The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Please Wake Up

My body was sore and the only thing I could hear were beeps, constant beeps. I felt disgusting and I'm sure I smelled the same, I couldn't remember when the last time I took a shower was. I fought hard to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. It's like the were glued together permanently with cement.

The only thing I had to look forward to was seeing my mates eyes when I woke up. He's been here ever since I arrived and hasn't left my side. I felt his hand in mine and the tingles that spread from my fingertips all the way up my arm. I felt him stroking my tattoo and heard the words he spoke to me. I wanted to reach out and grab his face and kiss away his sadness. I knew he was empty inside because that's exactly how I felt. My wolf was still pissed at him so she shut out our emotions. She wanted him to prove that he was sorry but I already knew how hard he was being on himself.

All I could do was wait, wait for my body to come back to life from this sleep that had consumed me. I was severely depleted of all energy due to my wolf taking over for so long. I knew that this could happen but she did what she had to do to keep us both alive. If she hadn't we never would have made it out that dungeon and who knows what else would have happened.

I faintly remember the battle and Julius' death but nothing before that. It's like everything in my mind had been erased because of the shift but I know that it was a defense mechanism. I guess it was a good thing because having to recall any of what happened down there was something I wasn't ready to do.

I laid there in the darkness as my mind took in everything around me but my body refused to do the same. I guess I was worse off than I thought and only time could tell when I would wake up. After a while I gave into the darkness and let myself rest. I didn't have the strength to keep trying right now but I wasn't giving up yet. I needed to be with my mate and he needed me.

I don't know how long I was out but when I came to I could hear Tanner and Romero talking and I wanted nothing more than to talk to them. I wanted to join there conversation and introduce them properly but from the sounds of it they had already met and had become close. I could feel the respect Tanner held for Romero and vice versa. The presence of love in the room was strong and I knew they would stop at nothing to figure out how to bring me back.

Romero was being so supportive of Tanner and telling him the things I wanted to say, trying to take the blame off my mate and placing where it should lie, with Julius. Because let's be honest, it was all his fault. All of it! He was a snake and deserved worse than what he got. He deserved to be tortured continuously until he couldn't bare it anymore and took his own life. He deserved to be locked in that hell hole with poisonous animals who ate him alive until there was nothing left but bloodstains on the floor. My wolf hated him and everything he caused but he was gone and it made her less on edge.

The voices in the room subsided and the beeps continued. I hated the silence, it only reminded me of that dreaded black hole we were in not that long ago and the memories of what we went through as a child. The hurt and pain inside were never completely gone, just pushed down and suppressed until they bubbled to the surface and returned to rear their ugly head later on. I was never good with my emotions, which is why we're in this trouble now. If I would have just told Tanner everything from the beginning none of this would have happened. I just didn't think I was worth it but after being forced into that dirty dungeon, I was able to think about what I really needed. Love.

Love was never a word in my vocabulary but the longer I sat down there thinking about him and the feelings I was having the more I realized that the Moon Goddess never makes mistakes and that she joined us together for a reason. I just had to figure out what it was.

Suddenly I heard Olivia's voice, felt her hand tighten around mine and the sobs that wrecked her body. I thought she would be angry with me for finding out my intentions with Tanner but knowing her, she probably was on my side. I felt the pain she was experiencing through her touch, it was like she was reliving what happened to her, that like her I was trapped inside and couldn't get out. She had been through so much and I just wanted to make it right, she didn't deserve what happened to her but I know she is better off now that Julius is dead. We had become close friends in the short time we were together but I could feel a connection with her that I never had with anyone else. Trust, respect, and loyalty. I can only hope they both let me explain myself before she judged me.

I could feel the anguish in my mates heart and the sorrow he felt. He was trying to console her but she was so angry with him. She blamed him and my wolf was stirring, she didn't like him being threatened, like I said she may be mad at him because of his haste actions but she still loved him and would never let anything happen to him, even disrespect.

I tried concentrating really hard to make them both know that I could hear them but it only made my head hurt and the more my head hurt the more they would give me meds to make the pain go away and more of the meds meant longer time in the darkness. I needed to wake up. WAKE UP!! You have to wake up, Li! They need you, I need you.

Suddenly I could feel another presence and it made me anxious, not a bad anxious, but a good anxious. You know the one when you can't wait to have something or see someone and when the moment finally appears you become jittery. That's what I felt, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. The presence felt familiar, it felt like home but not being awake made it difficult for me to identify them. I heard some voices and then the door closed.

I became so frustrated that my body wouldn't wake up and I was beginning to give up hope when a felt his lips on mine. It was such a soft kiss filled with so much love and pain but also promise and hope, that my heart rate accelerated causing the blood in my body to speed through my veins sending oxygen to my lungs. I gasped as if I were taking my first breath and immediately my eyes opened. Staring back at me were the most beautiful brown eyes filled with surprise.

"You're back little wild one."




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