The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter A Talk That’s Long Overdue

Crane walked in the room and I instantly felt tense. The last time I saw him I wanted to rip his throat out, he bought me! He literally exchanged warriors for me and then had this sick plan to make me his frickin mate. How fucked up is that? I knew I should have been angry at him for coming here but I wasn't. And he was right it was time that we had a talk.

Finn and Olivia stepped out of the way and walked towards the door saying "We'll leave and give you some privacy."

I looked at Finn who nodded at me then looked at Crane and mouthed Listen to him. I sat down with Tanner on the couch as he pulled up a chair from the corner.

"Please explain, Alpha Crane."

"Li, where do I even begin?"

"How about when you bought me from my miserable excuse of a father."

"How about we go back further? Like before you were born." He rubbed his face with his rough hands and I knew there was something more to the story.

"I grew up in a very unorganized pack. My family wasn't special so they decided to leave and become Rogues. When I was 18 I was hunting and I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was strong and I could almost feel the power radiating off of her. When our eyes met I knew that instant she was my mate, but I knew I couldn't give her the life she deserved so I ran from her."

I began to cry, feeling his heart breaking again in front of me and not being able to stop it. Mate bonds are special and no matter what you do you can't stop how they make you feel, it's a magnetic attraction that no one can break.

"A year later the Alpha of our original pack attacked my family killing them. I became an angry man, turned to violence whenever I could, tried to kill anyone who stood in my way and when I had enough I challenged him for his position. The fight was quick but he death was painful. His pack members weren't happy and in turn six of them challenged me the same day. And one by one I slaughtered them as well. I took over and immediately implemented changes. That once terrible, broken pack became one of the most respected packs around. But then I got word that my mate had become marked by another and was carrying his child. I tried so hard to get over it but the pain was too much to bare especially when she died."

My heart stopped. Is he saying what I think he's saying? He saw the look in my eyes and nodded. Tanner looked between the two of us with confusion written all over his face.

"Am I missing something?"

"My mom...was your...mate?" Tears poured down my eyes as I put the pieces together.

"Yes Li. And when I found out how horribly Bacter had treated you I went to him with a proposition, my best warriors, for you. I let your mother down when I walked away, I never rejected her but I knew I couldn't give her what she needed because I was just a Rogue. But I blamed myself everyday for her death and I vowed to make it up to her by giving you a better life."

"So you weren't going to make me your mate?"

He laughed at my question and said "No! That would have been a little weird wouldn't it have. I just wanted you to be safe but then you ran away and ended up with Romero, your family, so I didn't come after you."

I jumped up at the same time as he stood and crashed into his chest. I sobbed into his shirt feeling his body relax. I knew he was telling the truth just by the look in his eyes but when I hugged him I felt it. He had just unburdened himself from years of torment and suffering. I loosened my grip on him and slowly stepped back wiping my eyes. Tanner came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist comforting me with his safe arms.

"I should have told you this years ago but I never thought it was the right time but when Romero called me about the threat to your mate I knew I couldn't stand by and do nothing. Everyone deserves happiness Li and believe me when I say the love for your mate will make you do strange things, some of them good and some of them bad but if you're lucky enough to get a second chance, you should take it!"

I smiled warmly at him as Tanner squeezed me and kissed the back of my head. I suddenly became exhausted from all the information I just discovered and let out a big yawn.

"I think we've talked enough tonight. Get some rest Li. We’ll be staying until after the coronation so we will have plenty of time to catch up.”

The coronation! Shit, how could I forget! When Crane left the pack doctor walked in.

“So, I see my patient is awake.” Tanner and I looked at each other and smiled.

“Sorry doctor, I told her I wanted to call you but we needed some time alone before anyone else came in.”

He nodded his head and walked over to me. He shined a bright light in my eyes and asked me a ton of questions. He looked at my vitals and all the bloodwork they had done this morning then sat down. “Li, you seemed to have made a full recovery. You still need plenty of rest but I see no reason why you can’t do that at home. Now I don’t want you doing anything until next Thursday. Not even trying on dresses for the coronation. Do you hear me?”

I gave him a smile and nodded my head but inside I was terrified. Where would I go from here? I couldn’t go home to Montana, I had a mate and his life was here but did he want me here?

He got up and walked out the door to let me get dressed. I sat there staring at the door when Tanner grabbed my hand and said “Li you know I want you here with me, don’t you?”

I looked at him in surprise when I remembered the mate bond and mind-linking. He heard everything I was saying in my head. I lowered my eyes as I picked at my blanket. “I guess I just didn’t know if you really wanted me or not.”

“Did nothing I say to you this morning convince you? Because I’ll do anything to make you believe me. Name it Li, whatever you want.”

I looked into his eyes that held so much pain at the thought of me not trusting his words. I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him close.

“Of course I believe you. And I’m sorry I keep thinking the worst but all of this is new to me so please be patient. I will get better at it. I just spent so much time believing I wasn’t worth loving.”

He pulled me into his lap and placed his hands on both sides of my face “Li I will Always. Make. You. Feel. Loved.” He said as he peppered my face with kisses.

We were going to be fine and next weekend, during the coronation, we would finally be joined together under the moon.

Who knew it was Crane??? Lol

Holy Toledo. He was her moms mate?????

Wow Tanner has turned into a softie! How long do you think it’ll last!

Thanks you all for reading this story. I hope you continue to read it along with my other books. As always don’t forget to like, comment and share!!!!

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