The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘Professional Widow’ by Tori Amos, ‘Under The Bridge' by Red Hot Chili Peppers)


“Ok…April, I’m sorry…I got called away and forgot…Yes, I understand it’s not good for him to be embarrassed like that…Look, I’ll smooth things over…Don’t give me that…I said I would and I will!...I'm not fighting with…Calm down…”

I walk into the security complex and head to Council Hall. I feel like a jerk, but at least Ben knows I mean business.

“Ok, honey…I know…I will talk to him tonight. Better yet, I’ll drive him to school tomorrow…Ok, text me a reminder if it makes you feel better…Right…Bye.” I hang up, stuff my phone in my pocket and open the doors to the council.

I sigh as I take off my jacket and bounce down stairs that circle the Hub. The three steps are LED lit and floors have LED back lights. There’s monitors hanging from the ceiling in various places around the Hub. We can get information on all the problems of the city right from this room.

This city, lately, has had a lot of problems.

Ben is just another one of them, right now and I’m starting to feel it. I have zero patience for anyone.

I assess the state of my council as I walk around the table. The guys are messing around as usual. I really need to get this place under control.

Marcus and Noah are in a small side room with a one-on-one ball court. The other side is a medium sized room with a net for Jax, Griffin and I to distract ourselves if needed. I’ve had Ben in there when he was little, but not so much anymore.

Marcus is bouncing a basketball and Noah is behind him trying to block him.

Marcus bounces, fakes right and spins left. He jumps for the net and Noah hops up, knocking the ball out.

“DAMN IT!” Marcus yells.

He spins around and tries to slap the ball from Noah. Noah bounces the ball through his legs and around him, out of Marcus' reach.

Noah runs around him, jumps and dunks the ball.

Marcus his panting and leaning on his knees.

“That’s three, home base. I win…again.” Noah grins.

Marcus looks like they’ve been doing this for hours. “Yeah, well, it’s easy when you’re a walking bean pole.”

“Don’t make excuses, short stuff. Just admit you suck at B-ball.” Noah smirks as he holds the ball between his arm and his hip.

Marcus walks up to Noah who’s 6’8 frame towers over Marcus' 6’2 body. “I ain’t done yet.” He growls, slaps the ball away from Noah, grabs it and jumps for the net. Noah just watches with his arms crossed as he slams it into the basket and hangs onto the rim with one hand.

“YEAH!” He swings and cackles.

“OK, guys. Let’s get this started.” I say as I put my coat on the back of my chair.

Marcus tosses the ball to Noah after jumping down and takes his seat beside Jax. He leans over to him. “You see that shot. Pretty sweet, right?”

Jax is surfing his phone. “No. I was too busy gouging my eyes out.” He mumbles.

Marcus scowls and shoves him. Jax shoves him back.

“Alright.” I raise my hand. “Tell me we have something on these lycan and rogue problems.”

I look across the hub and Eddie is kicked back in his chair. His boots are on the hub table.

I sigh, get up and walk around the circle table to his side. He’s snoring.

He smiles, “Yeah, baby…that’s the…stuff…”

I shake my head, press my lips together and kick his boots off the table.

He snorts awake and looks around in confusion. He rubs his eyes and focuses on my irritated face.

His brows cinch together. “Dude. Uncool! I had a bunny in the bed.”

I lean my hand on the table. “We know.” I growl. “One…No boots around the sensitive computer equipment and two…You're working not sleeping!”

“Bro. We've been here all night. I could be tearing up the powder right now.” He scowls.

“What…do…you…have?” I lean to him and stare with annoyance.

“Besides a nice buzz?” He grins.

My mouth goes small. “I may actually kill you.”

He was going to answer, but Jax interrupts. “We have some things. It’s not all the answers, but it’s a sign to what’s going on.”

Griffin nods. “Lycans. A lot of them. Same place. Rochester. They are gathering numbers. Finn, I still think we need to strike first.”

“I don’t want to start a war if I don’t have to.” I say to him.

“This posturing is war, Finn.” He motions to his laptop.

“I understand, Griff. I just don’t want to kick the hornets nest until we’re truly ready for it.” I insist.

He ticks his head. “Alright…It's your arse.” He mumbles.

Jax sits up. “As for the rogues, that’s an even bigger problem right now.”

I tilt my head. “How so?”

He stands and points a remote to a monitor, turning it on. He clicks his tablet and a news report comes on the screen.

I join his side to watch.

‘Last nights crime wave was the largest Enforcers have seen in recent weeks since a gang of alleged criminals made its presence known 3 months ago. Vandalism, fires and theft ravaged the city's downtown east side shortly after 3 am. It was an hour before the gang members, who could not be identified, escaped Enforcer custody. Approximately 50 suspects were in the streets and Enforcers are asking the public for any information as to who these people are. Among the damage was the Axelridge Hammers Sports Bar and Grill, just three doors down from Hammer Stadium. A frequent spot for players and fans. The owner had this to say…’

Freddie comes on the screen. He’s the size of a bouncer and makes it well known that this bar is his baby. I have a special VIP spot in there. I scrub my face as I try to contain my anger and frustration.


‘Understandably, the neighborhood is worried and wondering what the council plans to do about the uptick in crime. Enforcers have yet to catch any of the gang members and are baffled about how they remain undetected.'

Jax taps his tablet again. “It gets worse.”

Another news report pops up. The video shows Enforcers pulling a body bag up from the shore of the lake. I can’t believe what I’m watching.

‘Early Monday morning, the body of 17 year old Gretchen Underwood was pulled from the water by the islands North Bridge.

The teenager was reported missing almost a year ago and Enforcers have yet to determine what happened or find who may have taken the girl. The Chief of Unit 15 was only quoted as saying ‘At this time, we don’t know if this is related to her disappearance, or if it was an accident. Either way, when we know, you’ll know.’ The Chief would not confirm if they suspect foul play in her death. The teenagers body has been turned over to the Security Complex for investigation. Her family has requested privacy during this tragic time.’

Jax shuts the monitor down as the room falls silent. I hang my head and walk past him to my side of the circle.

The guys watch me as I try to process the thought of one my kids dead. Missing was one thing, dying is another. 17 is a baby. That was someone’s baby and some evil monster took her from them.

My thoughts swirl with my anger and builds until I have no choice. “FUCK!!” I spin around and slam my fist into the wall behind me. It cracks the concrete brick.

“WHOA!” Jax and Marcus intervene and stop me from going all out in losing my shit.

I take my hand away and I’m shaking. Marcus holds my shoulders as I look at my bloody knuckles. “We'll solve this. OK. We will.”

I nod as I reel myself in. “How did she die?” I roll my eyes to Jax.

He swallows. “Silver bullet to the head. She was murdered.” He says low. “But that’s not all.”


“She had Rogue Sickness. She was a rogue, Finn. An Axelridge rogue.” He informs.

Confusion fills me. “That’s impossible.”

“Are ya sure?” Marcus questions.

Jax nods. “I ran the tests twice. The grey matter is all messed up. There’s a substance. A chemical I can’t place with any others. It’s a red residue between her brain cells. It looks familiar, but different from any cases of Rogue Sickness I’ve ever seen. This girl was on something, Finn. I think we have a new player in town. I could only match it 50 percent, but preliminary tests came up with this.”

He calls up a picture on his phone to a picture in the medical database of a red liquid in a vial.

My jaw drops. “Croak? Here? How?”

Jax shrugs. “I don’t know, but if it’s here, I believe we know why the crimes happening.”

I flop my arms to my sides. “Our kids are taking Croak.”

He nods. “Looks like it.” He puts his hands in his pockets.

“OK. So how does she become a rogue within her own pack?” I ask.

“That I can’t figure out. I’m running more tests and when I find something, I’ll tell you.” He says.

I rub my head and look around the room. “Eddie. Get this out to the Units. I want everyone familiar with this.”

“Right. Jax, send it to me.” Eddie sits up.


“Marcus and Griff…I need you guys to work on the city’s detection grid. Amplify it to find out how many rogues we have here and where they are.” I instruct.

“Got it.”


“Noah, I need PR to quash any panic. We need to keep this wrapped.” I eye him.

“Yep. Working on it now.” He says from his computer.

“Everything…forums, chat rooms, social media. I want it all searched for talk of Croak. If I know one thing about kids, they can’t keep their mouths shut for long.” I grab my coat and stride across the room.

“Where you going?” Marcus calls out.

“I gotta go hug my kid.” I say as I shrug my jacket on and leave the council room.


I walk into the school just as the lunch bell rings. The halls fill with kids as I get the usual star struck looks. I smile and wave at them as we pass.

A group of teenage girls whisper to each other and start giggling. All I can do is huff a chuckle and shake my head.

Up ahead, through the sea of teenagers, I spot Ben talking with a group of boys.

“BENNY!” I wave as I push through the kids.

He turns and I see his shoulders drop. I can see he’s not happy to see me, but I’m hoping to change that. This Croak thing has me scared and I feel like I need to be with Ben right now. This whole thing hits too close to home.

His friends leave and he faces me as I approach him with a smile. “Hey.”

“Hi.” He grumbles and pushes past me.

“Ben, wait.” I gently grab his arm and stop him. “Please.”

He turns and fixes his pack. He has that teen attitude all over his face. “What?”

“I…Do you want to go to lunch? Anywhere you want.” I offer.

He looks around and back at me. “Do I have a choice?”

I stuff my hands in my pockets. “Not really.”


He turns and clap his back.

I take him to a burger joint downtown and order lunch.

As I watch him chew his fries, I thought that it could have easily been him pulled from the lake. I pop a fry in my mouth and look out the window.

“I’m sorry.” I mutter.

He glances at me from across the table. “For what?”

“For being so hard on you. You’re right. Completely right.” I lean on the table and stare into the boys eyes. “I’m not your dad and I never will be. I don’t want to take him away from you. I just love you so much, kid. I promised your dad that I would always look out for you. Always.”

He slumps back in his seat. “Yeah.” He mumbles.

“Benny…” I sigh and rub my neck. “K…I didn’t have what you have. Someone who cares about you, not what you could get them. My dad…Well, lets not talk about that, the point is, Ben, I want to do things different with you. I promised to do things different the day you were born. I may not be your dad, but…” I glance out the window. “I sure as hell feel like one.”

His eyes flutter to his food and he picks up a fry. “So…What’s that matter?” He says before taking a bite.

“It matters because if I’m going to be like a dad, I have to act like one. I have to do things you don’t like to keep you safe. I was scared, Ben. I was terrified I lost you. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you, kid. I just need you to understand that I don’t hate you or…do things to hurt you.” I study his face and try to determine is any of this is registering.

He kicks his feet making himself bounce on the bench seat as he looks out the window.

“OK. The allowance thing was a little harsh. I’ll admit that.” I sit back and his head turns to me.

“I won’t give it all back, just the lunch money. You’ll only have enough for school. The top up is gone for the next three weeks.”

He leans forward. “But Smasher 7 is coming out and me and Colin signed up for the opening tournament. “

I arch brow. “Wow…really? They weren’t due for another three months.”

“They got a shit ton of cash and were able to speed up production into the market.” He smirks.

“Holy shit.” I mutter. “I’m gonna have to call Eddie…”

“So…I need money to pay for the pre-order I signed up for.” He argues.

I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Benny, but you have to learn that running away is not acceptable.”

“OK.” He leans back in his seat. I get he’s had his heart set on this game, but it’s his game or his life. I can’t give up my position totally. I still need to make clear, he’s not off the hook.

“Ben, I realize I cause a lot of tension for you, but I swear, I do it because I love you.” I reassure.

He pulls out his phone. “I’m gonna be late.”

“You, maybe, wanna ditch and hang out with me today?” I ask.

He barely looks at me and continues typing on his phone. “No. I have an English quiz.”

I sit back. “Oh…Can’t miss the English quiz. Words are important.” I chuckle.

“Yep.” He sighs and grabs his bag.

I collect the garbage and dump it in the bin on our way out.

“Hey, I wanted to ask you. How do you feel about trying out for the Juniors?” He stops and I stop with him on the sidewalk.

“The hockey team?” His face drops.

I shrug. “Yeah. I think you have loads of talent. Aaron’s an excellent coach and I think it’ll be fun for you. You can meet some new friends from other schools too.”

He shifts his feet and looks out to the traffic. “Doesn’t mom…” He starts.

I lean close to him. “We don’t have to tell mom. It’ll be our secret.”

“Um…” He thinks on it a little more. “I think that'll be cool. I can hang out with new kids.” He smirks.

“Awesome.” I wrap my arm around his shoulders and walk us down the street. “Tryouts are next Saturday. I’ll pick you up and drop you off. You can keep your gear in my truck. This will be good Benny. A real life changer for you.”

“You know what? I think it will be too.” He grins.

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