The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Apologies And Forgiveness

"Tanner?" I said in a hoarse whisper.

"Shhh I'll go get the doctor."

I gripped his hand tightly preventing him from getting up and said "No. Can you lay with me?" I slowly scooted myself to the edge as he cautiously slipped in beside me.

I laid my head on his chest and my heart rate immediately slowed down and I felt peace wrap around me. We were finally together, able to be mates, even if it were only for a little while. I ran my hands along his strong chest trying to make this moment last forever, hoping it would never end when he grasped my hand in his and turned it over planting a kiss on my palm.

I looked into his eyes and couldn't help the stream of tears flowing down my cheeks "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I understand if you want to reject me, I wouldn't blame you at all because the truth is I'm not good enough for, I'm not good enough for anyone. I'm a killer and that's all I'll ever be."

I pulled my hand from him and covered my eyes sobbing like a child who just lost her puppy. He took my hands off my face and held them tight to his chest and said "You are more than enough for me Li. I fell for you before I knew who you were and although our meeting didn't happen on the best of terms I promise you that I you will always be enough.

If anyone should be apologizing it's me. I locked you away without hearing you out. I was scared of what could happen to me but that isn't an excuse and I will make it up to you every single day because the truth is, I can't be without you. I don't want to. I just need you to forgive me but even if you don’t I’ll never stop trying to be the mate you need me to be.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine sending electric waves shooting through my body making every nerve ending come alive. I felt him bring me from the darkness into the light and the most vibrant colors of the rainbow flashed through my mind. I wasn't that dark, tortured person anymore I was someone new and only he could have done that.

We laid there for a while before he said "I guess we should tell someone that you're awake?"

"Can it wait? I just want to be alone with you for a little while longer."

"Of course, my Queen." He pulled me close as I nuzzled into his chest holding on to him like this was my last day on Earth and letting go would send me flying into the sky.

After cleaning up and looking somewhat presentable and getting a few hours alone we decided to let the others in before they caused a scene outside. Of course they respected our wishes but they were just as eager to see me as I was to see them. Romero and Damon came in first and I could visibly see the relief in both their faces and bodies as they saw for themselves that I was indeed ok. I couldn't help but jump up and throw myself at Damon. He was the only one who could have done what he did and if it weren't for him I don't think I would have come back.

"Hey now, enough of this mushy stuff!" He said in his gruff voice as he hugged me tight.

I looked up at him and smiled "Thank you!"

Romero was right behind him with open arms ready to take as much mushy stuff as I could give. On the outside both of these men were tanks and could make the toughest Alpha wet his pants but on the inside was a world of hurt and we all connected on that level. We helped each other heal, somewhat because there was no way for either of them to ever get over losing their mates but at least the pain was dulled some. I on the other hand still had a lot to work through due to my abuse yet it didn't seem to bother me as much knowing that I finally found my mate and he was willing to do anything for me.

"Ok we better let the others in before Olivia does something drastic. We'll be right outside if you need us."

I nodded and waved as they left. I walked around the bed to where Tanner was standing and sank into his embrace, no matter how many times he did this I don't think I could ever get enough. The door opened and Olivia rushes in nearly tackling me to the bed.

"Li oh my gosh I...I don't think you would ever wake up!" She pushed me away and searched me from head to toe.

"I'm ok Olivia. Sore and bruised, nothing I can't handle but I'm fine. Really!"

I smiled brightly at her as she turned to Tanner with her head hung low and said “I’m sorry Tanner, I never should have acted the way I did. It wasn’t your fault, none of it was. You were just trying to protect yourself and I understand.”

He pulled her in for a hug as she started to cry and said “Livi, I will never stop apologizing to her or to you. I let you both down but now that I am King I can fix things. Just have a little faith in me and please forgive me?”

She smiled at him then kissed his cheek and walked over to her mate. She pulled him over with the happiest, love filled expression and said “I’d like you both to meet my mate...”

“Finn?” I said as I gasped and grinned.

“Li, I’m glad you’re alright. I’ve missed you.” He said as he looked at Tanner for the ok to give me a hug.

Tanner nodded his head but his jaw was tense and his arms were flexed as he watching him through his wolf’s eyes getting closeser to where I was standing. When Finn reached me I grabbed him and pulled him close making Tanner instinctively growl. We both laughed as I said “Down boy!”

Tanner rubbed the back of his neck and apologized. While Olivia stood there dumbfounded. She opened her mouth to speak but I could see she was having trouble with the words.

“Olivia, Finn and I belonged to the same pack, briefly. It’s actually a very long and sorted story but he’s my guardian. He was selected by the Moon Goddess to protect me but we lost touch a long time ago and it wasn’t until I came here recently that we met again.”

She seemed to understand a little bit she was still a little hesitant about it so I grabbed her and pulled her to him, locking their hands together. “He is your mate, your one and only, I won’t be coming between that trust me. I have enough protection as it is.” I said as I looked into Tanner’s warm loving eyes.

I stepped closer when another knock came from the door. We all turned around as it opened and I couldn’t believe my eyes when he walked in and bowed then said “King, Queen. May I come in?”

I couldn’t move or say anything and I could feel everyone’s eyes on me so I said “Yes.”

He stepped forward with a sorrowful look on his face “Li, I think we should talk.”

AUGHHHHHHH!! Olivia and Finn or mates! How did you sneaky little people figure it out!!! 🤣🤣

Who else wanted to melt at Tanner’s apology? He’s still got a lot to make up for but I think Li will forgive him.

And who’s the mystery guest? And what could they want with Li?

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