to a tall dark haired man in a black suit walking from the side of the yard. His blue eyes squint in the sun and his tanned skin seemed to shine.

I stitch my brow and look him over. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” My heels click on the pavement as I step closer.

He scratches his temple and stuffs his hands in his pockets. He smiles at me, then huff a chuckle as he lowers his head. “This is much harder than how it went in my head.”

“Excuse me?” I tilt my head to him.

He raises his head to me. “My name…My name is Philip.”

My lips shrink as I freeze. My eyes look at him with caution.

He holds up his hand. “I know you must hate me…”

He takes a step and I step back. “That’s an understatement.”

“Ivy. I'm not looking for forgiveness. I just want to apologize for the pain I’ve caused.” He looks back at the building then me.

“Apologize…you want to apologize for being so weak that you caused that?!” I point to my family as my eyes well.

“I know about the curse your grandmother had on me. I figured it out a few years after my fifth wife. It took me so much to realize it was based on faults I already had. I’m sorry, Ivy. I loved your mother. It was me and my shallowness. Like I said, I’m not asking for forgiveness or even acknowledgment. I…I’m just glad your safe and apparently happy and that…it’s over. Regina’s really dead?”

“Yes.” I mumble as I hold myself and wipe a tear away.

He rubs his forehead. “I saw the news. The Alpha…”

I look down and kick at the walk. “Griffin.”

“Griffin.” He repeats. “I like it. He…um…looks like a really great guy.”

I snap my eyes to him. “He is…the best.”

“Ivy, I know I’m not a sole victim in this, but I want you to know that had your grandmother not messed with my head, I’d still be with your mother and you. I missed being your dad every damn day.” I see his eyes glass over.

“Philip. I understand that you’re just as much a victim in this as we were. I even understand why you’re here right now, but here’s what I don’t understand…”

I walk up to him and stare into his eyes. “You went through 5 women. Had families, I’m sure…”

“A couple, yes.” He answers.

I nod. “A couple…You figured out you were cursed, yet still you chose to not be my father. You know the curse didn’t affect your view of your children, right.”

He swallow. “I figured that out later.”

My chin quivers. “So, in all 27 years…Even after my mother’s death 15 years ago…While I suffered with my grandmother. You still stayed away.”

He lowers his head as I shake my mine and try to contain my anger. “After you figured it all out…After fixing yourself…Not once did you think I was important enough to rescue. Not once. Now, you show up, after your sons were murdered because you weren't there.” I can barely contain it.

“I’m sorry, Philip. I’m sorry the curse hit you. I’m sorry your life was ruined by it, but don’t expect sympathy from me. Curse or no curse. You’re no prince. As far as I’m concerned, the curse did us a favor. It showed your true colors. Thankfully for me, I know there are men out there who would never hurt their family like that. Griffin's one of them. So forgive me for not giving a shit how you feel or even what you want. I needed you when I was a child, but I sure as hell don’t need you now.”


“Have a nice life, Philip.” I glare with disgust and spin on my heels.


I take quick steps to my car and walk around to the drivers side. I get in and look at him standing with his head down. He glances at me then turns to the mausoleum. When he walks in, I start to cry as I start the car.

I had always fantasized what I would say to my father when I saw him. None of the conversations in my head went that way. It hurt so much because I want to see him as a victim, but knowing that he could have least made an effort with me…I couldn’t let him away with that.

I don’t know if we will ever repair the bridge between us or if I ever want to.

I’ve seen him. I know he’s out there and now I know he’s watching. He can watch me have my best life because that’s what I’m going to do. My family was taken from me, and yes, I feel guilty for surviving, but I refuse to let Regina win further by suffering more.

I have Griffin and I’m going to make sure my father sees what a man is supposed to do for his family.

I’m not going to focus on the pain. I’m focusing on the future. That moon is my beginning. The beginning of my happy ending. The ending my mother should have had. This life I’m building with Griffin, this is for her. All of it.

My father can watch from the sidelines.

After driving around for a while, I figured I best be getting ready. I can see the sun set and the sky is hinting at the greatest event ever. In 27 years, I never focused on the moon except to avoid it. My father built my distrust in men and tonight I’m breaking it. Adam may say the curse is broken, but he can’t guarantee that. Nonetheless, I’m putting my faith in Griffin.

I trust him. He's not like my father and never will be.

I’m told this year will be different. Usually the ball was held at Finns hockey stadium, but since it’s still being repaired, Eddie graciously donated his ski lodge. It’s not as big, but there’s hotels and cabins and Topin Valley is opening its streets to accommodate as many as want to come. I’ve never been to Topin Valley. I’ve had to buy a dress for the occasion.

I glance at the plastic bag hanging in the passenger seat. The light green glitter shows through and I smile. I think Griffin will like it.

Tomorrow night, my life will change and I can’t wait.

I walk in with my dress slung on my back. I throw my keys and dress on the island and take off my coat. “Griff!” I call out.


I turn as he runs down the steps. “Yer late. I was worried.”

I glance at rhe luggage. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I got held up.”

“I thought you were seeing your family?” He crosses his arms.

“I did. Someone else did too.” I lift an eye to him.

“Ivy, who?”

I guess he can see the disturbance my father caused. “My father.” I whisper.

His brows lift. “No…After all this time?”

“Yes, he said he wanted to apologize.” I turn and lift my chin.

“Oh…um…did he?” He tilts his head.

“Yes…then I told him to go to hell…in not so many words.” I say sharply.

“Ivy…” He sighs.

“I know what you’re going to say, Griff. He’s my dad…the only one I got…...He loves me…it's not his fault because he was cursed…” I walk to the couch and flop down.

“On the contrary, love. I hope ya gave him a shove off for me.” He says as he sits down beside me.

“Really?” I lean back and he wraps his arm around me.

“Yeah. I told ya. Any man worth his salt wouldn’t leave his family. Ya did right, love. You can tell me about it on the plane. I hope you packed warm.” He smirks.

“Yes.” I smile.

“Good. Is that what I think?” He motions his head to my dress.

“Yes.” I grin.

“I’m peeking.” He shoots up and starts for the dress.

“GRIFFIN FORD, DON’T YOU DARE!” I jump and chase after him.

Before he can lift the plastic, I grab the back of his shirt and pull him back. He spins around, takes me in his arms and dips me down to a point where I start to hang my head and laugh. He bites at my chest and neck as I squeal and try to push him off.

He gets to my lips and I look into his smiling eyes. “Ya could wear a sack and ya still be the most stunning princess at the ball.” He says.

“Yeah, right.” I giggle.

“Granted, a sexy dress would compliment my suit much better.” He smirks.

I grab his cheeks and kiss him with a giggle.

He lifts me up, fixes my hair, glasses and shirt. “Now…we best be on the move to catch the plane.”

“Lead the way.” I motion for the door.

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