The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Breakdown

I was so tired and delirious that every little noise made me freak out. I hadn't heard my father or Finn's voices for quite some time, and I started to wonder if those too had decided I was too pitiful to be around. I hadn't moved since my outburst and to be honest, it hurt too much to breathe let alone put effort into exerting any type of energy. Maybe I would be better off dead, then no one else would get hurt.

The only thing that hurt more was the fact that Tanner didn't even know that I was his mate and I knew the second he did that he would reject me, that is if I ever got out of this hell hole alive. I cringed at the thought of his rejection, even though we never spent time together as mates, just thinking of the heartache to come made me uneasy. My wolf started clawing at my chest trying to make me feel something, anything, but I just didn't have it in me anymore. I was a failure and I couldn't take it, I just wanted out.

That's right, Elise. Little, wretched, worthless, WEAK wolf.

W E A K. The word that I tried to avoid my entire life. I became an executioner to prove that I was worth something, that I could take care of myself. But hearing them from his vile mouth only made my heart shatter more making me fall deep into the recesses of my mind and stay locked away pushing my wolf to the surface. I was the weak one, not her and she hated being called that. She rushed forward taking advantage of my fragile state and clawed her way to the surface. Before I knew it my wolf had fully transformed, making the space in this tiny little room, even smaller than before.

She stalked around with flared nostrils and elongated canines ready to rip anything that moved to shreds. She had foam covering her mouth as she snarled and scratched at the floor. She was pissed and the longer she stayed cooped up the more animalistic she became. If she stayed in her wolf form too long the chances of me being able to come back were slim but I was too frail to fight for control and she knew it.

Her hunger for blood was becoming insatiable and not knowing if or when we were getting out was taking a toll on her appetite. Her pupils were dilated, and she was panting with such vigor that she could have easily hyperventilated. She was ready to snap and I was afraid of her hurting someone, especially Tanner. I could feel her heart rate speeding up the more she walked around and the harder it became for me to reach out to her. She had completely blocked me out, determined to keep me safe by taking things over for herself. She was protecting me and this was the only way she knew how.

Days went by and my once beautiful body had been taken over by this feral monster who needed to get out of this cell. Minute by minute she walked around waiting for the chance to escape, counting on that door to creek open just a hair so she could bust it down further ripping through whatever stopped her.

She had no more patience and I couldn't be sure that when she did get out, if she could be stopped. She was wired to kill everything in her path, it didn't matter if they were her friends or not. She just knew one thing, whatever it was had to die.

My weakness had fueled her strength and I knew that if I didn't try to get through to her that I would be lost in here forever or even worse. I tried thinking about Tanner but she only became more angry. Yes she loved him, he was her mate but she was so mad at him she didn't know how to take it. She didn't understand how he could do this to us and she didn't want to. All she knew was his betrayal and that was enough to make her hate him more.

As the numbness began to creep into my soul I began to black out for what felt like eternity and with each awakening, my wolf became stronger. It's like she was draining the life from me unintentionally because of my submissiveness. I didn't want to be this way but I had already been through so much in my short life that I couldn't take it anymore. She had been pushed aside our entire childhood and now she had a chance to show her dominance. She wanted her turn and who was I to take it away from her but what she didn't understand was that we needed to work together because without me she couldn't survive alone. In fact she wouldn't make it at all because she needed her human side to survive.

At some point she laid down on the floor giving into my pleas for rest but she wouldn't close her eyes. Neither one of us had slept or eaten in days but she could survive for weeks if she needed to, me on the other hand, well that was the reason for her coming out. Her survival instincts kicked in and before we succumbed to malnutrition she rushed forward trying to save us. She was my better half, my breath when I felt like I was gasping. She was my only connection to nature and the only one who would ever be there for me no matter what.

Her ears perked up when she heard noises outside the door and she instantly got into attack mode. I could feel my fire starting to flicker again at the sound of two men talking. My wolf was somewhat confused because she somehow knew them but she wasn't letting anyone get near us, no matter who it was. Her eyes darted from the wall to the door when a sliver of light escaped through a hole that looked like it was a sliding window. There were bars covering it and a face peeked through.

She growled loudly, warning whoever was on the other side and instantly the words made her heart beat again.

"Et quieto sis timoribis tui a lacrimis quia mi tereti Damon est hic."

Those words, that voice. Damon! He came for us! My wolf began whimpering for release but she was still too wild to be set free. So I tried to talk her down but she had blocked me out again.

"Li? Can I come in?" His deep voice made me smile inside and all I wanted was to break free and run to him. He always knew how to make me feel better and I knew if I could just make her feel the same way, she would let him in so I poured every emotion I had for him into my wolf.

"Li?" He repeated my name and my wolf yelped and she knew she could trust him and without hesitation he opened the door and walked up to her. She had crouched down and backed up while snarling but he wasn't afraid of her. He placed his hand on her snout and she instantly calmed.

OMGOSH Li's Wolf is here and now she is gone? What will happen?

Damon found her! Isn't their relationship so damn cute?

What will this mean for Li?

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