The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 18

Syble (Magnolia)

I know I’m grinning like a fool but I can’t contain it, dueling with them like this was exhilarating. I’m still coming down from my high when Ro and Varian begin to shift their furry bodies beneath me. I sit up so I am no longer sprawled on top of them and for the first time I get a real good look at their wolves.

Their shaggy fur is mostly white, painted with gray and black streaks across their backs like snow capped mountains. Like the wolves from my dream. I shake the thought quickly.

They’re harder to tell apart in wolf form, but their eyes give them away. Ro’s are still forest green and hazel and Varian’s are chocolate brown.

Ro is laying down so I rest my back against him, combing my fingers through the fur on his head. Varian crawls up beside us and begins licking at the various cuts and scrapes I incurred during our activities. His cold nose and snout tickles my ribs but rather than stopping when he realizes this, he continues his ticklish assault and I erupt in a fit of giggles.

“Stop! Stop, you win!” I say through my laughter. He puts his large forehead to mine and purrs before running off behind a tree. Ro sits up gently giving me time to support my own weight, and he, too, runs off behind a tree. I stagger to my feet and brush myself off once again as the twins reappear before me in human form wearing nothing but basketball shorts.

My mouth dries at the sight of their naked torsos glistening in the sun, and the way their shorts hang lowly around their hips, showing off a sexy v line that leads below their waist band. I imagine kissing every inch of that line, exploring what lies beneath their shorts. My wayward thoughts cause a wet, hot desire to pool between my thighs.

Ro and Varian’s nostrils flare as they stalk towards me with easy grace. Ro grabs my hand and brings it to his lips placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand before spinning me around so my back is to him. He puts his hands on my hips, holding me away at an arm’s length.

“Show me your wing,” he demands in his deep voice, any trace of humor from moments ago has completely vanished.

“Ro, it’s fine. I’ve suffered worse.”

“Now, Syble.” Varian steps in front of me shooting me a pointed look.

I roll my eyes beneath the blind fold and extend my wings for them to see. Ro and Varian each take a wing, inspecting as they go, skimming their fingers delicately over the leathery skin.

Ro’s breath hitches indicating that he’s found the damage he caused. “You look like you’ve been through war,” he says so softly I’m not sure if I’m meant to hear it or not. He sighs heavily and I think he’s trying to figure out what to say next.

I fold my wings back in and turn to them both with a grateful smile. “Thank you…for letting go with me… it was fun.” Ro looks like he is still tormented by guilt and I hate that he feels that way. I’ve been pushing for this exact moment since day one, I asked for this.

“Hey, come on, please don’t feel bad. It’ll heal just like anything else. Good as new by tonight, guaranteed.” I plead.

Ro just huffs but reluctantly nods his head. “Come, we’ll bring you back to the pack house to rest.”

What? Didn’t he hear a word I just said? I cross my arms over my chest and pout like a teenager.

“No.” I say defiantly.

Ro and Varian snarl at me but I won’t relent on this. “No, you’ve proven your tendency to overreact so come on, on with the tour.”

A reluctant smile tugs at Varian’s mouth and his eyes soften. Ro remains stern, his posture mirroring mine. “Are all the women where you’re from this challenging?” Varian asks with a small chuckle, he pulls two shirts out of a small duffle bag I hadn’t noticed before. I was too busy appreciating their bodies to notice much of anything.

“If by challenging you mean rational, then yes, we are all equally afflicted.” I quip back. “Do all the women here just follow your every command, no questions asked?” I tease, nudging them with my shoulder.

“Not just the women, the men do too.” Ro winks at me and then rewards me with a brilliant smile. “Every member of a pack is compelled to obey their Alpha’s command. But Varian and I don’t like to abuse that power, we reserve those commands only for certain situations.”

I nod thoughtfully at their explanation. It helps explain why they get that crazed look when I don’t immediately acquiesce to their demands. It’s so easy to rile them up, I can’t imagine it doesn’t happen more often – they can’t just be this way with me.

— — —


“Abby, can you grab the phone, it’s been ringing for over a minute. Oh Laura, thank the Goddess. Here, can you take James to the bathroom for me? I need to check on Nicole’s room.”

Work is insanely busy today, we had two people call out sick so we are short staffed to say the least. The daycare is always busy but when there are a few extra adults it doesn’t feel as hectic as it does today. I’m putting out fires left and right just trying to make sure every room has what they need, but I still have to prepare lunch for our littles. Nicole is putting the pups down for their naps, so that’s first on my list before I race to the kitchen to get food served.

I pop my head into Nicole’s room, making sure to keep my voice at a whisper, “Hey Nicole, how’s it going in here? Everyone settling?”

Nicole is sitting in a rocking chair cradling a little one-year-old boy who is crying uncontrollably. “Yeah, everyone’s fine except Noah, he just won’t settle today. I’ve tried everything.”

“Okay, it’s okay, I’ll take him and see if a little walk helps calm him down.” Really he just needs his nap and I need my hands free so I can help the other rooms, but I don’t want him to wake up the rest of the room while we try to get him to settle down so I just have to take him with me. I pop him on my hip and race back to the kitchen.

“Come on little guy, don’t cry. You’re going to be my big helper today, okay? – oof.” I look up to see what wall I’ve walked into, bouncing Noah all the while. The wall isn’t a wall at all, it’s my older brothers and Syble. My brow furrows in confusion, they should be training at this hour.

“Hey Kat, you remember Syble? We’re just giving her the grand tour.” My brother Varian says. His hand resting on the small of her back doesn’t go unnoticed by me and I lift a curious brow at him.

“Of course, hi Syble, welcome. I’m really sorry, on any other day I’d bring you around myself but we had two people call out and so we’re running short and things are just crazy.” Her face never gives anything away, it’s particularly difficult to gauge her with her eyes covered, but even so I’m left speechless when she smiles sympathetically at me.

“Well then you’re in luck. Ro and Varian were just saying how we had nothing else to do today. Put us to work.” She smiles again, trying to stifle her laughter as she turns to Ro and Varian. “What do you say, Alphas?” She taunts them by purring out the word “alphas.” I gape at them open-mouthed, marveling at her audacity and the fact that they’re tolerating it from her.

She reaches her arms out and motions for me to hand over Noah, who is still hiccuping tears on my shoulder. I give Noah over to her and she hugs him to her chest, one arm under his bottom supporting his weight and the other hand rubbing his back. Instantly she begins to sway her body gently back and forth while humming a soothing melody. After a minute, Noah lets out a big yawn, stretches out his arms and curls right back into her, nuzzling into her neck before closing his eyes at last.

My eyes dart back and forth between her and my brothers, but their eyes are locked only on her. I’ve seen that look before, it’s the same look my father gets in his eye when he’s watching our mom in her element. Full of wonder, adoration – love.

She’s very good with the pups, isn’t she? I ask them through mindlink.

They still don’t take their eyes off of her. Their heartbeats pickup and their eyes start flashing black. I don’t want to know what they’re thinking about but I know it must involve pups – having them…making them. With her. They’ve never given anyone else the time of day, let alone put up with the mischief she’s caused since she’s arrived. An idea occurs to me, a suspicion that has been growing over the last week. I wonder if she is their mate. It would explain Varian’s hands on her, and the carnal look they’re giving her now.

“You guys really don’t mind staying for a bit? I actually could really use some help just getting through the lunch rush.” I look hopefully towards my brothers, Syble is still rocking Noah in her arms.

“We don’t mind at all.” Syble responds for them and then smiles at them sweetly as she walks past them towards me.

I lead them all down to the kitchen and give my brothers basic instructions on how to warm the veggies and cut the fruit. That should keep them occupied for a few minutes while I bring Syble to the pup room so she can finally put Noah down in his crib to nap.

“Thank you so much for helping out, it’s seriously a life saver.” I tell her sincerely as we leave the kitchen. Ro and Varian watch us leave until we are no longer in sight, like the image of her walking away bothers them. We tip toe silently into the room where Nicole has managed to get all the other pups down peacefully. Syble slips Noah into his crib and she rubs her hand over his head and down his back before she’s satisfied that he’s managed the transfer.

We start heading back when Syble asks me to go on without her, “I’ll catch up with you in a minute, I’m just going to look around if that’s ok?”

“Sure no worries, the center is a giant square, it’s hard to get lost. See you in a bit.” I rush back to the kitchen to check on my brothers and, more importantly, to prod them for information. They both frown when they look up and see me by myself without Syble.

“Where’s Syble?” Ro asks, trying to sound casual.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” I practically sing.

“Don’t play games with us, Kat, we’ve had a trying morning.” Varian scolds me.

I roll my eyes at him and start plating chicken, veggies, and fruit for each of the rooms. With the cart loaded with everyone’s lunches we head out and begin making our rounds. We deliver food to the two preschool rooms and one of two toddler rooms, but Syble is still nowhere to be found.

We round the corner and walk into the last toddler room. Ro and Varian suddenly stop in their tracks which is super inconvenient because this cart is hard to push on my own. I look around them to see what has them so captivated. Sure enough, Syble is sitting on the floor, toddlers in a puddle all around her — two in her lap, the rest sitting or laying as close as they can get to her. She has their undivided attention as she animatedly reads them a story.

I walk up to my brothers so I am standing between them. They have that look again, watching Syble as she interacts effortlessly with the pups. She really is great with them.

“Your mate is a natural Luna, the kids can sense it.” I nudge Varian playfully with my shoulder.

“She certainly is something else.” He mutters mindlessly back to me still entranced watching her.

Ro grabs my arm forcing me to face him.

How did you know? He asks me through mindlink.

So it’s true then? She’s your mate? I’m practically squealing with delight through the mindlink.

You told her? Varian chimes in.

He didn’t have to, your scents are all over each other, not to mention how you stare at her like she’s the only woman on the planet. Oh goddess, I’m so excited! When is the ceremony? Have you told mom and dad?

She doesn’t know.

Well that’s ok we can tell mom tonight.

No, I mean Syble. She doesn’t know.

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