The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 17

(Chapter song ‘Voodoo’ by Godsmack)

BEN-Present day

The school bell rings and the halls fill with kids.

I’m sweating buckets because I have an illegal drug on school property in my pocket and, even though I know nothing about this, I did manage to find someone to sell it to so, my nerves are shot and I’m jumpy.

“Hey, Ben!”

I flinch as Raylin bounces in beside me.

“HI, Ray.” I lean into my locker and pull the vial out of my backpack. Casually, I put it in my pocket while I keep an eye out for the guy who owns it.

She smiles and flutters her eyes. “The dance is this Saturday. Are you going with anyone?” She twirls her brown, curly hair around her finger. Her uniform shirt is undone at the top and my mouth goes small when I realize.

“Uh…no.” I clear my throat and close my locker.

“Oh. How come?” She makes this face that makes my heart skip and now I’m sweating for different reasons.

I swallow. “I just haven’t asked anyone.” I throw my bag on my shoulder and walk away.

She hops to my side and walks with me. “Oh because the girls were texting last night. They all have dates. I don’t yet.”

I glance at her, well maybe her chest. “I’m sure someone will ask. It’s only Tuesday.”

“I want someone to ask me, but he’s not.” She places her hands behind her back. I watch her socked legs walk with mine. Her uniform skirt making little jumps off her thighs. Again, I have to choke on my feelings.

“So, why don’t you ask him?” I tick my head as I avoid people in the hall.

“Because he’s the boy. The boy’s do the asking.” She leans to me and grins.

In the crowd, I spot who I was waiting for. “Uh…good luck…” I walk away from her.

“Ben?” She calls to my back.

I spin around. “I hope he asks." I turn back around and maneuver my way through the students.

Soon, I run into Danny. A guy in my ninth grade English class.

He side claps me and stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Hey, you got the stuff?”

I quickly look around to make sure no one is watching us. “Uh…yeah…bathroom.”

I lead Danny to the boys room and push the door open. I check the stalls and come back. Stopping at the sink, I catch my reflection. A quick fleeting feeling of wrong flows through me and I turn away from it. Keep it together, Ben.

“You got the 100?” I say as I adjust my pack.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out cash. He slaps five 20s in my hand. I pocket the cash, pull out the vial of Croak and hand it to him.

“Y-You really…” I motion to the vial.

“Yep. My brothers been doing this stuff for 3 months. The dick won’t share. Now that I know you’re the man…” He grins.

“Yeah…the man…” I say and glance at my reflection again. A light bulb goes off and I open my bag. I pull out the baggie of needles and a band. “You’re gonna need these.”

He takes them. “Thanks.” He drops his pack and places the drug in the sink.

He starts to roll up his sleeve and I grab his arm. “You can’t do that here.”

He tightens the band with his teeth and fingers and drops it. “I have Chem next…Yes, I can.” He prepares the needle.

“Uh…OK…Um thanks.” I head to the door. “Enjoy.” I saw without looking behind me.

I get my ass out of there as quick as possible. The hard parts over. Now, I just need to find Kirk and he can take me to Cornell. He can show me how my life will change.

I get my lunch together and take it to the cash. I tap my phone and it comes back as declined.

The lunch lady arches a brow. “Ben, you want to try it again?”

“Yeah.” I set up again and she says go. I tap it and again it comes back as declined.

I feel my cheeks heat up. “I don’t…”

“You want to call your mom? I’ll hold this for you.” She nods.


I step to the side and call mom.


“Where are you?” I ask.

“I’m at lunch with some other teachers. What’s wrong?”

“My tap won’t work.” I say.

“Your tap?”

“Yeah. It says I have no money.” I kind of start to pout only because I’m embarrassed. I know it’s allowance day. I don’t understand.

“Ben, you were supposed to pack a lunch.”

My brows come together. “Why? I have allowance. It’s Tuesday.”

“Damn it, Finn.” She mutters.

“Mom?” I turn and watch the kids walk around the old school wood covered cafeteria.

“Honey. He revoked your allowance. I thought he told you.” She said. “Punishment for running away. I’m sorry, with all the early faculty meetings, I forgot to check with you before you left for school this morning.”

A mess of anger and confusion built in my throat. “That’s bullshit, mom.”


“No! How am I supposed to pay for my lunch?” I quietly argue.

“Benjamin. Lose the attitude, right now. What Finn gives you is a privilege, not a right. Now, I will pay for your lunch today, but for the next month, you’ll have to brown bag it.”

I turn to the wall. “Mom! That’s embarrassing! No other kids bring a home lunch. I’ll look like a dork.” I grit.

“Then you shouldn’t have runaway. I’m sorry, Ben. I can’t change Finns mind. Tell the cashier I’ll pay her when I get back and I will talk to you after school.”

My eyes narrow. “Fine.” I growl and hang up.

I take some deep breaths and collect my lunch, repeating what my mom said.

As I fume in my seat, I start to see a silver lining here. If I can get in with Cornell, I won’t need Finns money. Kirk said they get money from Cornell. I guess from selling Croak. I need to talk to Kirk.

I open his conversation in my messages. I check the kids beside me and open a message box.

YOU: Got the money. When can we meet?

KIRK: Cool, little dude. I knew you could do it. You got all the cash?

YOU: Yeah.

KIRK: Midnight. The same corner.

YOU: K. I have to sneak out so I maybe a little later.

KIRK: Not too long. Cornell doesn’t like late kids.


I stuff my phone in my pocket and go back to eating. Once mom falls asleep, I’ll leave. I'll see what Cornell has to say and if it’s OK, I’ll start my own life. Living on my own without adults taking stuff from me. I’ll get my own stuff and they can’t say a damn thing about it.



I walk to my open door. “YES!”

I pack my back pack, looking over my shoulder every two seconds to make sure I’m not caught. I don’t know when I’ll be back, so I need to make sure I pack some clothes and my toothbrush.

I hear her steps and stash my bag. Leaping on my bed, I grab my phone and surf it.

“Hey, I’m heading to bed. Don’t stay up too late and don’t spend too much time on that, you’ll wreck your eyes.” She leans on the frame.

“Um…healing?” I arch a brow to her.

“I know. It’s just a mom thing. Always listen to your mother.” She walks over and kisses my head. “Don’t worry about this allowance thing. Just learn from it ok?”

“OK.” I mumble and turn back to my phone.

“OK. I love you.” She kisses my head again and leaves, shutting my door behind her.

“Love you too.” I say quietly.

I’ll give it an hour. It’s 10 now and it’ll take me an hour to get downtown. I should just make it.

At 11, I make sure my phones charged and my bus pass is in my wallet. It’s good thing mom bought me that incase she couldn’t pick me up. I hate having no money. I hate having someone else’s money in my pocket that I can’t use. I’ve been tempted to use it, but I think that might be a really dumb idea. I don’t think these guys play around when it comes to that.

I pull my pack to my back and open my bedroom window. It’s a two story straight drop.

I take a deep breath. “OK, buddy. I know you’re still new, but I need your help on this.”

I call my wolf and my eyes glow gold. Once I feel his power, I go for it. Jumping out my window, I prepare myself for the landing on the lawn.

I think I’m going to do it, but my wolf gets scared and pulls back.

“SHIT!” I land on my shoulder and roll. It hurt, but not as much as I thought it would.

I groan as I sit up. I brush myself off. “Jerk.” I grumble to myself. The guy’s as unreliable as Finn. Just another thing that will change when I’m on my own.

I straighten my clothes and run to the back fence. Throwing my pack over, I look to the house.

“Bye.” I hesitate then leap up and over the fence. I skip to the next street and the first bus stop I can find.



I step off the bus downtown. It’s just after midnight when Kirk appears at the corner where I first met him.

“Hey, prep school. You made it.” He grins and fist bumps me.

“Yeah.” I shuffle my feet.

“Good. Where’s the cash?” he holds out his hand.

I pull out the 20s and put them in his palm.

He counts them. “Awesome, little dude. I didn’t really think you could do it, but ya did. Here ya go?” He hands me a 20.

I take it. “What’s this?”

“Your cut. You didn’t think you sold for free did you?” He smirks.

“Yes…I mean, no.” I flick my eyes between the money and him.

“There’s lots more where that came from. Come on.” He waves me to follow.

“Uh…” I look around at nothing. I don’t know why, but I just took a moment to accept myself doing this. “OK.”

I jog up to side and walk deeper into the downtown core.

It was about a thirty minute walk before we ended up at the south side bridge. There’s buildings here. Warehouses and maintenance buildings for the island. Kirk walks to a door and knocks a weird pattern on it. After what felt like a full minute, the door opens.

Kirk thumbs to me. “New guy.”

The dark haired guy holding the door, looks me over. “He do the deed?”

Kirk grins. “Yep. In record time.” He holds up the cash and the guy grabs it.

He gives me another once over. “How old are you?”

“Thirteen.” I shrug.

“What’s your name?” He grumbles.

“Ben.” I answer.

“Cool. I’m Quill.” He crosses his arms and smirks.

“Quill? That’s weird.” I give him a suspicious look.

He pulls out a thin, sharpened, black and white striped stick. “I can throw this into your neck, killing you before you can even mutter your mothers name. I never miss.”

I stare at the sharp point. “Cool.”

He laughs and tucks it back into a pouch he has on his waist. “Don’t worry, man. You seem like a good kid. I doubt you’ll be a problem for us. Let's go.”

Kirk slaps my back and leads me into the dark doorway. We walk down a hall that has dirty, black pipes running together along it. Quill opens another door and I hear the laughter and talking of a lot of kids.

“Welcome to treasure island, kid. If it’s not here, you don’t need it.” Quill grins.

I step through the door to a metal stair landing. I walk to railing and my mouth falls open.

It’s several large rooms like an underground park. There’s music, food and TVs. The couches and stuff are messed up, but the electronic stuff looks new.

People are hanging out, drinking and it feels like a party.

They’re all dressed in street clothes like Kirk. Ripped jeans, t shirt or tanks, chains and ball caps. Some have weird color hair and some have tattoos like some of Finn's friends do.

The place is just kids having fun. Not one single adult around.

The place itself is dim and brown with yellow lights on the ceiling. It looks old.

“What is this place?” I watch some kids playing video games and other checking out music and smoking cigarettes.

“It used to be an old hydro transformer station. Nobody comes here anymore, but it’s a nice way to throw off detection. The old wiring in this place distorts the city’s security systems.” Quill says.

“How do you know?” I ask.

“I dabble in a little hacking. I monitor the city’s grid. Watch for attention that may come our way.” He shrugs.

“Awesome.” I grin like I’m at a theme park.

“Anyway, to us, this is Shangri-La.” He walks down the steps with his arms outstretched. “We have everything you could ever need and no parents. Junk food, tunes, games…Hey, want a new phone?” He side eyes me.

“Sure!” I grin.

“Give me an hour and I’ll have the latest phone for you ready to use. The bills on Cornell.” He continues to the floor.

We walk through the main room to another room. There’s a giant, caged ring in there. You can hear angry growling coming from it.

“What’s that?” Just as I say that, two large wolves smash against the cage. It’s metal shakes really loud making me jump.

“That’s our training. Where our wolves learn to fight. You’ll be in there once you hit 15.” Kirk informs.

“It looks dangerous.” I swallow.

“Trust me kid, to the average wolf, it is. But once we fix yours up, you’ll be a soldier just like the rest of us.” Quill stands with his arms crossed.

This perks me up. “I’m gonna be a soldier?”

“Yeah, if you play your cards right. All of us are. Well, training for it. We don’t really fight any battles until we leave here at 17.” Kirk says.

After spending my life looking at my dad’s photos, I always thought being a soldier would be so cool.

“Where do you go?” I look between them both.

“Nobody knows. Those that leave never come back. They get the call and Cornell sends them off. It’s ok though. Once you hit advanced stages, you’re not fun any more. Some turn into dicks.” Quill shrugs.

“I don’t wanna be a dick.” I raise a brow to him.

“It doesn’t happen to all of them, just a few. The others, they’re just ready to leave the island. That’s all.” Kirk reassures.


“HEY, QUILL! CORNELL’S READY!” A kid yells from a back room to this one.

He turns to me. “Let’s go meet your maker, kid." He slaps my pack and leads me through the kids watching the fight.

I bite my top lip as my skate shoes seem to take each step cautiously. I side eye the bigger kids lining the walls to the room. They all seem to have this look like they’re sick or something. Some are scratching their arms. A door opens and a kid walks into a room. I see a table with a bunch of Croak on it. There’s bigger kids sitting around it and some have needles. I look away because it feels like I shouldn’t be looking.

The big kids check me out as I walk by them. They whisper to their friends and I wonder what they’re saying about me.

Kirk and Quill stop in front of an open door. “Go on.” They practically push me into the smaller room that’s filled with even bigger kids. They create an aisle and at the end of it is a man as big as Finn. His eyes are dark and kind of has red color skin around them. He’s wearing a grey suit and has long on top, blonde hair. His hands are tattooed and he has lots of rings on.

I slowly make my way up to him. The guys in this room make me nervous.

“Benjamin!” Cornell says loud and opens his arms. He claps his hands together and adjusts himself on the table he’s leaning on.

“Hi.” I say shyly.

“Ben…is it?”

I pull up my strap and look at all the eyes staring at me. They’re all rough looking guys. Most look like they’d have no problems killing a kid like me.

“Yes.” My voice cracks a little as I catch the evil smirks.

“Ty tells me you want in. Is that true?” He laces his fingers between his legs.

“Ty?” I look to Kirk.

He leans to me. “Quill.”

“Oh…” I quickly nod yes. I try to hide my fear, but Cornell is so big, he makes it impossible.

“Don’t be scared, Ben. I take care of boys like you. I promise to provide you with everything your little heart desires. All you need to do is do a good job for me and you’ll be rewarded for it.” Cornell stands and steps toward me.

My body wants to run, but I go stiff instead. He’s so much taller than me, I have to look up.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “I can give you everything.”

“Can you give me my dad back?” My mouth goes small and my brows stitch up.

He laughs and scratches his temple. “I’m not a miracle worker, kid.” He pulls out a vial of Croak from his pocket, holding it in front of my eyes. “But…You move this Croak for me and I’ll be the best damn daddy you could ever have.”

I take the vial and look into his red rimmed eyes. I slowly nod yes.

“Good man.” He taps my cheek. “Now, the boys told me about your daddy issues. It’s tragic. No kid your age should go through that. I can be that father that you want.”

“I don’t want a dad. I want my dad.” I scowl.

“OK, business partnership it is then.” He walks back to the table. “What we need, Ben, is for you to stay at home for a while. We need you in your school. It’s fresh ground and we can’t blow it. So, go home and wait for Kirk to drop off your package. You make the sales and bring the money here. You will then be paid for your service. Once we feel we got a nice hold there, we will move you in here. We can start preparing you for your future with us. What do you say?”

I twist my lips. I wasn’t really planning on going home right now, but if this is what it takes to leave it, then OK.

“Sure.” I confirm.

He walks up to me and holds out his hand. “Good man. Now, if anyone ask, you know nothing of us. Got it?”

I watch myself take his hand and shake it. “Got it.” I force a smile. I’m scared out of my mind, but there’s a little piece inside that likes what I’ve seen. I think I can do this.

“Now, the older boys will help you. If you run into trouble, go to Kirk. Nice meeting you, Ben.” He sits at the table and starts counting a stack of money.

“Nice meeting you too.” I say with a little less fear.

“Come on, kid. Let’s get you home before this whole thing goes to shit.” Kirk waves me to the door.

“OK.” I don’t want to go home yet, but I guess I have to do my job first before I can live here.

I can do this.

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