The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 17

Robin Schulz – Sugar

She’s something mystical in colored lights

So far from typical, but take my advice

Before you play with fire, do think twice

And if you get burned, don’t be surprised

__ __ __

Syble (Magnolia)

I can hear the smirk in his voice, he’s laughing at me.

I try jabbing him in the stomach with my elbow but he catches it and then quickly grabs onto my other elbow, effectively locking me in place in front of him. The warmth from his hands on my arms spreads throughout my body and a pleasurable shiver runs up my spine. My nipples harden uncomfortably under my shirt and I have to resist the urge to moan. I have never met anyone who has had this effect on me from a single touch.

Ro’s lips skim across my skin as he growls lowly in my ear, his sweet breath fanning my neck. “Always so eager to play, little spitfire.”

“Afraid you’ll lose again?” I’m practically breathless. He has completely disarmed me with a single touch and it’s unnerving. The warrior queen part of me wants to spar with him every chance I get, but there’s another part of me that relishes being in his grip, in his control. It’s a rather novel feeling.

“I think I’ve already won.” I can hear the grin in his voice.

I grin inwardly. Arrogant son of a bitch. Well if he wants to play dirty then that’s exactly what I’ll do.

I stop resisting in his arms and instead press myself up against him, grinding my backside into his bulge. I can feel him hardening behind me and I smirk because I know the tables have turned in my favor.

“Ro…” I plead breathlessly, all part of my plan to disarm him. I can hear his sharp intake of breath as his grip on me loosens. He releases my elbows and slides his hands over my hips grinding me into him.

I turn slowly in his arms, catching a glimpse of Varian as I do. His chest is rising and falling rapidly, his eyes are as black as night, and he’s fixated on Ro and me. His gaze is lustful, wanton, and it momentarily throws me — this isn’t a game to him.

Looking finally into Ro’s eyes I see that they are equally darkened, blackness has overtaken his eyes like a plague. Ro’s hands are still planted on my hips, awaiting my next move.

I delicately place my hands over his on my hips, lacing our fingers together. The sparks are there, everywhere we touch, increasing as more of our skin touches. It’s easy to get lost in this game, but I shake my head clear of this lustful fog and remember my purpose.

He leans a fraction closer to me and I use the opportunity to push myself away from him. I bring my right leg up and kick him square in the chest.

I release my hold on him and watch as he stumbles backwards a few steps. His nostrils flare as he sinks down into a fight stance. My heartbeat picks up in pace, his smile mirrors my own. Game on.

I lunge at him, making the first move, but today he is able to block and dodge all my punches.

He deflects blow after blow. My skin prickles with heat, my anger and frustration steaming off of me. I lean back to avoid his swinging fist, a favorite move of his. Before I realize what’s happening, my legs are kicked out from under me and I fall backwards hard onto the ground, hitting my head in the process. The wind is completely knocked out of me and it takes me a second to remember how to breathe. Ro kneels over me, straddling one of my legs, his hand loosely around my throat keeping me pinned to the ground.

A triumphant grin is plastered on his face, satisfaction swimming in his eyes. He releases my neck and grabs onto my upper arm, hoisting me up to stand with him.

I dust myself off quickly, looking anywhere but at Ro and Varian. Today is really not my day — barely any sleep, upsetting Incandis, now losing to Ro in a duel?

Ro puts a finger under my chin and lifts it up so I’m forced to look at him. “Are you hurt? You hit your head pretty hard.” He asks gently. His sincerity stuns me, and it’s hard to be anything but honest in return.

I frown and try to lower my head again, unable to hide my disappointment in myself. “Just my pride,” I mutter petulantly.

Ro chuckles softly. What the fuck could he find so funny?

“I discovered something about you today when I was watching you spar with Incandis. You never hesitate with him, your movements are sure and unreserved. But with everyone else you do hold yourself back. Even with me. And it’s in that moment of hesitation that your enemy can exploit and weaken you.” He says calmly and factually.

He’s not wrong. I’ve had to resist the urge to open my wings all week while sparring in fear that I’d too easily overtake my opponent. It’s far too much of an advantage, and up until today I haven’t needed them to win anyway.

He lifts his hand to my cheek and tenderly tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. His fingers leave a trail of tingles in their wake. “Come on, once more… no holds barred, for either of us.”

I look into his eyes searching for any signs of insincerity or hesitation but there is none to be found. He means it. He’s allowing me to let go, he wants me to. Finally, a man who doesn’t treat me like glass.



Syble lands on her back and in her surprise I can hear the air leave her lungs upon impact, followed by her skull hitting the ground. Ro keeps her pinned by the neck which incenses my wolf and me.

Happy now? She hit her fucking head because of you! I hiss at him through mindlink.

He immediately pulls her up, assessing her body for injuries. Syble doesn’t pay him any attention, she’s focused solely on brushing the dirt and debris off of herself. She hasn’t lost a single fight yet this week, it’ll be interesting to see how she reacts. She’s obviously not pleased, I can feel her heat from here and she is avoiding looking at us at all costs.

Ro tips her chin up, not allowing her to hide from him. “Are you hurt? You hit your head pretty hard.” He asks with genuine concern.

She frowns and attempts to hide her face again. “Just my pride,” she mutters. Ro and I both chuckle. She’s retained her sense of humor, that’s a good sign.

My wolf doesn’t see it this way, he asserts that she shouldn’t ever feel anything less than strong, confident, and beautiful. Beautiful. He’s pushing me to wrap her in my arms and not let her go until she understands without a doubt exactly how fierce she is and how fucking attractive that is.

I’ve grown uncomfortably hard, my erection straining against my pants. I readjust myself and turn around to suggest we continue on our way when I see Ro and Syble circling one another.

What the fuck is happening now? I practically shout through the link.

I want her to be as uninhibited with us as she is with him. Just once I want her to let go.

And concussing her is how you plan to do that? I ask him incredulously.

He growls audibly at me but doesn’t respond. Then, without hesitation, she unfurls her wings and dives at Ro, her speed blurring her frame. Somehow he catches her, he swivels around, and hurls her into a tree like he’s in the fucking Olympics doing a hammer throw. She twists her body in the air and lands on the tree like a monkey, pushing off the tree back into Ro. Ro ducks and she flies right over him. She opens her wings like a parachute stopping her from going any further. She grounds herself and when she spins to face him she’s met with his wolf.

Ro leaps at her, swiping his claws at her wildly. She’s bouncing and flying around him and the more she evades him the more aggressive he becomes. He swipes at her again this time clipping her wing, slashing through it at the edge tattering it further. She cries out as his claws tear through it, the sound of her agony is my undoing.

I shift into my wolf and tackle Ro as he’s about to snap at her again. She kicks me in the muzzle and shouts, “it’s about time you joined the fun!”

This fucking woman. Beguiling. Alright, spitfire, let’s play. Over the course of our truel the dynamic constantly but organically shifted. At times Ro and I would team up to corner her, then it’d be her and Ro against me, or us against Ro. It feels so natural, this energy and heat between us.

Minutes go by and the three of us are still trying to get the upper hand on one another. Finally, she lands between us. Ro and I run at her from opposite sides at full speed and at the last second she darts upwards forcing Ro and me to crash into each other head first.

She crashes down hard on top of us purposefully and starts laughing hysterically — pure, unadulterated joy radiates from her. All else is forgotten, the only thing that matters at this moment is her infectious smile.

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