The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 9

(Chapter song ‘Sure Shot' by Beastie Boys, ‘These Boots’ by Kon Kan)


‘The city remains in confusion as the Enforcer reports continue to come in.

From what we learned at tonight’s press conference, Enforcer Chief Ted Flemming, informed us that the Black Mace has now adopted a more humane assault on local and surrounding lycans. Several attacks have been reported over the last few weeks of lycans being stalked, captured, injected with the Alliance created Lycan suppression drug then released unharmed. Much like a catch and release sterility program used on feral dogs and cats. There’s been no message or demands from the Black Mace and Enforcers are wondering why the sudden change from his previous M.O.

The number and locations of the attacks also have law enforcement confused as it seems he’s in two places at once.

The Chief has this to say. “We are not convinced there are two Black Mace in the city. It’s obvious to this department that people are confused on time. Again. There is not two Black Mace vigilantes.”

More at 11.’

“Jax, ya clever son of a bitch.” I chuckle as I climb the stairs to the Hub.

As I hit the hallway, I see Eddie storming my way. He looks pissed right off. “Eddie.” I smile as I present myself.

He barely looks at me, growls and waves me off.

I turn to watch him run down the stairs. “What’s with him?”

I shake it off and put my smile back on. Just before I hit the door, I let out a loud, New York “Eh!”

I walk in with my arms out and present myself to the faces I missed so much. Seeing them after the shooting made my chest tight. I really do love these guys and seeing them alive just hit me.

My smile got bigger as I stooped at the top step. “Hey guys. Miss me?”

I catch Jax’s eyes and his excitement is clear. He takes fast, big steps to me and grabs me in a bro hug. I laugh as he smothers me like a bear.

“I missed you, man.” He mumbles. “I’m glad you’re OK.”

“I missed ya, too.” I hug him back.

The guys all crowd me and dish out their own bro hugs, back slaps and side claps.

Jax points in my face. “One more day, I was coming for your ass. You said you’d call.”

I rub my nape because I know how he’s going to react. I prepare for the explosion as I take a deep breath. “Yeah…I'm sorry. My dad held me up. The lycans called a truce.” I wince away as I wait for the yelling and telling me I’m stupid for going to the family.

“Really? That quick.” He says as he slightly turns his head and arches a brow.

“Yeah. It’s the damnedist thing. They wanted my dad to stop the extermination so they came to the table. I guess my dad’s still got it.” I push past him and walk to my seat.

Like I was never gone, we both sit at the same time. I glance at him quickly. “I thought you’d be…ya know…mad or something.”

He shakes his head. “Given the attempt on your life, I assumed you went to your dad to fix the truce. It makes sense. Just as long as he’s gone now.” He gives me the classic Jax Dupree warning look.

“Oh, yeah…Sure…he’s gone.” I grin. He grins back and we both kick back with our hands behind our heads.

“Hey, guys…Marcus!”

I look to the door and Finn walks in.

“Finley!” I lean on the table and grin.

“Glad to see you’re OK, man. Had us worried for a bit." He claps my back as he walks by.

“Me too. It was iffy for a while, but I don’t think they’ll be coming after me for a while.” My hand falls to my side where I took the bullet.

“Good. Let’s get this thing started.” Finn says as he walks to his seat.

Jax and I smile at each other again. The bros are back together and I can tell he can’t be happier about it.

“Ok. So, the surveillance teams have found a hacker.” Finn announces.

“What? No way!” I growl as I sit up. “There’s no way someone hacked my system!”

Finn puts his hand up. “We don’t know who it is, but his signature looks familiar. I’m running it by Phoenix and hopefully Hunter will be able to find something.”

“Who do you think it is?” Jax leans on the table.

Finn looks around the table nervously . “Alistair.”

“Fuck.” Griffin hits the table and slams back.

“It better not be, Finn.” Jax growls.

Shit. No one can hack my system but that guy. Only because everything he knows about computers and hacking he stole.

“I still need a chunk of his ass, so I hope so.” I get my back up. Alistair has been on my hit list for years. He’s dead, again, if I ever see him again.

Finn nods. “It’s not conclusive, but given the signature, I’m putting it at a 90 percent chance.”

“You don’t think he’d have the balls after what he pulled.” Jax ticks his jaw.

“I hope not. For Eddies sake. Don’t tell him until we can confirm it.” Finn says to us all.

“Finley. We can’t hide this from him. He has a right.” Griffin shakes his head at Finn.

“I don’t need him flying off the handle. Alistair is dangerous.” Finn leans to us. “If he’s upset, he leaves himself open for attack and we know how well that goes.”



“Yeah, ok. We won’t tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

We all turn to the door and Eddie walks in with three hotdogs. He shoves half a dog in his mouth. “Marcus!” He smiles with his mouthful as he takes his seat beside Griffin.

“Oh…uh…ya know. I forgot.” Finn shrugs.

“Oh.” He chews. “Must not have been important.” He sets his dogs down and licks his fingers.

“Nope. I don’t think so.” Finn shakes his head.

We talked about a few more things then of course, Finn brings up what I don’t want to talk about.

“Marcus. This truce. What’s the details on that?” Finn asks.

“Oh.” I clear my throat and sit up. “You know. The usual give and take. They both signed so as far as my pack goes…”

Finn nods.

“So it’s all good? The truce is active now?” Jax asks.

“Uh…Yeah…Mostly.” I totally try to hide the devastation my dad is making me do.

“What did you have to give up?” He asks as he rests his hands on his chest.

“Well, weapons and junk. I-I dunno. I wasn’t really paying attention.” Again, don’t look him in the eye Marc.

He sits up. “You sat in a room with two of the most powerful families in New York for a week and didn’t pay attention?”


“Nah…Cus, ya know…there may have been other things to pay attention to.” Just short answers, Marcus. He won’t push further.

“Girls. You’re talking girls.” He states as he shakes his head with a disapproving look.

I glance around the table. “Maybe.” Fuck Jax. Quit pushing or I’m gonna break.

I see him thinking and I believed I was in the clear then he hauls off and nails me in the gut! I drop out of my chair and onto the floor like a sack of potatoes.

I groan holding my stomach.


“WHAT THE HELL?!” I scowl as I try to get to my feet.

“YOU STEPPING OUT ON MY SISTER?!” He yells as he stands over me.

My face twists in confusion. “What?! Stepping out? We’re not even hitting, man! There’s nothing to step out on!” I stand up and step back.

He tilts his head. “You’re not?”

“No.” I straighten my shirt. “It’s not that I don’t want to, she doesn’t. She wants us to get to know each other first. She friend zoned me.”

“Oh.” He pulls his chair in and sits. I do too while I protect my gut. “Um…sorry.” He grumbles

“Don’t worry about it.” I grumble back.

He side eyes me. “She’s my only sister. I just…”

“I get it. Don’t worry. I’d never do her like that. Marcus Cooper isn’t a cheat.” I nod.

I try to keep the guilt down as I try to focus on the meeting. Jax is studying me and I can tell keeping this from him is not going to be easy. As long as I can keep the two separate, I’m cool.

“Meeting adjourned.” Finn announces and we all stand.

He turns to me as we stand. “Don’t call. Don’t knock. Don’t come over.”

“But I just got back.” I complain as I walk behind him. I wanted to catch up.

“Yeah, well…I have a mate to mark. So, if you show up, I’m punching you again.” He warns.

I chuckle. “You have fun, buddy.” I clap his back as we walk out.

“Oh, I plan on having lots of fun.” He grins stupidly as he bounces his brow.

I laugh more and shake my head.

To have something so beautiful grow out of something so tragic. Only Jax Dupree could get that.

I don’t. I get threats to my life and the most abhorrent woman on the planet. I only have to deal with her threats and attitude for a year. I have to remember that.


After a few days, I got a text from Claudia. She’s wanting a meet up as soon as possible. That didn’t take long for her to find me and shove herself into my free life. This better not become a habit. She basically warned me that if I didn’t tell Sophie, she’d end me or whatever. Then she ran off to her loser boyfriend. I try to shake off her threat, but I can’t.

She’s right. Sophie has a right to know if she’s going to be part of my life. I’ve been avoiding her since I got back. For a few reasons. Jax is a big one. He never leaves her alone and if he has to, he leaves her with Audrey. Two…I’m scared to tell her. The last thing I want is for her to think bad about me. I also can’t feel guilty if I don’t see her. See, I’m a fucking scaredy cat.

It wasn’t until I met Claudia under the cover of darkness like a thug that I decided to bite the bullet and tell Sophie about us. I don’t need Claudia endangering Sophie so I better do this.

Sophie got a job working at a Café downtown. I hadn’t been there yet so, off for a coffee I went. Maybe this is a good thing. Plenty of witnesses.

I walk into the small shop. There’s a handful of tables and a patio. The store is white and yellow. It’s decorated with plants and there's artwork of coffee on the walls.

I get in line and lean around the guy in front of me. Sophie is a vision in her apron and messy bun. I have to chuckle because although she has a smile on her face, I can tell she’s hating this.

The guy in front leaves and Sophie steps aside to make more coffee.

“What can I get you?” She mumbles as she fills the coffee filter.

“How about a hug?” I grin.

Her eyes whip to mine and her face brightens right up.

“MARKY!” She yells. The entire shop stops and all eyes fall on us.

I rub my nape as I laugh. She runs around the counter and slams me in a hug.

I squeeze her hard. “Hey, princess. Sorry, I haven’t had time to see ya since I got back. Pack business and stuff.”

“It’s OK. I knew you’d see me eventually.” She mumbles in my shoulder.

I take in her scent and it felt like all my problems disappeared. God, I’m so glad she didn’t go to the ball. I don’t know what I would have done if she got hurt.

She pulls back and punches me hard on the arm.

“OW!!” I recoil, scowl and rub my arm.

“THAT'S FOR MAKING ME WORRY AND FOR BEING IN NEW YORK!” She points in my face and yells.

I look around as my face flushes. I grab her arm. “Outside!” I grit.

I drag her outside and around the corner to the side of the shop.

We stop and she slaps me again.

“WOULD YOU STOP!” I growl.

“THE MOB? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” She throws her hands up.

I rush her and cover her mouth. “Shut up about that! Jesus!”

She walks away then spins around. “Marcus, what’s going on?”

“No. First we're talking about how you almost got yourself killed!” I clench.

“Don’t change the subject!” She argues.

I grip my hair with both hands then throw them out to her. “Are ya kidding me? What the hell were you thinking? The White Mace? Do you have a fucking death wish?”

“No more than you do? Why were you with the mob, Marcus?” She glares at me.

“Because…” I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Why?!” She asks again.

“They’re my family, ok?!!” I yell back.

She stops and blinks. She turns her head slightly and eyes me. “What do you mean?”

I blow out a breath. “I’m not Marcus Cooper. My real name is Marcus Lucco. Jax and I made up Cooper so my father couldn’t find me.” I look down at the pavement. “A lot a good that did.”

“You…You’re a Lucco. That’s what Jax was getting at about why you ran? That’s why the mafia is after you?” She says quietly with concerned confusion.

“Yes. I swore them off when I moved in with you guys, but you were too young to understand, so I never told you then you died…” I stop myself as I feel the pain of that hit my throat.

She folds her arms and looks at the ground. “Why go back?”

“I had to. It was the only place I’d be safe. The lycans wouldn’t make a hit on my dad so I asked him for protection.” I take a couple steps to her. I hate that she’s upset and I just want to make her feel better.

“They took you in. Just like that.” She looks at me and searches my face.

I rub my forehead. I can’t lie to that face. “Well…uh…not exactly…”

“What does that mean, Marc?” Her tone is cautious and I don’t like it. I imagined this would go a lot smoother.

“Ok.” I say in defeat. “My dad hates my guts. He let me go. It’s the only reason I’m alive. He told me he had me watched my whole life and now he’s using my life against me for the truce.”


I take her hand and sit us down at a table. I turn to her, hold her hands and look into her eyes. I want to make this as clear and sincere as possible.

“First, Sophie. I like you. I mean, a lot. I only want what’s best for you and I want to be the man that gives it to ya. I know we’re still getting to know each other…” I say softly.

“Clearly.” She interrupts.

I nod. “I’m being as honest as I can be. I refuse to lie to ya, but I want ya to understand that my feelings for you haven’t change one iota. Ok?”

She narrows her eyes. “What happened?”

I swallow and try to pick my words carefully. “My father. He wanted the truce. The only way the lycans would give him one is if their princess was mated to a Lucco.” My brows stitch up as I gauge her reaction.

“Go on.” She says suspiciously.

“He gave me up, Soph. He signed me on. I…I had no choice.” I meet her eyes and hope I can explain this well enough.

She sits up. “Wait…you’re…engaged?” Her jaw goes slack and her brows shoot up.

I sit up and hold up a hand. “I-It's not what ya think though!”

“Tell me, Marcus. Tell me what I think.” She scowls as she folds her arms.

“Ok. Yes, I’m engaged, but I talked with the girl and we both agreed to fake it.” I kind of give a half smile.

“Fake it.”


She throws up her hands. “Well, what the hell does that mean? Marcus!” I see her blood pressure rising.

“Baby. I assure you. We have this all figured out. We live separately. No touching or anything like that until the next moon. Once the moon comes, I fake finding my fated and the parents let us go. The truce will still stand because they can’t overrule fate.” I hold my hands out and smirk. “Cool plan, right?”

She leans to me and tilts her head. “How the hell are you going to fake finding your fated?”

I smile more. “That’s where you come in. You can be my fake fated.”

“What? No! Marcus, you’re not dragging me into this! This is a horrible plan and we need to go to Jax so he can get you out of it.” She demands.

“No!” I grabs her hands and look into her eyes. “Soph, I can’t. If I do, my dad will come after us all.”

“Marc, I’m not scared of your dad. I’m the White Mace remember?” She says.

I shake my head. “My father has his mitts in everything. His reach is way bigger than even the Vinellis. I don’t know what Jax told you about me, but he doesn’t even know the half of it. Sophie, this is the only way I can you all safe. Look, she’s in New York. I don’t even have to see her unless we have to be somewhere together for the families. So we can still hang out like always and nobody will be shooting at me.”

She leans on her knees and nods. “Let me get this straight. You’re pretty much engaged, but it’s fake. You still have to be with her and pretend to love her so you can lift the hit on your head.”

“Pretty much.” I say as I mirror her image.

“And I’m what? Just supposed to keep my mouth shut. Keep it from my brother and Rey.” She glances at me.

I nod. “Yeah. Jax can’t know this is what I had to do for the truce. He’d murder me for being in the family again then go after my dad and I can't have that. It’s just a year, princess. Nothing’s gonna happen between us. I promise.”

She rubs her palms together as she looks ahead. “You got that right.” She grumbles.

She stands and turns to leave.

“Soph, come on. This isn’t as bad as ya think…”

She spins around and glares at me. “Don’t worry, Marcus. I’ll keep your damn secret.” She spits.


She starts to walk backwards. “It’s a good thing we’re just friends…or else I’d really be crushed.”

I can see in her face that is exactly what she is.

I stand and step to her. “Sophie, please…I just…”

“LEAVE ME ALONE, MARCUS!” She turns and runs around to the front of the shop.

I chase after her, round the corner just as she hops on her bike and speeds away.

I stare at her back as I run my fingers through my hair.

I expected some back lash, but I didn’t want to lose her completely. Hopefully, she just needs time to process this.

At least I told her and if she tosses me to the trash, it’s well deserved. I dug my own hole and if she wants to push in it, who am I to stop her.

I pull out my keys and walk back to my Audi. The ground starts to shake hard.

“What?!...” I grab the patio fence as the quake increases. People yelp and scream as planters fall and smash. I watch the sidewalk lift and crack just ahead of me with confusion. Car alarms go off and windows rattle. Everyone ducks down and holds on until it stops.

When it’s over, I slowly stand. The people around me straighten themselves and question each other.

My phone rings and I walk over to the crack. I put it to my ear as I watch a tiny bit of water seep from the crack.

“Finn. Yeah, I’m in the city. What was that?” I answer as I squat down and hover my fingers over the crack. The water seeps more then stops. It recedes back into the ground and I stand.

“Ok. I’ll be there in 10.” I hang up and take stock of all the customers on the patio. They’re rattled but ok. I turn to the walkers on the street who slowly start getting back to their day. The traffic starts again and alarms are shut off one by one.

Weird, I think as I stride toward my car.

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