The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Reunited

Once Olivia told me about the dungeon we had to pass through, my mind shut down, my defenses came up and my fight or flight kicked in. My initial instincts were to run away and never look back and the weaker part of me made my stomach turn but I looked at her and nodded. I mean the best way to get over your fear it to face it, right?

She looked at me for reassurance then walked forward through a patch of woods that was covered from the road and security team. We stalked cautiously through the thick brush then once we were close enough to the doors we waited for the guards to walk behind the wall. It didn't take long before they were out of sight and Olivia dashed forward to a set of double hatch doors that were hidden by weeds and bushes. She snapped the vines apart and revealed a pair of old wooden doors with u-clamp latch on it. She lifted it and pulled it to the left then creaked open the doors. It was dark and cold inside the hole and the instant that all too familiar smell hit me, the fear in me surged forward.

Olivia stepped in and paused when I didn't immediately follow her. She must have sensed my panic because she grabbed my hand and guided me down the stairs squeezing it. I took a deep breath and walked down the steps letting my feet land firmly on the dirt ground. She latched the doors back and took a small box out of a crack in the bricks and opened it, revealing a box of matches. Then she lit it and placed it onto a torch that she grabbed from the wall. Really? A dungeon with a torch?

She guided us through a series of dark halls, and I became fascinated that even after all this time, she still remembered everything about this place. We must have turned a dozen corners before we stopped in front a big metal door. Her hands shook as she reached out to grab the handle. I watched as she took a big breath then paused.

"Hey, its ok. Tanner is going to be so happy to see you."

She looked at me and smiled timidly then turned back to the door and pulled the handle down slowly. The heavy door creaked lightly the further she pulled it back then carefully she peeked into the room. She walked in and gestured for me to follow her. The room looked like an office with a large desk facing a beautiful picture window showing off the amazing scenery outside. There were two large leather chairs sitting before it with a bookcase taking up the whole wall to the right of the room and there was a door on the left.

She walked around the mahongany desk, running her hand along the dark wood and I could see tears about to burst from her eyes. All of a sudden there were voices just outside the door. We both froze when we realized who they were.

"I don't understand where she could have gone? Or why she would have left in the first place."

"Tanner, we will find her."

"And how long will it take Rory? Do you know how horrible I feel every day? Do you know what it's like to wake up knowing that your mate is somewhere out there possibly hurt or worse? What if she left because she plans on rejecting me?"

"She's not going to reject you, Tanner. Maybe she's just confused or scared."

"Scared? Of her mate?"

"No, scared of the commitment. Think about it, not only did she realize you were her mates but she was instantly made Queen of Werewolves. Don't you think that would have freaked anyone out?"

"I don't know Rory. I just don't understand. Yeah it is a bit overwhelming but that isn't a reason to run away."

Olivia and I stood there listening to them talk for a while before I turned to her and saw tears pouring down her face. I hastily made my way to her but before I could reach her the door knob jiggled. I turned around facing the door as it opened and in walked Tanner with Rory close behind him.

I pushed Olivia behind me and waited for him to look up when his eyes landed on me and a smile broke out on his face.

"Mila?" He whispered. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you since the party." He walked closer to me.

I tried to say something but my mouth wouldn't open, just being this close to him made my entire body burn with desire. I knew he still couldn't tell I was his mate because there was no way I would still be standing here clothed if he did. I had to resist him because there were more important things to do other than me sitting here thinking about him inside of me, making me cum all night long while he fucked me. I shook my head trying to break the spell that he had on me when I remembered Olivia was still standing behind me.

"Tanner, there is something we need to talk about." I said as I put my hands out in front of me making him stop in his tracks.

He looked at me in surprise as I slowly backed up and turned around giving Olivia a big smile. I turned back to Tanner and said "Tanner, we need to talk about a lot of things but before we do..."

Olivia stepped to the side from behind me and walked up next to me shaking like a leaf. I threw my arm around her and felt her relax instantly.

I looked over at Tanner whose eyes were the size of saucers and his jaw was wide open. He stood there in total surprise as his long lost niece, whom he assumed was dead, stood in front of him waiting for him to speak. He slowly walked forward as if he were stuck in slow motion and touched her face, so afraid she would disappear like a cloud of smoke blowing away in the wind. She watched as he stepped forward unsure of what he was seeing in front of him when she took a few steps, closing the gap between them.

"O-Olivia? Is it really you?" He grabbed her and pulled her into an enormous hug lifting her off the ground and squeezed her tight.

"Yes, it's me. Now can you please let me go? I can't breathe." She said laughing as he released his tight hold on her and placed her feet back on the ground.

I watched them and my heart filled with so much love it started to choke me. My body was already on overdrive because I was so close to Tanner that all I wanted to do was run into his arms and bury my face in his neck, inhaling the sweet smell of his intoxicating masculine scent. My legs clenched together as I imagined his reaction from me grazing my teeth across his marking spot. What am I talking about? I'll never get the chance to get close again. He's expecting a mate, not the murderous bitch standing in front of him.

I sighed as I walked up to them and said "I hate to break up this beautiful reunion, but Tanner we really need to talk."

What exactly do you think Li is going to say to Tanner?

Wasn't that the cutest reunion ever?

Do you think Julius will show up?

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