The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 11

(Chapter song ‘Sweet but Psycho’ by Ava Maxx)


“Where is she?!” I slam the door to my pack house closed and barrel into the hall like a raging bull. I sped home as soon as Aster called me.

I cannot believe she had the balls to do this. There is absolutely no way…

“Honey. You’re home early.”

I stand at the bottom of the stairs and fire daggers at Claudia as she waltzes down them. I can see in her smart ass attitude on her face like she won something. I don’t fucking think so.

She blinks at me. “What’s a matter? Hard day?” She smirks as she crosses her arms.

Aster joins me in the hall as my blood boils.

“I told her to leave.” He leans to me and whispers.

“I'll take care of it.” I snarl and crook a finger to her. “I had to leave a fucking game for this! You know very well this isn’t the deal!”

“Oh?” She gets this seductive look on her face as she walks down the last few steps.

“Wipe that look off ya face now.” I jut my chin out and steam.

“What look? Can’t I appreciate my handsome mate when he's a little upset? You are cute when you’re pissed off.” She smiles as she twirls her hair around her finger.

“You aren’t my mate! Get out!” I throw a finger to my front door.

She ticks her head. “Fine. I’ll just tell Auntie you rejected me and she can put the hit back on ya head.” She turns around to the stairs.

I grab her arm and spin her around. “I didn’t reject you. The deal was for you to be in New York!”

“True.” She walks down the hall and I follow her. Her tiny shorts swing with her hips and I have to shake my head to stop staring. “But I was thinking. If we want this scam to look real, my family can’t be the only ones to see it.”

“What do you mean?” I narrow my eyes to her back.

She walks to a couch and sinks into it. She drapes her arms across the back and crosses her legs. I chew the inside of my lip as I feel my irritation grow.

“I would think as a proud Alpha, you would want to introduce your new Luna to the pack.” She grins and chews her gum. The way she’s looking right now, there would be no way I’d introduce her to anyone.

I shake my head. “Forget. You’re not getting comfortable here! The people out there hate your family’s guts. Introducing you would be a huge mistake. Besides, you aren’t supposed to become my Luna anyway.”

She pats the couch beside her. “Marcus. Have a seat.”

I stand defiantly. “I'll stand thanks.”

“Marc. We're partners. We’re pulling off a game against two very dangerous people. I think it would be wise to be close to make sure we both don’t fuck it up, yeah? It’s just for…insurance. I need to know you’re not going to back out of this thing.” She bounces her boot and folds her arms.

“There’s no reason why ya need to do that here.” I growl.

“There’s several reasons. One big one is the little princess.” She arches a brow at me.

“You keep Sophie out of this.” I point to her as I sit on the end seat of the couch.

She puts her hand up. “Oh. I have full intention of doing just that, but just so you know, the look she gave me, tells me she may not be as into the game as you think.”

“I just told her. She needs time to make it make sense. She has a lot going on in her life right now.” I grumble. She hasn’t spoken to me since I spilled and now I hear she met Claudia. She can’t be in a good way right now.

“The point is, Marcus. I can’t have her running around confusing people. You can have your side chick. I don’t care, but publicly, you’re mine and my aunt will be paying attention.” She leans to me and grins.

I lick my top lip and nod. “Let’s make this clear. You are the side chick. Sophie is mine.”

She scoots closer. “Yes, but out there, you’re all mine bat boy and nobody out there will know different or I will run to daddy and tell him how his disappointing son threw the truce in the garbage.”

I lean on my knees and rub my head. The one my father would tear right off. I roll my eyes to her. “You’d do that, wouldn’t you?”

“In a heartbeat.” She says with an enthusiastic whisper.

I turn to Aster who has a look of dread on his face. I know what he’s thinking.

I face Claudia again.

“Fine. You can grab a room here…”

“Ooo! Thank you! I knew you see the importance of me being here.”

She slams me in a hug and I can’t get away from her fast enough. “Eh! No hugging!” I scowl and fix my hair.

“Sorry. I chose the room next to yours. I hope you don’t mind. I’ve already moved in.” She smiles and stands up. “I’ll have the decorator here in a couple days.”

“This is my house! You ain’t decorating anything." I growl as I stand.

“My aunt will be wanting a visit. I can’t let her see this. She needs to know this is my house too.” She plants her hands on her hips.

“Fine. A splash of paint, some fancy pillows, but that’s it!” I put my foot down.

“Whatever ya say, sweet cheeks.” She pokes my chest as she walks by me and bounces up the stairs.

I flop on the couch with a huge sigh.

Aster slowly sits beside me. “Marc…I’m a little confused.”

“So am I.” I lay down and pull my knees up. I slowly rub temples to try and stop the migraine that’s coming.

“What’s going on?” He asks.

“A mess. A fucking nightmare! My father wanted the truce so he sold me to the Vinellis and to that.” I point up the stairs.

“Arranged mating? They still do that?” He asks as his brows shoot up.

I sit up and nod. “Apparently. What the parents don’t know is we're faking the whole thing. We just need to pretend to be together for them. We aren't supposed to tell anyone else. Well, except Sophie. I still want to be with her. Claudia says she won’t stir up trouble, but her being here, I’m starting to think this thing is about to get very messy.”

“Seeing as how she thinks she owns the place, I’d have to agree with ya. What are ya going to do?” Aster asks.

“I have no choice. If I don’t go along with it, she'll tell my dad.” I scrub my face in frustration. “Don’t worry. She won’t be a problem.”

“Aster! Be a sweetie and make me a burger!” Claudia calls from upstairs.

Aster juts his chin out and glares at me.

I shrug. “You are the Gamma.”

“Ugh!” He gets up and heads to the kitchen.

A light bulb goes off and I spin on the couch. “Aster!”

He turns back to the common room. “What?”

“I’ll take one too.” I smile.

He narrows his eyes.

“What? I skipped lunch." I say as I motion my hand out.

He grumbles something under his breath and goes into the kitchen.

Now that I know one half of the play, I need to find out how the other half is going to go.

I downed my burger and got out of there quick. I feel bad for leaving her with Aster, but it’s his role in the house anyway. He’s just frustrated he has to work for Claudia. I’m sure he wouldn’t have a problem if it was Sophie.

I need to smooth things over with her if I want to really shoot my shot.

I get to Jax's door and turn the knob. “Locked? It’s never locked.” I search my pockets for his door key when it opens.

Jax slips out and shuts the door behind him.

“Hey, what’s going on? Why’s the door locked?” I ask him. He looks a little pale.

“Audrey’s dad’s here.” He smiles.

“Jesse? He’s here? Let me in. I wanna say hi to the cowboy.” I try to get past him.

He stops me and shakes his head. “Him and Curtis just flew in and they’re getting to know Rey. Jesse’s…sharing the DNA his has in his system with her. It’s something only a parent shape shifter can do with their child. They put their hands together and their skin melts into this goo stuff to transfer the information at the molecular level. It’s so gross. I’m so glad you showed up. I was about to toss my lunch.” His face turns white as he rubs his stomach.

I chuckle. “Ok. Is Sophie here? I need to talk to her.”

He crosses his arms. “Yeah. What’s going on with you two? She’s been miserable for the last couple of days.”

My brows stitch up. “She’s miserable?”

“Ya. Like sad music coming from her room and everything.” He says.

“Can ya go get her.” I plead. “Tell her I just wanna talk.”

“Ok, but you’re filling me in later.” He points in my face and slips back into the apartment.

A few more minutes and the door opens.

My whole demeanor changes and I’m little puppy in her lap. She’s so effortlessly pretty. Her pink, pouty lips smile, but it’s not the same. “Hey.” She says.

I get close and look her over with a grin. “Hey yourself, princess.” I lean in and give a quick, but not too quick kiss. That even felt different. Damn it. I knew I hurt her.

I take her hands and look into her blue eyes. “Ya gotta a minute to talk?”

She nods. “Yeah. A few.”

“This way.”

I pull her to the stairwell and we walk down a few flights.

I sit her down and sit down beside her. I lean on my thighs and lace my fingers.

“So. How’s school going?” I start.

“It’s cool. I picked history. It’s kind of cool.” She shrugs.

I sit up. “Oh yeah? That’s good, Soph. Really good. I’m proud of ya.” I smile.

She tilts her head to me. “You’re not here to talk about my courses.”

I lean back down and look down the stairs. “No…I’m not.”

She heaves a breath. “Marc. I wanted to say I’m sorry. Sorry for how I reacted. I know if you had a choice, you wouldn’t go along with it.”

“That’s right. I wouldn’t. Soph. This is killing me to have to put ya in this position, but I’m not giving up on what we’re trying to accomplish here. I really want to start something with ya, princess. Right from the moment I met ya. I know Claudia kills that and I’m sorry.” I lower my head and rub my neck.

“But it’s fake, right?” her eyes meet mine.

I nod. “Yes. A hundred percent.”

“You have no feelings for her at all.” She mumbles.

I sit up, turn to her and shake my head. “No. Not one. Princess, I want you to have my heart. Not her. Claudia is just business…that’s all…Scouts honor.” I grin and hold up three fingers.

She chuckles and holds my hands. “Ok.”

I lift her hands to my lips. “Ok? Really?”

She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. She leans closer as I kiss her knuckles. “I like you, Marc. Like a lot. I just…I’ve never had this kind of thing before and don’t really know how to hand…”

I grab the back of her head and slam my lips on hers. My tongue glided past her soft lips and finds hers. I can’t get enough of how tasty she is. Her scent and everything just drives my wolf insane. Her arousal floats around my head and her scent makes me loopy. Her touch is so electric it crawls across my nervous system like it’s turning everything on. I deepen the kiss, thread my fingers into her hair and drown in her lips.

My semi grows and puts pressure on my jeans.

I break the kiss and run my teeth across her bottom lip as she lets out a quiet moan.

“Ya had me at like.” I mumble on her lips with a smile.

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