The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Darkness and Voices

It was dark down here, too dark and my body was sore from the constant shivering. I haven't slept since Tanner had me thrown down here. Hell, I haven't even closed my eyes because I was too afraid that the demons were waiting to drag me down into the depths of the underworld and make me their queen. I don't know how long I have been here because all I was surrounded by was cold, wet, sticky walls covered in mold and there were no windows to give me a sense of time.

You will never be anything! Look at how pathetic you are, sitting here in the dark in a dungeon, exactly where you belong. And to make it worse, your mate threw you down here. Ha ha haaaa

His voice rang in my ears and echoed in my brain making me clench my fists. I had been hearing him since the doors closed me in and they were beginning to get louder and more frequent. There were many people in my life that I hated but no one held that title higher than my father. His death was the best thing that ever happened to me so hearing his words again brought back so many horrible memories of that fucking cage he used to torture me with.

I know you're trying to ignore me, but I will never stop telling you how much I hate you. I wish you were dead. You deserve to be down here, locked away from everyone, proving how useless you always were.

"STOP! STOP TALKING!" I screamed as I pulled at my hair trying to get him to be quiet.

He's right Elise, you aren't worth the trouble. I'm glad you chose Tanner over me then I wouldn't have had to go through the trouble of making a huge mistake.

"Finn?" I jumped when I heard his voice. I knew he was upset that his feelings for me where stronger than mine were for him but he made me feel that being with Tanner was the most special thing that could ever happen and that he was happy for me. Was he just tricking me too?

Duh, I mean you tasted heavenly but that's all you were. A beautiful sidepiece.

"You don't mean that!" I said quietly as I lowered my head to my chest and pulled my knees up wrapping my arms around them.

I felt a drop of water fall down my arm from the condensation gathered on the ceiling. It was so quiet down here that I welcomed the sobs that were leaving my lips and before I knew it I was shaking uncontrollably curled in a ball as images of Tanner's eyes had been burned into my brain. Could he ever look at me again without disgrace? Would he ever be able look into my eyes and see his mate, or would he just see a cold-hearted killer, always wondering if she would complete the job she was paid to do, making him her next victim. The Moon Goddess has got to have the sickest sense of humor ever to have given someone like me a mate, let alone the same mate that I was hired to kill and who she had also chosen to be the new King of Wolves.

I cried until my eyes were dry hoping that I would just die down here. No one wanted me and that was true. I mean whose father didn't want their own child. I couldn't fathom why he hated me so much, its not like I killed my mother. I was the product of their love, a miracle that was saved while my life source was taken away. He made sure to tell me every day that I wasn't wanted and that if he could have, he would have chosen my mother's life over mine. At the time I was too young to understand what his words were doing to me but now, being in this underground black hole, I knew just how damaging they were.

I don't know how long I stayed on the floor, but my legs went numb from the lack of circulation, so I decided I needed to move. I slowly got up stretching my muscles and hoping my limbs didn't give out underneath me. I took a few shaky steps with my arms stretched out in front of me to make sure I didn't run into a wall and cautiously made my way around. I managed to make it about 20 steps before I felt a bumpy rock that must have been part of the wall. I turned and slid my hand along it trying to see how far it went when I ran into a corner. I turned my body again following the wall until I felt a hinge which I guessed was from the door. I touched around hoping to feel the knob but instead it was another corner. Continuing my path, I made another corner and eventually found my way towards the center of the room and laid back down.

All in all, the cell was about 20ft x 20ft and completely bare except for a bucket that was left by the door as my bathroom and a trough of water. No one had been here since I was thrown in and I didn't have any hopes of anyone ever coming back. The place smelled like death and my mind started wondering how many wolves took their last breathes right in this very spot.

Don't worry Elise, you won't be that far behind them. You'll die afraid and alone just like I hoped you would.

I placed my hands over my ears praying that his voice would somehow become muffled and disappear, but he just spoke louder until all I heard were his evil words bouncing around in my head.

Worthless. Trash.

"SHUT. UP!" I said as I sat there pressing my hands harder against my ears.

Damaged. Unwanted.

"SHUT UP!" I said louder as I shook my head.

Useless. Unlovable.

"SHUT UPPPPP!" I shouted louder with tears falling down my face, slowly feeling myself surrender to his will.

You're nothing but a pathetic mutt and I should have taken you to the pound when I had the chance.

"SHUT UP. SHUT UP. SHUT UP!" I screamed out as my cries rang through the room hurting my ears even more than his tainted words.

I screamed out until my throat burned and hoarseness took over. I was mentally exhausted and the longer I denied it the more my mind would play tricks on me. I laid down on the floor on my back and stared into the darkness.

"I can't do this anymore, I give up." Admitting defeat felt good and the instant I did, the voices stopped. Is that what he's been waiting for all these years? For me to admit I was everything he said I was, maybe if I had he would have been easier on me.

But the feeling didn't last long because my wolf was agitated. She was strong and powerful, some of the things I was not, and knowing her she would never allow his words to affect her like they did me. This is how we were made, one to bring out the strengths of the other and one who could be accepted while the other had to stay hidden. She was my better half and the only reason I made it this far. She was my sanity and letting her down like this was killing me inside but sometimes we must be broken to be remade.

Holy crap, she's letting the voices get to her!

Of course her mind would wonder back to her father, this is exactly what he did to her?

Will she ever forgive Tanner for doing the same thing?

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me through this journey. It has been such a fun experience so I want to dedicate this chapter to my girl Iveto!!! She has invested so much time supporting me and my friends that I couldn't be more appreciative to her! Love you friend!!

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