The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter The Threat

Rory and Olivia stepped out of the room while Tanner and I stood there looking at each other. The tension between us was so thick you could cut it with a knife but I couldn't tell if it was because of his new position and the fact that he was unaware that I was his mate or if it was because we both still wanted each other despite the fact that everything was about to change.

I walked over to the window and looked out trying to think of a way to tell him about Julius and all his lies plus his plot to become King. I wanted to warn him before I ran out of time, because I knew Julius would be showing up at any moment and if I didn't tell him first, there would be no chance for me to ever explain myself later.

"Tanner, I need you to listen and I need you to listen good because I don't have a lot of time to tell you this." I looked down as my hands and rubbed them together nervously. "There is a man named Julius that is on his way here and he wants to kill you." He looked at me with a very confused look and before I could finish what I was saying there was a knock at the door.

"Hold on Mila. Who is it?"


"Come in."

Rory opened the door and entered with Julius and two of his men behind him. My hands became sweaty and I instantly shielded myself behind Tanner. I could feel the anger radiating off his back.

"King, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Julius Centanni. I am..." He froze when he finally noticed me behind Tanner.

His lips curled into a wicked smile and he walked closer to me making Tanner tense up even more.

"I see you've met Li." He said as he stared coldly into my eyes.

He was up to something and I knew that my chance to explain myself had passed. He was going to through me under the bus and Tanner would have me banned or worse, killed because of treason. I looked at him, practically pleading with my eyes to shut up, but he just narrowed his eyes.

"Um, excuse me? Who is Li? And what exactly are you doing in my fucking office?" Tanner said in a pissed off voice.

"Well, King, the lady behind you is Elise Baxter. She is an assassin who was hired to kill you."

I stepped back as Tanner quickly turned around looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"I-Is that true?"

The two men with Julius stepped forward brushing past Tanner and grabbed each of my arms restraining me.

"Tanner, let me explain."

"Explain what Mila, or whoever you are."

"King, I understand you feel confused and betrayed but as the head of the Council, we need to officially charge her with treason and have her locked away."

"NO! NO! Don't touch me, let me go, please let me go. Tanner don't let them take me." I said as I tried pulling my arms away from their grips but the more I moved the tighter they gripped me.

They started walking with me towards the door and I started screaming and kicking trying to break away from their hold as Tanner stood there and let them drag away. I felt my heart stop while he stood there just watching them take me away.

"NO! NO! LET ME GO! S-STOP!" I planted my feet firmly on the ground trying to prevent them from bringing me any further.

"STOP." Tanner said as his face became red and his words caused the room to damn near shake from the magnitude of his voice. "Let her go."

"But King, she needs to be punished for her crime. I highly advise you to reconsider."

"Julius, I am well aware of what must happen but she is accused of a pretty serious crime and I don't think she should be let out of my sight. I will have her thrown in my dungeon so that I know where she is at all times until my coronation and then..." He stared at me as his eyes turned almost black with fury "Then she will be brought to you for your disposal."

I started breathing faster and faster and soon I had dropped to my knees with my arms still being held tight by Julius' men. My heart was breaking, I could feel his pain and his anger and his betrayal flooding my emotions.

"King Reeves, I cannot allow that, she must be brought to our detention facility where she will be monitored by our security team.

"YOU DARE DEFY YOUR KING?" He shouted loudly making the windows rattle and everyone in the room cower in fear. "Rory!" He turned to him and said "Take her to the dungeon. Make sure she is locked in the cells until after the coronation and no one, I mean no one is allowed to talk to her. Do you understand me?" He had spit flying from his mouth as he barked his orders to Rory.

He stormed over to where I was kneeling and looked down at me with so much hurt and affliction, then he shook his head and turned to walk out his office.

Julius stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks and said "With all due respect, King, you are making a big mistake and if you don't release her to me now, I will forceably take her back. I will not let someone like her be allowed to keep her life, not even if you say so."

"I am the King and if you think your little threat is going to change my mind, then you have no idea who you're messing with." He said as he puffed his chest out.

"Then prepare for war." Julius snarled back.

"I suggest you get your soldiers ready then, because I will never release her to you. For all I know, it could have been you who hired her, so with all due respect, Julius, get the fuck out of my face and off my land or you will be the next one thrown in the cells."

He blew past him as two guards came in and grabbed me chaining my arms together and dragging me outside.

"Li? What's going on? Where are they taking you?" Olivia asked as she followed us out the door. She grabbed one of the guards as they were pulling me out and started punching on their backs begging them to release me. "Let her go. Put her down, Tanner! Tanner do something, you're making a mistake."

"OLIVIA, she's a traitor. She was going to kill me; she has to be locked up." Tanner said as he walked around the hall with a key attached to a long chain.

I started crying again and pleading with him "Please Tanner don't do this. Please let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain." He said as he continued walking outside with the guards and I in tow.

We walked along a dirt path until we came to a stairway that lead down to a door. He walked down the steps and used the key to open the heavy metal door. I fought the guards with all my might but the more I did the harder they yanked on me. The door was opened and he disappeared into the dark. All the memories of my childhood came flooding back and the sheer panic that was flowing through me hit me like a truck.

"NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO. STOP! DON'T PUT ME DOWN HERE, PLEASE TANNER, DON'T. STOP!" But they continued to drag me in, having to eventually through me over one of their shoulders and carry me to the cell. I kicked my feet and arms trying to break free but the guard squeezed me harder making my stomach ache. I was already feeling crushed because of the way Tanner was treating me, not that I could blame him, but it was worse knowing that your mate, the one person who was supposed to love you no matter what, was punishing you in the worst possible way.

Holy s$it! How could he lock her up?

What will Li do while she's down there?

Will Tanner feel her emotions through the mate bond?

This chapter is hard but it had to be written. I know some of you will probably hate Tanner for it but he’s just trying to protect himself. He was betrayed too but he doesn’t realize that Li never knew who he was before this nor did she know he would be king or her mate. That’s why she left to save him.

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