The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Cats In The Cradle’ by Ugly Kid Joe, ‘Burn It To The Ground’ by Nickelback)


YOU: April. Please talk to me. You can’t just cut me off like this.

I sit in the passenger seat of my dad’s truck staring at my open, one sided conversation. I wait, sigh and drop my phone in my lap. On top of my love life imploding, my dad’s been lecturing me, nonstop, for an hour.

“Forget her, Finley. You have the most important try out of your career coming and the last thing you need is a girl.” He says all high and mighty as he watches the road.

I look out the window and cover my lips with my curled fingers. “Says the mated schmuck.” I say under by breath.


I glance at him. “Nothing.” I mumble and pick up my phone.

Still no answer.

YOU: Please…We can work this out. Just…I wanna talk.

I sigh again, scrub my face and watch the mountains go by.

“Finley, you get that these try outs isn’t a game. This is your moment. Everything we’ve done comes down to this. You need to focus. What do we say?” He turns his hard face to me.

“Keep our stick on the ice and nose in the books.” I mumble.

“Right. Girls like this April…You’ll learn…They come and go. You make like them now, but when you realize what they really want, you’ll be leaving first, trust me.” He side eyes me.

“Yeah? What did April want? Tell me.” I snip at him.

He furrows his brow. “Watch your tongue, boy.” He quietly growls. A threat I know well.

I avoid his eyes and watch my text screen.

“What they all want. Money, power and attention. You have bigger things to worry about.” He says as he passes a car.

“Sure.” I grumble. I continue to wait for her answer. The majors are nothing without her.

“This girl is nothing but a distraction, Finley. One day you’ll be glad she left.” His tone is cold as he watches the road and my heart breaks more. “You’ll thank me for pushing you. I teach you these things for your own good. You may not like it, but you will understand when you’re older.”

“Yeah, right.” I turn back to the window.

“So, like I said, forget her. There’s plenty more where she came from. Just don’t lose sight on your goal.” He says low. “Your life is only about you. No one else, understand?”

“Yes, sir.” I pick up my phone and shoot off one final message.

YOU: My dad’s headed to Florida for three weeks. If I get the contract, I’m throwing a party at the stadium…please say you’ll come. Friday night. 10pm.

I close the conversation and think about what I’d say to her. I’d apologize for not paying attention to her. For letting my dad get in the way of us. I’d tell her she’s my everything and now that I’m in the NHL, we can leave and build the life we wanted away from my father.

The majors is my out. My life raft from his abuse.


Tryouts were brutal. I gave it my all and April stuck in my head the whole time. She never answered, but that’s OK. I have a great feeling about this.

My dad and I sat outside the Hammers GM's office. We got the call and came running.

The door open and Rick Urser steps out. I beam as I look over the big man in a grey suit. His blonde hair is slicked back and his blue eyes are older, but they seem happy.

“Finn, come in.” He motions into the office.

I practically leap out of the chair. My heart is pounding in my chest.

We slide into the chairs in front of his desk.

He leans on the top and laces his fingers. “First, I want to say, I saw your tryout. I’m impressed. You have a lot of skill. You skating good. Shots are almost perfect. Your stamina is excellent.”

“Thank you, sir.” I nod. It was humbling to be recognized for my hard work.

“He had a good coach.” My dad preens at himself.

I nonchalantly shake my head.

“I’m sure he did.” Rick agrees. “Now, on to the good stuff. Congratulations, Finn. Welcome to the majors.”

My brows shoot up. “I got in?”

He chuckles. “You got in.”

“I'm in?” I laugh. “I'm in!” I want to jump up and down, but in stay I lean back and bounce in my seat. “Oh my God! Dad!!” I turn to him and try to contain myself, but lose horribly.

He holds up his hand. “Finley, composure.” He says with a hint of contempt.

“Right.” I clear my throat, throw out s toothy grin and offer my hand. “Thank you Mr. Urser.”

He laughs. “Don’t thank me. Thank yourself. You did the work. I just give out paperwork.”

He holds up a contract. I bite my lip as he walks around his desk and he hands it to me. “We’re going to put you 2nd line center. It’s pretty standard. I know you were captain, but the majors is a different animal. You need to prove yourself. Work hard and one day, you’ll get Captain.”

I hold the contract in my hands as he holds the other side.

“You bring that talent and I’m sure the Hammers will be great with you as center.” He smiles.

I swallow. “Thank you.” I meet his eyes because I’ve never heard words like that said about me except for April. It’s really nice to hear from a father type man. I side eye my own father and notice a change. It’s subtle, but it’s there.

I flip the pages and see how much it’s for. “Whoa…That’s a lot of zeros.” I look up at Rick dumbfounded.

“It is.” He nods with a grin.

“Let me see.” My father grabbed the contract from me.

“It’s all standard stuff, Alpha Trezner. Pretty much the same contract you signed when you started.” He leans on the edge of his desk.

My dad peruses the document. He occasionally nods in agreement. “That’s a lot of away games.” He mutters. “I don’t know if I like that. He’s not ready for that yet. We may have to discuss this first.”

“The schedule’s changed a lot since you last played.” Rick crosses his arms. “If wants the majors, this needs to happen.”

Rick steps forward, takes the contract and hands it back to me. “What do you say, Finn? Sign the dotted line and you can begin training next month.”

I stare at the contract. My ticket to freedom. I look at Rick then my dad. I hold out my hand to my father. “Give me a pen.” I give him a stone cold stare.

He bites his lip, reaches into his inside jacket pocket and produces a pen. He holds it up and I snatch it from him.

Standing up, I walk Rick’s desk. I sign my name to all the lines I had to. I hand Rick the contract. “Thanks for giving me a shot.”

He looks it over. “You’re welcome. We’re happy to recognize your talent.”

I turn and meet my father’s eyes with a smirk when I see what I wanted to see for years. Defeat. He didn’t have a leg to stand on. He realizes now his hold over me is over. He has nothing now. He can’t control me anymore.

He stands. “Yes, Finley has a lot of talent.” He stands in front of me. “You best remember where that came from.” He eyes me then walks out of the office.

“Someone doesn’t seem that excited.” Rick says.

I smile. “No. He doesn’t.”

My dad talked of the majors this whole time, but I could see, he knew I was going this alone. I wasn’t bringing his ass anywhere near my career. I honestly don’t think he was expecting that.

I walk out to the hall with my copy and stop at his side.


I turn to him and glare. “I quit…everything.” I growl and walk past him to the elevators.

He can’t touch me. He can’t yell at me. He can’t make me feel bad. I have the power now and he knows it.

I won.




I laugh as Marcus and Eddie throw their drinks in the air.

“Come on, guys. I'm only second line.” I wave them off.

“Aye, but not for long. You’ll be starter by next season. I feel it.” Griffin leans to me, taps his nose and nods with a smile.

“I don’t care. Just as long as it gets me away from my dad.” I say as I tip my bottle back.

Jax pushes his way through the crowd. “I swear 500 more just walked in.”

I look around the stadium rink. It’s full of kids and the music is thumping off the walls.

“What can I say? Partying with an NHL star is where it’s at.” I laugh as I hold my hands out.

“Bro! My coach would kill me if I partied on the diamond.” Marcus smirks.

“It helps when your old man owns the rink.” I smirk back.

“And you have the millions to pay for it.” Griffin grins.

I tap his bottle with mine.

We’re at the back and surrounded by girls. The party is for the graduates of Axelridge High and to celebrate my contract. Everyone is here drinking, dancing and having a great time. It’s a giant club at this point.

I’m no exception. I’m pounding them back with girls circling me like vultures. A blonde takes her shot and lands in my lap. She smiles and I smile back.

“Hi.” I grin.

“Hi.” She blushes.

I wrap my arm around her little waist and tip my bottle back.

“THIS PARTY IS THE BOMB, YO!” Noah stumbles his tall ass through the crowd around us. He’s got a good buzz going on. “Major slam dunks here. I love this town.” He rubs his hands together and licks his lips as he eyes the girls.

“Puck bunnies aren’t interested in ballers, Noah.” I chuckle and cuddle the blonde on my leg.

“A girl’s a girl. Every one is fair game.” He smirks.

“I bet they like boarders.” Eddie squints my way from a chair. He can barely talk, he’s that high. He lifts his vape to his lips and creates a massive white cloud around him and grins.

“No. You got all the snow bunnies you need.” I point to him and arch a brow.

“Puck bunnies, snow bunnies, they’re all bunnies, dude. As long as they hop on me like a mogul run, I’m happy.” He laughs.

I shake my head.

“Where’s that girl you were seeing?” Marcus asks as he wraps an arm around the neck of a brunette and feeds her his drink.

“April? Don’t know, don’t care. She ghosted me so, I’m over it. Have a nice life.” I raise my bottle and the guys hit it.

“Yeah, don’t waste your time with that shit. If she doesn’t want to be with a star, screw her.” Jax says as he leans back in his chair. “Never give up your life for a chick. It bites you in the ass every time.”

Noah leans forward on his knees and rolls his head to Jax. “Couldn’t fix things with Audrey?”

Jax scowls. “Fuck her.” He grits and throws his bottle back.

Jax just broke up with his girlfriend of three years. He loved the hell out of her and she burned him for it. I feel for the guy. That was a shitty play.

“OK. Let’s not ruin the party. There’s lots of beautiful women here. No need to focus on the shit ones.” Griffin crosses his arms.

Marcus points his bottle at him. “Yes, totally agree. You can’t save them all. Fuck them if they don’t want what we got.”

I lift my bottle to him. “Yes! Preach it, buddy!”

Once the tension cleared, we all kicked back and had a great time. I’m moving to the music, making the girl in my lap giggle as I nuzzle her neck.

The alcohol flowed and I was feeling awesome. Starting to see double, I could feel the pressure on my zipper as her ass wiggled on my junk.

I started thinking about taking this girl home and getting April out of my head for good.

I was about to suggest that, when I heard my name.


I turn to the shaky voice and my eyes shoot open. I instantly sober up and toss the blonde off my lap into Marcus.

“April.” I breathe.

She scowls, turns and disappears into the crowd.

“April wait!” I get up and chase her through the crowd.

I burst through the metal doors of the stadium and she’s walking fast across the courtyard.


“Go back to your party, Finn!” She glances over her shoulder and yells.

“Why are you mad at me? You’re the one who wouldn’t talk to me.” I say to her back.

She stops and turns around. “You invited me. Why Finn? So you could show off you’re new girlfriend?” I see she’s trying not to cry, but her eyes are glassy and her cheeks are heated.

“She’s not my girlfriend. She’s just a girl that wanted to come home with…” I shut mouth quick. “Shit.”

“That’s OK. You have a good time with your puck bunny.” She scowls and turns.

“April!” I grab her arm and turn her. “You were done. Remember? You can’t blame me for that.”

“Yes, I can. You don’t invite your girlfriend to a party and have women hanging off you when she shows up.” She grits as a tear falls from her eye.

My brows cinch. “You refused to answer me! How was I supposed to know you were coming?! I’m sorry, but I’m not playing this game with you. You either want me or you don’t, but you don’t have a right to tell me when I can or cannot move on from you!”

“You’re right.” She sniffs and wipes her cheek. “Have a nice life.” She turns around and walks away.

“April.” I flop my hand to my side.

My phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the number.

Confused, I put it to my ear. “Dad?”

“Do you think I don’t have access to the security feed in the stadium, you little shit!” He grinds loud in my ear.

Sounds of Enforcer cars fill the street. The sirens blare as they drive up into the courtyard.


They circle me and get out of their cars, guns drawn. “DOWN ON THE GROUND!”

I suck in my top lip, nod and hang up on my dad. I fall to my knees and put my hands behind my head, surrendering to my arrest.

My dad’s parting gift. Having my ass sit in jail until he gets back from Florida.

The Enforcers run into the stadium to break up the party while I’m cuffed and lifted to my feet. “Finley Trezner. You’re under arrest for breaking and entering, trespassing and damaging private property. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I furrow my brow as I’m dragged off to the patrol car.

If it wasn’t for my mother, that would’ve ended my hockey career before it even started. She bailed me out and smoothed things over with the judge and the press. I got away with a 10,000 dollar fine to the Hammers. Which is fair. It may be my family’s stadium, but it’s theirs too. I’ll own that part of it.

Still, I punched my dad in the gut and he kicked me in the balls. It’s the last time we ever talked again.

April, in the other hand. This push and pull we have going on, I feel like this isn’t over. That fact that she was hurt, even though she broke it off, tells me she still has feelings. If I really want to get back with her, I’m going to have to focus on that, but she has to be all in with me and my career, or I’ll end it for good.

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