The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Bloodbath Part 2

Before she had time to react, we were ambushed by four wolves surrounding us making it impossible to get to our mate. His lifeless body laid on the ground and her eyes darted between the vicious animals before her and the destiny just beyond them. Just then a grey and black wolf grabbed Tanner by his scruff and dragged him off. Her body trembled with fury and the more the mutts before her taunted her, the angrier she became.

They took turns snapping at her trying to catch her off guard but she was too quick and she felt the the sneaky dog behind her before he pounced. She kicked him hard in the chest with her hind legs sending him flying backwards into a tree. Another tried to attack her side but she turned her head just in time to slice through his jugular with her canines. The other two quickly retreated and she took off in the direction of where her mate was being taken.

She saw Tanner's wolf awaken and shake himself free but the large gash in his leg caused him to fall and shift back into his human. He stood their blooded and breathing heavily when he turned and saw my face. But the scruffy wolf was determined to get him and with one swipe of his paw, he knocked him down.

"Li! Help me!"

My ears perked up and I ran as fast as I could to him. I reached the edge of the trees when that scrawny dog was dragging an unconscious Tanner out of sight. I followed behind them crouching low so he wouldn't see me. He dropped Tanner on the ground then stood over him opening his jaws and wrapping them around his neck. I lunged out from the bushes knocking the wolf away from my mate then ran over to Tanner's body and nudged his head willing him to move. The wolf shifted and my fur stood up on my back as the familiar smell of caramel and cheap bourbon assaulted my nostrils.

"Well, well, well. You are as good as they say you are. It's a shame it had to come to this, Li, but I will not let anyone stand in my way of becoming King."

Two men came from behind him with weapons in their hands. One of them handed him a dagger with a jewel encrusted handle then he twirled in is his hands studying it intently. The other held a gun of some sorts that had arrows in it. That must have been what Tanner was hit with.

"Did you know that stainless steel is the only thing that can harm a Lycan? But not just any stainless steel. No this particular steel was made specifically with Atropa Belladona."

I slowly backed up protectively against Tanner. He would have to go through me first to get to him but there was no way I would allow him to even try, even if that meant giving my last breath for him. I growled loudly causing the trees to shake and the three idiots in front of me to flinch. It was a warning, the only one I'd give, and if any of them dared to come close to my mate, they'd be dead.

Julius's eyes were full of fear as he watched my wolf defend her territory and just the thought of a threat made her even more savage. One of his men shifted and stepped forward, daring her to make a move. She didn't need to be tested and in one swift jump she landed on his back and sunk her teeth into it, ripping his flesh from his body while she clawed at the rest of him. He dropped to the ground, his wounds taking their fatal toll on his body, and she snarled at the other two with blood dripping from her jaws.

The other one was just as stupid, thinking he could do better than his friend, as he ran full speed ahead, tucking his head to try and knock her out the way. A switch snapped in her brain and she lunged forward in the same way hitting the wolf head on and bucking him high in the air, sending him flying like a soccer ball. She stood there, breathing heavily, snarling at Julius, who was shaking in his spot.

My wolf had never been let loose before and for the first time in our life, she had a chance to show people who she really was. A savage, a monster, taking down anyone who stood in the way of what she wanted, what she needed. At this point she didn't care if her blood was shed or her life was taken, as long as her mate, the King, was safe. She slowly stalked towards Julius with one thing on her mind, kill or be killed, either way he wasn't getting to Tanner.

"I-I w-would stop if I wereeee you." He said as his lips quivered with his words.

He thrusted the knife out and waved it around nervously as if willing some sort of courage to enter his body. I smirked internally as she continued walking forward ready to give her life if she needed. The time to be brave and strong was now and nothing could stop her. She stopped when she was about three feet away from him then cocked her head to the side searching his face as he backed away from her. He stumbled over a rock and fell to the ground sending the dagger flying out of his hand. She stepped over him and lowered her head to his face and let out the most vicious growl to ever leave her lips, making him ball up in fear.

"Li?" She snapped her head around when she heard a strangled cry come from behind her and she rushed over to Tanner's side.

Just before she reached him she watched as he stood up then shifted in the most beautiful brown wolf she had ever seen and jumped right over her. There was a pain in her chest so bad that it felt like her heart was being ripped right out. Why was he running from us? Was he afraid we would hurt him? She turned around dropping to the ground just in time to see Tanner's wolf ripping the head clean off Julius' body. He was standing there holding the dagger in his hand ready to lunge when Tanner intercepted him and killed him instantly.

He saved me! He saved us! The pain that was once in her chest immediately changed to a warmth she had never felt and a euphoric feeling engrossed her. Her wolf whimpered at his gesture and it was enough to send her back into the recesses of her mind pushing me forward. The shift back was extremely painful and it felt like all my bones and muscles were seperating from my body. I fell to the ground in agony as my entire body felt like it was on fire from being in my wolf's form for too long.

Total physical exhaustion set in and my eyes were beginning to close when a blood curdling scream and a loud painful cry escaped my lips. Then, everything went still. I could faintly hear my name and hands around her body as I was lifted off the ground and enveloped into the strong arms of my mate. Just his touch made me relax but nothing could compare to the way my heart felt. This was love, what I'd never experienced and if he could save my life, maybe there was a chance we could be together. If he'll forgive me.

Do you think Tanner will accept her?

What will happen now?


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