The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 34

(Chapter song ‘Mistake' by NF)


“Your grandmother is still at large, Ivy. We have all the Enforcers out looking for her and your office is under 24 hour surveillance.” Finn informs as I sit at the Hub table with Griffin beside me.

“So, this isn’t over.” I mumble.

“Until she and Alistair are caught, I’m sorry. You’re still in danger. But we're doing everything to make sure you’re protected.” He says.

“Aye. Yer safe, love. Don’t think yer not. I won’t be letting them touch a hair on yer wee head.” Griffin takes my hand and cups my cheek. He kisses my lips and I smile.

“The curse…” I glance at Griffin then turn back to Finn. “Can we break it.”

“Without knowing exactly how Alistair is creating these illusions, we don’t know. Ariel is looking into it.” Finn says.

“It seems like he’s tapping into thoughts that were already there and exaggerating them. Projecting the fear in the mind.” Abraxas states. “I’m not sure that he even has that skill. Mind manipulation isn’t something torture demons have. They’re more about creating their own emotional and psychological torture outside the body.”

“Is there another demon who has that skill?” Finn asked.

Abraxas shakes his head and laces his fingers on the table. “Unless a new demon has been created, none come to mind.”

“Could he be working with someone else other than Ivy's grandmother?” Noah asks.

“Possible. Angels…they have that skill. Nymphs, witches, sorcerers, shaman…Lycans to an extent. Harpies, Succubus, certain level dragons, fairies, Dejin, young wendigo can too…” Abraxas lists off all the creatures he knows.

“Necromancers.” Griffin interrupts.

“Yes. Some ancient vampires, as well. It’s a long list.” Abraxas says.

“A long list of things we didn’t know existed! Holy shit!” Jax leans on the table.

Abraxas smirks. “The planets big, Jaxton. It’s almost self righteous to think that shifters are the only supernatural creatures living on it.”

“I knew we weren’t alone, dumbass. I just didn’t realize how many were actually real. Not like we're running into these things daily.” Jax growls.

“So which would sink into the gutter and help a demon raise Lucifer?” Marcus asks.

Abraxas chews his lip as he thinks about it. “Not many. The Necromancer is even questionable. A majority are neutral. They ride the middle of evil and good. I don’t think they’d go so far as raising hell on earth. They would suffer just as much. It’s hard to say without some sort of clue.”

“Hey, what if it’s that pied piper guy?” Eddie snaps his fingers at Finn. “He escaped right?”

“Cornell? I don’t know.” Finn answers.

“Unless there’s something in it for him, a pied piper wouldn’t get involved. Demons are usually one sided and not good business partners.” Abraxas leans back and crosses his arms.

“Even you?” Finn arches a brow.

“Even me. The difference between my father and I, if I turn on you, I’ll give you fair warning. But if you keep our relationship respectful and that won’t happen.”

“A demon with morality and ethics. Fuck this planet is getting weirder.” Jax chuckles and shake his head.

“We have just as much free will as you, Jaxton. Some of us weren’t created demons like my father. Some of us were born in hell. That doesn’t mean we like everything that happens there.” Abraxas raises a brow as he eyes Jax.

“Given that, where are we?” Finn asks.

“Square one. Right now, it’s probably safe to assume he’s found a way to create these illusions himself.” Abraxas sighs.

“Ya know what I think.” Griffin leans forward. “I think we need the turn the tables on this thing. Make him think he’s won. Then we grab him and stomp his arse to the fire pit.”

“How do we do that?” I ask.

“I have a feeling the Hydra will be our best asset in this.” He smiles.

“He saw right through Ivy's clone.” Finn states.

“Aye, but…Ivy wanted her clone to protect me, not herself. In short, she wasn’t programmed right.” He looks around the table.

“Wait, you’re saying she needs to be told to be me…convincingly.” I sit up and cinch my brow.

“That’s what I’m saying, love. She won’t think to protect her disguise if she’s not instructed. So, my idea is we do just that.” He glances at me then his friends.

“That’s a huge risk, Griffin. If he finds out…” I start.

“He won’t, love. Me idea is sound. I know it.” He smirks.

As the Alphas talked more about Griffins plan, my stomach flips as the rising concern of failure looms in my head.

Even if they do succeed, how does that remove the curse that plagues my bond? I don’t think Alistair will give up his secrets easily. That still leaves me wondering if I should risk being bonded until I'm sure the curse is broken, at least.

I don’t have to end it with Griffin, but I can hold off. We can fight the demon, fix whatever he broke then live our happily ever after.

Griffin is my strong, brave prince. I just don’t think he’s stronger than his own convictions. Even if he thinks he doesn’t have them anymore.

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but as many men from my past have proven, that can turn skin deep at the drop of a curse.

No. I’ll talk to Griffin tonight. I’ll tell him I want to skip the moon and wait for the curse to break. He should understand the seriousness of my concerns.

At least that much I can trust.


“So glad to be home and here with you.” Griffin kisses me as we spend a quiet night together.

The flood didn’t change much as far as Griffins home life goes.

His penthouse is certainly filled with Irish pride. White, green and gold are everywhere. It’s also covered in soccer trophies, medals, jerseys with his name. It’s a shrine to Griffin Ford. There’s no question about that.

He's certainly very proud of himself.

I also noticed everything is just as pristine as it was before, in proper order and perfect. His obsession with perfection clearly shows with every closely measured, framed picture on the walls. Everything is organized, meticulously, by size, shape and color. Even the bottles and cans all face out and are lined up perfectly. There isn’t a speck of dust or fingerprint anywhere. Literally nothing looks out of place or askew. I would even hazard a guess that even his junk drawer was carefully organized, if it even exists at all.

Griffin knows what he likes. He makes that very clear.

His parents were sad to see us go, but we had to try and get our normal lives back.

His father pestered for an answer after hearing Griffin asked. In the end, he respected the decision we agreed to, though he wasn’t happy about it.

As I run through how I need this conversation to go, Griffin takes my glass and sets it down on a coaster on the coffee table. He takes my hands and looks into my eyes.

I know what’s coming.

“Now, I don’t mean to pressure, but it's been a few days and we haven’t talked much about the question I asked ya. So I gotta ask, love. What have ya thought?” He squeezes my hands and waits for an answer.

I rub the tops of his hands with my thumbs and avoid his eyes. “I have given it a lot of thought, Griff and I have an answer.”

He leans to find my eyes. “Ya do? That’s grand, love.” He grins.

“My answer is no, Griff.” I lift my eyes and lock with his.

He huffs a concerned chuckle. “Excuse me? I thought I heard ya say no.”

“I did. I’m sorry.” I say quietly.

He studies my eyes, lets go of my hands and turns forward on the couch.

“I didn’t come to this decision lightly, Griff. And it’s not the end. Just…not right now.” I turn and try to find his eyes as he places his hands at his nose in a prayer.

“Not right now.” He mumbles behind his fingers.

“Yes. Not long. Just to the next moon. Is that OK?”

Without looking at me, he gets up, rubbing his forehead as he walks around his living room.

“Griffin.” I whisper as I stand.

He turns and the look on his face hurts my heart.

“Ivy…Love, ya can’t say no. Ya can’t.” He says with confusion.

“I have to, Griff. I have no choice.” I slowly tilt and shake my head.

“What do ya mean, no choice. Yes or no. That’s a choice. Why?” He asks with concern on his lips.

“It’s not like that. I just…I don’t trust…” I stammer.

“Trust? You don’t trust? Why not? I told ya, love. I’m in this. All of it. If this is about the curse, I don’t care what Alistair did. It won’t affect me.” He pleads.

I cross my arms, purse my lips and shake my head as my eyes heat. “You sure about that?”

He steps closer with a little anger on his face. “Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?”

I suck in my top lip, nod and look to the floor. I slowly walk to him and raise my eyes to his.

“Griff's Red Card.” I whisper as my lip trembles.

His face softens and he takes a breath like I just punched him in the gut. “Ivy, that’s not fair. Ya can’t use that against me.” He turn his head slightly as he eyes me.

I sniff as I look back down then meet his eyes again. I feel the tears coming and I try to hold them back. “I can, Griff. How do I know that when the curse hits you, you won’t throw that red card in my face?”

He swallows as his eyes turn glassy. “Love…Love, Ivy. I love you. I’d never…”

The tears well and the lump grows in my throat. “I can’t trust that if the curse still exists. I’m sorry. The pain of the bond is too much to risk. I can’t raise a child like I grew up. Griff, I have to be sure.”

I step closer. “I can’t…I just…I can’t.” I hold myself as I look to the floor.

“So, basically, ya don’t trust me.” He takes in a shaky breath.

“No…Griff. I don’t trust the curse…” I reach out for him and he pulls away.

“No.” He juts out his chin and steps back. “Ya don’t trust me. You don’t trust my love for ya. Ya think I’m so callous, I’d destroy us because of what ya look like.” He looks at me with all the pain I was expecting, but I wasn’t prepared for how much it would hurt to actually see it.

“Griff, no. That’s not what I'm saying…” I explain.

He throws a finger to my nose. “No!” He grits quietly. “Ya can’t twist this, lass. Sure, I was a right arsehole growing up, but I’m not that kid. Ya can’t blame me now for the stupidity of my past. I won’t let ya. If you honestly believe that I’m so weak and immoral to put yer fecking looks before yer heart, then there’s no talking.”

“Griff. Once we break the curse, it won’t be a problem!” I argue.

“That’s not the point, Ivy!!” He yells. “The point is how little ya think of me! How ya can even think I’d do something like that to ya? To leave you and my child because of yer looks? Are ya kidding? Do ya even know how special that is to me? Do ya even know how much my heart hurts right now knowing ya think I’d hurt ya and our baby like that?!”

His anger rises and the tears flow. “The magic…” I choke.

“No, Ivy! I’ve been telling ya. Curse be damned. It can change what ya look like in my eye, but it would never change how me heart feels. If you can’t trust that, there’s no point in going forward. I’ll help ya break the curse, but after that, ya go on yer merry way…without me. I can’t be with someone who thinks I could hurt my family…for whatever the reason.” A tear falls, he wipes it and turns on his heels. He storms to the door.


“DUL GO HIFREANN!!” He growls loud as he slams the front door.

I slam myself on the couch, cover my eyes and cry.

“Go to hell.”

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