The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Bloodbath

My wolf finally settled down after Damon coaxed her away from the corner, but she was still extremely skittish. He pet her now dirt matted fur and hummed lowly trying to get her to relax enough that he could gain enough of her trust to bring her outside. He knew that once she was out in the fresh air she would eventually receed and let me back out. But this would take an enourmous amount of patience and trust. Wolves are naturally wary creatures and the chance for someone in human form to get them to submit was extremely rare and close to impossible but Damon held a special place in our heart and she knew he was only there to help us.

He took a seat by her and said "Li, I know you're still in there. I can see your eyes but you have to break all the way through. Your wolf wants blood and nothing will stop her but if you don't take control now she will become too strong and you will never be able to shift again."

I tried to concentrate hard but the wall was too tough and I was too weak to break it down. But the more he spoke the more determined I became and soon I was controlling my wolf's actions. I pushed forth and commanded her to look at Damon. I needed him to see that I was still in here and that he could help get me out. She fought me hard but something inside me snapped and I continued on trying to channel my dominance. Once she gave a little, I took more and soon Damon was staring into my eyes.

"Li, Julius and his army are attacking tonight. Crane and his men are here in position and we have several others from Tanner's pack ready as well. The threat is on its way but Tanner doesn't think he needs our help and he wants us to leave. But I know you have it in you and that you can defeat them but I need you to control your wolf. Guide her but when the time comes, let her lose. Show them you aren't weak, you were made for this moment. Protect our King and be the Queen I know you can be!" A surge of emotions blasted through my veins and my wolf howled so loud that the walls around us shook. He was the only one who could inspire me enough to break me from this mental prison and he was right, this was our moment.

Together he and my wolf walked out the dungen like a ringmaster with his faithfully, obedient lion by his side. He held onto my scruff letting me know he wouldn't leave me but also to keep her from attacking someone she might have believed to be a threat. She couldn't help but curl her lip and bare her teeth at his gesture sending him a warning growl that she didn't like being held back but he tugged on her hard putting her back in her place and it took a lot of trust on both their parts to be able to tame a feral animal. They reached the top of the stairs and entered a room where Romero and Rory were standing and she frantically started searching for her mate.

Romero stepped forward and looked me in the eye and said "He is on his way to safety. They got him out of here just when Julius' men started attacking."

She huffed in response to her Alpha but a twinge of fear was starting to bristle her fur. She knew there was a chance it was too late for them to get him out of here so she knew the only way to prove to him that we good enough for him and that we would never harm him was to show him how fierce she was. Romero and Rory opened the metal door and walked out to greet Tanner's body guards. He was inside an armored truck parked right next to the dungeon opening. My heart immediately warmed and grew 100 times it's size at the thought of his closeness. But the happiness only lasted a moment when suddenly there were vicious growls echoing around the forest opening. Julius was here.

This was it.

*****Listen to the song now*****

"It's begun! Damon, Li, lets go. Rory, get Tanner out of here." He said before he shifted into the most humungous brown wolf, one that was the size of a got damn voltswagon, and lunged forward as the chaos ensued.

Rory ran to the truck but Tanner jumped out and refused to leave. "This is my got damn pack and my land, I am not going anywhere while my members die trying to save my life."

There were screams everywhere and my ears were ringing from the sound of furious howls. It only made my wolf more on edge and soon Damon was running up the stairs leeping from the doorway and shifting midair leaving us to creep out slowly into the horrendous scene before him.

My wolf snapped right back to the blood thirsty heathen she was and started running towards the door, amped with adrenaline. She had been held in here too long and needed to break free. Once we made it out the door she lifted her head into the air and inhaled deeply. She instantly smelled her mates scent and turned her head to the side facing him. When their eyes met he instantly froze and his eyes flashed a deep golden brown.

"MINE." He snarled making Rory gasp as he realized who I was.

She gave them both a deep growl then turned and hauled ass into the fight. Charging full steam ahead, she ran into a group of wolves who were heading her way, with the same ferocious look she was wearing. She lunged at the biggest one, slashing her claws across his face sending him flying back as another came along side of her snapping at her. She dodged his teeth by an inch and quickly spun around tackling him to the ground and in one second she had his throat hanging from her jaws, blood dripping down her silver fur.

Another jumped up snapping his teeth as she spit his friends flesh in his face. He lunged and she ducked as he pounced over her, letting her claws sink into his underbelly leaving a large gash in his stomach. He fell to the ground and she jumped on him sinking her teeth into his neck. He jerked then went limp and she ran off to her next victim.

Wolf after wolf, she viciously tore through flesh and bone, killing anything that dared come close to her. She mauled her victims and ripped out their throats, feeding off of the excitement of their deaths. She was surrounded by a mountain of bloodied bodies and the all too familiar metallic smell caused her body to come alive. This is what she was made for and she couldn't stop if she wanted to.

Out of nowhere she heard a roar so loud that it sounded like thunder and her wolf shoo by k with fear. OUR MATE! She said as she started looking around for him when there was a flash of brown flying past her and taking down another wolf. His powerful blow dropped it to the ground and he jumped on him using his powerful paws to crush his chest. There was a yelp, then silence. He turned around showing the most beautiful golden eyes and trotted over to her. All of a sudden he dropped to the ground unconscious.

Holy shit! Li’s Wolf is a savage!

What do you think went through Tanner’s mind when he realized who she was?

What do you think will happen to Tanner?

This was probably one of my favorite chapters to write just because it brought back her killer instincts but her wolf is a little much!

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