The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Jump Around’ by House Of Pain)


“We just need to go over what happened. I need to see what Abraxas has to say.”

I reassure Ivy that all we want to do is confirm that the curse was broken with the death of her grandmother. In my mind, we should be done with it.

“I just want to put this behind me.” She mumbles as she lowers her head.

I lift her eyes to mine. “This is how we do that. Remember? Ya can’t hold this in, Ivy. Talking moves ya past it.”

She takes a deep breath and smiles. “OK.”

“Don’t worry. No one is gonna make ya feel weird or anything. It’s not therapy. It’s just talk.” I smile.

She nods and I hold out my hand. She places hers in it and I lead her to the hub.

As I open the door, I stop. “Ah, feck.” I groan as I slowly walk in, hanging my head in shame.

‘The city is buzzing about the incredible scene in the downtown core yesterday afternoon. Experts are without answers and the Security Complex has been tight lipped about what many witnesses can only describe as a haunted storm cloud…’

I walk down the steps, press my lips together as I watch the holographic monitor play the video that been playing all morning.

‘…a video, supplied to us by a witness who was at the scene, shows the creature has no body. No facial structure and no flight worthy appendages, but appears to be a formed black cloud with apparent self awareness. The authenticated video clearly shows the creature floating at least six feet off the ground. It’s several feet in length and scientists are baffled about what it could be.

What’s more surprising is it seems to be able to communicate as demonstrated by our own council Alpha, Griffin Ford. The Alpha was seen standing in front of the creature, seemingly talking with it. He was also with woman who is unknown at this time…both were without clothing. We've tried to contact Alpha Ford for comment and he has yet to respond, but it’s this reporter’s opinion the council Alpha was challenging the creature. Later in the video, the creature appears to attack Alpha Ford before leaving and disappearing into the building of ClimaTech where a woman fell moments before the event.

If you wish to view the full video, it’s posted on our website. Please view it with caution…Some images may be disturbing.

As to what the creature is or what it wants, we are waiting for those answers from Alpha Trezner.’

They play the video again and I bite my top lip with my hands on my hips as I stare at my bare backside presenting itself for the world to see.

‘In related news, video of the encounter has gone viral across the internet and religious leaders around the world have weighed in on the creature…’

“Turn it off!” I growl as I walk down the steps.

“GRIFF!” Marcus yells with a shit eating grin on his face.

Finn turns the monitor off and it disappears.

“Don’t!” I grit as I walk around the table to a spot where I can sit with Ivy.

“What? Why ya mad? At least they got your good side.” He snorts.

Noah and Eddie snicker off to the side. Finn leans back, drapes an arm around himself and is covering his lips.

“I will kick yer arse! I swear it!” I point to him and grind.

“As long as my ass stays off the National News, go ahead and try.” Marcus grins as he holds his arms out.

My wolf surfaces and a low growl grows.

“On a serious note.” Jax leans forward, laces his fingers on the table and raises a brow to me. “Have you tried less cardio and more squats?”

Marcus slams his arm on Jax’s back and buries his head in a fit of hysterics as he holds out his hand to Jax. Jax slaps it with an ear to ear grin.

“Me backside is perfect!” I snarl.

“No. My ass is perfect. That…” He points to where the news report was. “Do more squats.” Jax scrunches his nose and nods.

“Hey…um…Griff…Your ass…It’s on Hot Men Weekly.” Noah informs from his laptop as he tries not to laugh.


“It’s a social media group where people post random pictures of men in various thirst trap poses like…your ass, for instance.” He explains.

“Where?!” I get up and walk around the table to him. I lean on his chair and the table as he scrolls through the group.

He wasn’t fecking lying. There’s hundreds of pictures of abs, backs, asses and pretty much everything else.

“Of all the dehumanizing garbage…Where do they get off?!” I stand up and motion to the screen with a scowl.

“You got 20,000 views in 8 hours.” He points to the screen.

I furrow my brow and my jaw goes slack. “That's it?”

“It's still good.” Noah shrugs.

“What the feck?! That’s gotta be wrong.” I scowl through the pictures.

“I had a million in 4.” Jax crosses his arms and leans back with a smug look on his face.

“You shut yer yap.” I point to him as he snickers.

“Trust me, Griff. Lift the weights.” He smirks and I fire daggers at him.

I turn back to the screen and search the group.

“Hang on…This is a private group. Why are you a member?” I turn to him and question.

“You know…Just in case.” He ticks his head.

“Ya post yourself, don’t ya?” I eye him.

“Yes.” He gives me a stupid grin.

“Can we move on from Griff's ass and start this meeting?” Finn eyes the room.

“For the love of god, please do.” Adam scowls as he leans back in his chair, crosses his arms and arches a brow.

I wave a finger at Noah’s screen. “Get that shite off there.”

“You sure? Could be good publicity?” Noah says.

“Yes, I’m sure, ya eejit! Delete it!” I growl.

“Ok, ok…” He leans forward and starts typing as I walk back to Ivy.

She’s leaning on the table with a hand covering her mouth.

I give her a double take as I pull my chair in. “Yer laughing.”

“No…No, I’m not.” She chokes back a whine.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not laughing, I swear.” She sucks in a whine as tears well.

I turn to face the table with a grumble and shake my head as she struggles to stifle her giggles.

When this is over, I’m blowing up the internet.

Finn sits up. “Ivy. I’m sorry about your grandmother.”

She glances at me then back to Finn. “Thank you. Although, I’m afraid I have no love lost. It sounds extremely horrible, but I’m glad she’s gone.”

“No one will blame ya for feeling like ya do, love.” I hug her head and kiss her temple.

“Now, the curse…” Finn looks to Adam.

“It’s hard to tell, but I would assume the curse is no longer a threat. With Regina dead, the ritual can’t be completed. Regina needed to cut out Ivy's heart. Since she can’t do that, Alistair failed.” Adam informs.

“So, I won’t age prematurely?” Ivy asks.

“Love, I want to show you something.” I take my laptop and open it to a video from the morgue 15 years ago. “Remember when ya asked me to look at the robbery in the morgue?”


“This is that video. Don’t be upset, now. I want ya to look at her. Really look and tell me what ya see.” I start the video and pause it when her mothers body comes into view.

I see her cheeks flush and her eyes glass over as she smiles. “She’s beautiful.” She hitches.

I close the window, rub her back and lean to her. “Aye. She was just as much a stunner as ya are now. There was nothing old about her, Ivy. Just yer father being blind to his own selfish thoughts. Alistair played him. It wasn’t a curse on you. It was a curse on yer dad. Like I told ya, and I pray ya believe me, I’m not him.”

She throws her arms around my neck and I hug her tight.

“Thank you.” She sniffs.

“Don’t thank me for loving you. Yer my life, Ivy. That’s all you'll ever be.” I mumble in her neck.

“Griffin’s right. Alistair was preying on the men in the White family. They were probably good men, but Alistair knew which buttons to push. How? I’m still trying to figure that out. He never got to Griffin so I believe there’s nothing to indicate that you’ll be struck with the curse.” Adam says from the other side of Ivy.

She pushes me back and turns to Adam. “With no one left in my bloodline, we're no longer targets, then. Alistair mentioned something about Plan B. Do you know that that is?”

Adam shrugs. “No. There’s a lot of ways to open hell. Until he makes a move, I won’t know what he’s planning.”

His eyes turn black. “I’ll keep my ear out. I’m sure someone will talk. I’ll let you know if I hear something.”

“Thanks Abraxas.” Finn says.

“Griff, put the video up. I’ve seen it before, but I want to see if there’s something I missed that will give us a clue as to who took the heart.” Jax leans on the table.

I look to Ivy and she nods that it’s ok.

I hit some keys and the monitor appears in the circle center. I play the video and see her get uncomfortable when we cross the part where her mothers chest was torn open and her heart was removed by nothing.

“Wait…go back.” Jax points to me as he studies the video closely.

We watch it again.

“Those are claw marks.” Finn says as the five cuts dig into her skin.

“I’ll try enhancing it.” I fiddle with the image and it becomes clearer.

“I think I know what from. Griff, slow it down 50 percent.” Jax orders.

I do then play video again.

“Pause it!” He throws a finger at me. “There you are, you rotten bastard.”

We stare at the blurred arm of a hand containing wolf claws. The body was hidden in the dark and the arm was covered in what looked like black leather.

“Cleaning up noise.” I say as I sharpen the video.

Adam tilts his head. “Go forward…slowly.” He leans in as his brows come together and he stares at the screen.

The video rolls and the body comes out of the dark and reveals a face. He’s cut, dark and has a close cut beard with short brown or black hair. He looks experienced. Long lived, but not grey.

“Who's that?” I ask.

Adam shakes his head. “Icarus.”

“Excuse me? Who?” Finn asks.

“Icarus Baros. High council Icarus Baros.” Adam informs.

“High council? That dude’s fucking royalty?” Jax points to the screen as he questions Adam.

Adam nods. “Yep. Sure of it. The High council became a big thing after the 24th century. They disbanded every Alliance and set up here. After the take over, we all had to learn High council history. That guy is one brutal dick. He got thrown off the council around 2315. Conspiring with the enemy.”

“Wait…How old is he?” Eddie asks.

Adam shrugs. “No one knows for sure. He showed up in the 18th century looking just like that. No one knows how he’s living so long. They just assume his wolf is strong.”

“He has that debonair gentleman look. Definitely old school.” Ivy says.

“Aye. He almost looks like he doesn’t belong in this time. Like he stepped out of a history book or something.” I agree.

“So strange.” She whispers as we study his face more.

“What does he want with the heart?” Eddie says.

Adam shakes his head. “Don’t know. Whatever it is, it can’t be good.”

“So, obviously, he has powers then…” Jax starts.

“No, he doesn’t. He’s a regular shifter of Mediterranean wolves. He has to have help.” Adam says as he studies the video further.

“Griff, slow it down more.” Finn instructs.

I set up and play it again. It moves slowly through the frames and something in the dark catches my eyes. I lean forward. “What is that?”

“Zoom in.” Adam points to me.

I zoom in as the frames flip and vision of a pale slender hand comes into view. “Sweet Jesus.” My breath speeds up and I swallow as I see two dark eyes with black veins around them. The slender body, long black hair and pale face stares eerily from the shadow behind the king, turning my blood to ice.

“Necromancer.” I whisper.


“Adam?” Finn asks.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know her. She definitely assisted. She helped him travel the shadow to get in. The question is why?”

“The other question is how did they do that and not get caught. Shifters aren’t exactly fast.” Jax says.

“The Necromancer must have messed with the feed. Some powers can wreck the cameras." I supply.

“Maybe, either way, Zander needs to be told about this.” Adam says.

“What kind of shit show is that guy running over there?” Marcus growls.

“A fucking train wreck, that's what.” Jax adds.

“I don’t know, but he better get it under fucking control before His Royal Fucknut gets a skate in the ass.” Finn growls as he puts his phone to his ear, turns his chair and walks away to a quieter part of the room.

“Adam, is there anyway we can protect ourselves from Alistair?” Ivy asks.

“The only real way is to keep a clean soul. Be true to yourself and others, he won’t have power over you.” He shrugs then turns his eyes to Eddie who immediately looks away. It hurts my heart the damage he has to repair.

I drape my arm around her neck. “Don’t worry, love. What we have, no demon can touch. You'll see.” I smile as her eyes meet mine.

“Thank you.” She turns to the table. “All of you. I don’t think I would have survived this without you guys.”

“Don’t mention.” Jax waves her off.

“It’s what we do.” Marcus grins.

“I don’t care, Zander…” Finn walks back to the table. “Reign your crew in or things are going to get messy…You can throw your royal threats until you’re blue in the face. I have full right to kick your ass for your people invading my pack…It’s called autonomy for a reason…I doubt Ricky would blame me, Zan…That’s what I thought you’d say…Take care of this now!” He hangs up, throws his phone on the table and stuffs his hands in his pockets. “The King has graciously told me he’s investigating.”

“Sweeping it under the rug, most likely.” Jax grumbles with his arms crossed.

“I agree which is why we need to be extra vigilant. Especially with Hydra exposed. If we have High Council Alphas sniffing around, we need to protect our biggest asset fast.” Finn says.

“I’m meeting with the architects today for me stadium. I’ll see what they have for the dome.” I offer.

“Keep me posted.” Finn says. “Meeting adjourned.”

We all stand and I watch Adam head over to Eddie. They have a quiet conversation that I can’t hear and walk out of the room together. I wonder what’s up with that.

“So, evil grandmother’s aside.” Marcus swiftly walks up to us with a grin. “Tell me you two will be at the ball.” He tilts his head to me as Jax comes up behind him.

I take a deep breath. “Well, we've just been trying to deal with everything and haven’t had a chance to talk…”

“Yes!” Ivy turns to me and says quickly.

I look her over and a smile grows in my lips. “Yes?”

She nods. “Yes. I would love to stand under the moon with you.”

I lower my head, shake it as I bite my lip. “C'mere ya gorgeous thing ya!” I grab her, lift her by her waist and spin her around as she laughs and holds my head.

I slow the spin, fist her hair and kiss her deeply. As our lips glide together, I feel the love we both have for each other.

I slowly break the kiss and find her dreamy eyes. “Ya be making me the happiest man on the planet, love. No day will go by where I won’t show ya that.” I pet her hair and take in her scent.

“I love you, so much.” She chokes.

“I be betting I love ya even more than that.” I grin before kissing her again.

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