The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 10

(Chapter song ‘Walk This Way’ by Run D.M.C feat. Aerosmith)


I pull up to the southeast bridge and get out of my car.

Marcus steps toward me. This is our first secret meeting and I need to make sure he’s not going to screw this up. “Hey, Dia.”

“So…Did ya tell her?” I ask as I kick out a leg and cross my arms. I chew my gum with irritation because I really don’t want to have to do this.

He rubs his nape. “Naw. I hadn’t had the chance, ya know? I…I need the right moment.”

“Marcus! This won’t work if ya don’t tell her! She finds out, she’ll wreck everything. Is that what you want?” I throw my hands out to the side and glare at him. “Ya stupid or what?”

“No, Claudia. No. I just…I can’t just spring something like this on Sophie. She’s innocent. She’s not from the world I am. I also can’t do it if her brothers hanging around. If he knew I was back in the life, he’d murder me.” He shakes his head with a whine on his face.

“Marcus. You ain’t part of the life, you’re doing me a favor, ok. I can see ya having a hard time with this and I get it. You got some sweet perfect girl over there and you’re stuck with me. I understand. But, you ruin this for me and I will not hesitate to put two in ya chest. Get it?” I close the gap between us and make sure my threat is well received.

“Listen. I get this feels like cheating or something, but it’s not. I hate your adorable guts. I got a man. I don’t need a shifter.” I hammer that point into his head.

“Yeah. I get that.” He looks down and kicks at the rocks on the ground.

“Good.” I give his chest a tap. “As long as we’re kosher and don’t touch, we’re good and you can tell Miss. Wife material to relax and enjoy the benefits.” I fix my hair in my phone camera because I’m meeting Skylar after this.

“I guess your right. I’m not doing anything to Sophie. As long as we don’t touch each other.” He confirms.

“Right. It’s just business, Marcus. In the end, we both get what we want. You go back to the cushy life, away from the family and I get my man. Now, I told my Aunt I was going for a late night walk with you and you were showing me where I'd be moving to, so I need evidence.” I hit my camera switch on my phone.

“What kind of evidence?”

I stand shoulder to shoulder with him, grab his chin and put our faces in the camera frame.

“Ok. Kisses!!” I make kissing lips and he does too for a quick minute. “Huh. Not bad.” I look over how adorable he looks with that face. “#latenightlake #competelyinlove.” I put my phone in my pocket and turn. “Thanks. Auntie will love it.”

“Good.” He grumbles.

“Come on, Marcus. It ain’t that bad of a trade off. You fake hook up with me for a year and the Luccos get to live. You should be proud to serve your family.” I walk to my car. “Ok. I have to go. I’m meeting up with Skyler at the hotel. It’s our six month anniversary.” I grin as I get in.

“Congrats.” He waves and I close the door.

He stuffs his hands back in his pockets and leans on his white car as I pull out.

I found my eyes flicking to his reflection a few times before he disappeared.

“He really is cute.” I mutter then shake the thought as fast as it appeared.


“The menu will be here in an hour and I need you to finalize it. The dress maker will be here tomorrow so you better be here.”

My aunt walks around the common room with swatches, dinner plans and flower samples.

“Do whatever you want. I don’t care." I’m laying on the couch while I text Skylar.

“I realize you hate me, Claudia, but this is your mating ceremony. You should at least be involved." She stands and crosses her arms.

I sit on my but and plant my feet on the floor. “No. This is your ceremony. I’m a hostage.”

“Oh please. You should be thanking me. Alpha Cooper is a much better mate than that errand boy.” She waves me off as she flips through catalogues.

“Skylar is 100 percent man.” I stand. “He wants to care for me. This baseball idiot only wants to lift the hit off his head. He's selfish and a complete narc.” I cross my arms and stand with attitude. “And let’s not forget, he’s a filthy shifter. There’s no way I’ll ever be happy about mating a shifter.”

She drops her book on the coffee table. “Well, it’s not like you’ll be able to mate a decent Lycan, so a rich, influential shifter will have to do. Honestly, Claudia. You need your priorities straight. We can’t take care of you. That poor excuse of a lycan will never be able to either. At the very least, you get a lifestyle of comfort. It’s better than being culled.” She shoves her nose in the air and walks off to the dining hall.

I lightly rub my neck. She’s right about that. It’s common for princesses to meet unfortunate ends when they are seen as useless. I have to appreciate that they decided this instead of taking me out. Even Queens aren’t really safe from the cull if she can’t produce enough healthy pups. Lycan life isn’t for the weak or long lived.

Thank God Skylar doesn’t subscribe to that belief. He loves me and wouldn’t even think of allowing that to happen to me. I’m sure if it came down to it, he’d rush in to save me and take me away from this horrid family.

He’s can be so brave when he wants to be and I love that. He’s not like these other lycan males who judge a woman’s worth by what she can produce for them. No. Skylar treats me with respect and that’s why I’m going to make him proud and use Marcus to the fullest extent. He deserves that much from me.

After having enough of my Aunt, I left to find Skylar. He’s getting his orders today from my aunts beta.

As I approach the office hall, I see the betas door open and my sexy man steps out. He looks…angry.

“Sky?” I say as he pushes past me.

“What do you want?” He snaps.

I eye him. “What’s wrong?”

He motions to the office. “Fucking idiot beta handed all the high paying jobs to Tommy. I got the shit for the third time this week. I’m sick of this shit, Dia. I get my ass handed to me for a few grand a week. It’s pathetic! How the hell am I supposed to get my band off the ground with this.” He scowls.

“Well." I slide up to him and fix his shirt. “If you maybe lowered your standards a bit, band members wouldn’t be so expensive.”

He rips my hand off and points to my nose. “No. I have a vision, Dia. If I can’t get band members with the skills of Breaking Benjamin then I don’t want them.”

“Ok. Honey, I get that. So, you need to save your money and…” I say as nicely as I can.

He leans to me. “What are you doing?”

I lean back. “Me?”

“Yeah, you. Shouldn’t you be out there weaseling money out of your new mate.” He juts his chin out and tilts his head as he glares at me.

“Uh…I…” I flush with heat as I try to find a way to answer that.

“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t be here criticizing me about my money. You'd be out there working your behind to bring in more.” He quietly growls.

“I do love you.” I whisper.

“Then leave me alone and go find the ball player!!” He yells.

I watch him storm away and start feel guilty for stepping on him like that. He's right. It's not my place to tell a man how to manage his money even though I know if he would stop blowing his cash on beer, strippers and band equipment, he’d have lots of it.

“Ok.” I squeak to his back. I walk back to the common room and flop myself down on the couch.

I pick up a ceremony magazine off the table. “What am I doing?” I say as I lick my finger and flip the page. I see the dresses and flowers and think.

I put the book down and pull out my phone. I walk to the stairs and climb them as the other end answers. “Prepare a car out front and call the plane. I’m going to Parkdale.” I hang up and I walk to my room with a smirk on my face. “The money’s not going to scam itself. Marcus is about to get a new house guest.” I say to myself as I pull out my luggage.


A plane ride later, I’m pulling up to a rather modest looking pack house for a National ball player.

It looks like a 10 room cottage to be honest. White siding with red trim around the widows and doors. A three car garage and large circle driveway tucked away in a small green space forest.

The driver gets out and opens the door. My designer black heeled boots hit the asphalt and I step out. He shuts the door and I stare at the place.

“Oh, how quaint.” I say with snark as I pull my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose. “Two floors? Are you kidding me? Is this right?”

“Yes, miss.” The driver says as he removes my bags from the trunk.

I push my glasses back up. “Ugh…fine.” I expect something like this from Skylar because he’s just starting out, but from an established man, he probably has a gambling problem or something. “Just perfect.” I roll my eyes and strut to the front door.

I walk in and push my glasses into my hair. My jaw goes slack and I’m floored by the décor of the place.

I turn to my driver. “Do me a favor. Call my decorator and get her out here asap. This place is a serious cry for help.” I may be conning Marcus, but I refuse to do it in this. I am his mate so I have a right to decorate my “home".

I walk around the white contemporary pack house it looks like some sort of low budget 80s movie set. Gross.

“Can I help you?”

I spin around to a very attractive man standing in the hallway.

I turn on the charm and saunter over to him. “Hey, cutie. I’m looking for Marcus.”

“He’s not here. Who are you?” He eyes me curiously.

I fix my hair and smile. My bracelets jingle as I hold out my hand. “I’m sorry. How rude. I’m Claudia Vinelli.” He slowly takes my hand and shakes it. “His mate.” I grin as I chew my gum.

“Excuse me?” His brows shoot up. “His what?”

“His mate.” I say as I turn and start looking around the house more. “This is OK, but we’re gonna have to expand the place. I have a need for lots of space.” I look back at him.

“Uh…Marcus never mentioned…” He says as follows me through the house.

“I know. He doesn’t know I’m here yet. It’s a surprise.” I giggle and walk into the kitchen. “Is there staff?”

“Uh…no…just us…You know, I’m gonna call Marcus…” He says and pulls out his phone.

“Cool. Ya do that. I’m going to unpack. Where’s my room?” I ask as I pick up my bag.

“I think you should just hold off…” He says as he waits for Marcus to answer.

“Ya know what? I’ll find it myself. You’re busy. I don’t wanna trouble ya. Just when you get off the phone, be a sweetie and bring the rest of my things up. Thanks darling.” I tap his nose, smile big and climb the stairs to find a room to suffer in. He shoots me a weird look and I give him a sultry smile as I look over his muscles in his cut off tank. There may be some perks to this gig after all.

I check the doors and find a nice room with a dark décor. I walk in and the dark curtains have a baseball logo on it. I hold it open and see Silver Bullets. I smell the hint of leather and musk. This is Marcus' room. I slowly make my way to a shelf and look over all the pennants, trophies and pictures. Marcus is in various baseball uniforms and laughing with friends. Everyone looks so happy and normal. You won’t find this in a lycan room that’s for damn sure.

I find his bathroom and stop at the sink. I pick up a bottle of aftershave and remove the cap to smell it. It smells so good. Not the scent that I got off him though. I look over all the hair and face products. He likes to take care of himself. How vain, I snort and walk out.

I leave his room and head down the hall. I find another room decorated rather neutral. The closet and dresser is empty. I guess I found a guest room.

I walk to the queen bed and place my bag on it.

“I wonder if there’s anything to eat in this joint.” I say as I get up and leave.

As I come down the stairs, I hear voices.

“No. He’s not here, he’s practicing in Oxford this morning.” The guy says.

I slow my descent when big, blue eyes, light brown hair and young, pretty face come into my view.

“Oh. OK. I just…I wanted to apologize for…” Her eyes meet mine and she looks at me curiously. “Hello.”

“Hi.” I smile. I think I know who this is. I hold out my hand. “I’m Claudia.”

“She’s leaving.” The guy scowls.

I cross my arms and scowl back. “Who says?”

“Marcus. If you’re not gone by the time he gets back, he’s throwing you out.” He growls.

I chuckle as I come down the rest of the steps. “He’s cute when he tries to be threatening. It’s ok. I’ll talk to him. Anyway. Who might you be?”

“Sophie.” She supplies.

“Sophie…” I stand in front of her and tilt my head. “As this fine man said, Marcus isn’t here. I can give him a message for you.”

She narrows her eyes. “You’re his mate?”

“That's me.” I say smugly.

Her face falls as she gives me a once over. “It’s ok. It’s not important. I’ll see him whenever.”

“Ya sure? I can tell him to call you.” I say politely.

“No. I don’t want to interrupt whatever…this is.” She motions to me and I feel her attitude.

“Fine. Have a nice day.” I throw my attitude right back at her.

I watch her leave and turn to the guy. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name.”

“I didn’t give it.” He grits.

“Ok. So what is it?” I ask.

“Don’t you have a plane to catch, Miss. Vinelli.” He grits.

“Nope. I’m home now. That’s part of the package deal. So, you might as well get used to me being around. I ain’t going anywhere, sweetie. Marcus' life depends on that.” I grin and poke his chest with my finger as I strut by him. “The name?” I ask again over my shoulder.

“Aster.” He clenches.

“Ok, Aster. Here’s how things are going to work. As the new Luna of the house, I expect a certain level of comfort. This…” I point around the house and turn to him. “Isn’t it. I don’t cook, I don’t clean and I don’t wash. You boys will have to staff this house properly.”

“You can’t just walk in here…” He strides to me and points a finger at me.

I grab his hand and push it down. “My aunt and Alpha Lucco say I can. Ya gotta problem with it, take it up with them.” I cross my arms and smirk.

“Alpha Lucco?” He backs off and his lips fall.

“Alpha Lucco.” I nod with a smart ass look. “I can call him if ya like.”

“Uh…no...I…uh…think you’re right. We will…just wait for Marcus.” He smiles the fakest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Good.” I drop my attitude and turn on my princess. “Be a dear and make me a sandwich.”

He sighs. “Coming right up.” He mumbles as he walks to the kitchen.

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