The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 19

Syble (Magnolia)

We say goodbye to the kids, staff, and Kat at the daycare and head back to the packhouse. I walk between them in a comfortable silence. The three of us are close enough in proximity that our arms and hands brush against one another as we walk, the tingles teasing my body every time. I’m thoroughly wound up from all this time with them today – their bare chests, their firm hands on my hips, grinding into them. Even if it was a game and meant nothing, my body is overstimulated just the same.

“You must be hungry, would you like to eat something in the dining hall or we could have something brought up to your room.” Varian offers as we walk up the steps to the house, his hand is deliciously warm against the small of my back causing heat to rush to my core. I need to get away from them and douse my fire before I actually combust.

“I think I’ll just grab a shower and a nap if that’s alright.”

“Dinner then.” Ro says and it’s not a question.

“It’s a date.” I say softly and watch their eyes go wide. I think my new favorite thing is getting them worked up. I smile at them and walk away as quickly as I can through the lounge so I can get up to my room. I let out a gasp when Incandis jumps over the back of the couch, landing in front of me.

“Hey, where have you been all day, I thought you’d be back hours ago.” He asks.

“Come on, we can talk in my room.” I hear a low growl rumble through the walls but I’m finding that happens a lot in this house.

As soon as I get into my room I go straight into the bathroom shutting the door in Incandis’ face. I strip off my clothes and jump into the cold shower, steam pouring off of my skin as the water makes contact. I stand there with my hands pressed against the tile wall, my head hung low letting the water hit my neck and cascade down my back. After a few minutes I lift my head and grab my washcloth. I pour out the body wash onto the cloth and lather it in my hands. I run the cloth all over my body, down my arms, across my chest, over my full, heavy breasts. The cloth feels rough over my sensitive nipples, I imagine it’s Ro’s rough hands on me, the thought makes my inner walls clench.

I run my hand slowly down my stomach, finally reaching between my legs. I drag the cloth across my folds and start to rub circles over my clit, the friction from the cloth feeling exquisite. My pace quickens as I feel that familiar tightening in my belly, I’m building towards release, pulling at my nipples with one hand while the other continues massaging my sex. Images of the twins today dance in my mind – their bodies, their hands on me, how it feels whenever they touch me. Pleasure building by the second and I’m spiraling towards the edge.

“Syble quit avoiding me, you’ve been in there long enough.” Incandis is banging on the bathroom door. Fuck. He sure knows how to kill the mood.

I rinse myself off, careful to avoid touching my swollen nipples and clit. I wrap a towel around myself and head out into the bedroom. I lock the bedroom door so I don’t have to worry about anyone walking in while my blindfold is off.

“I’m not avoiding you. I was just overheated and needed a shower.” I say as I head over to the dresser. I grab myself new panties, black shorts, and a black tank top. I toss on my clothes inside the walk-in closet out of view from Incandis before making my way back out to finally hash out this morning’s events.

“Look, D, I’m sorry about this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well, I’m stressed out being in the backseat while these wolves are the ones out searching for – well, you know.” I sigh and flop down onto the bed. Incandis lays down next to me so we are facing each other.

“I guess I just thought if I could get you to spar with me for once it would alleviate some of that frustration. I shouldn’t have pushed you.” I don’t look at him, instead I roll onto my back and drape my arm over my eyes.

I can feel Incandis roll onto his back and we lay there side by side in silence for a few minutes. “When did you get so fast? You hit like a freight train.” He says in a hushed tone, gently breaking the silence.

I can’t help but smile, “you would know if you ever got over your fear of training with me. Xander can’t even beat me anymore.”

We both chuckle and another silent minute passes between us. “We good, D?” I ask softly.

He grabs me and crushes me to him in a bear hug. “We’re fine, Mags, and we’re going to find them” he whispers against my forehead. This time I don’t make a fuss about him using my name, it brings me a comfort I didn’t realize I’ve been missing.

“Go take a nap, I’ll wake you for dinner.” Incandis gets up off the bed and leaves, closing the door gently behind him.


The water is cooler today and it feels great on my skin. I dive under the water over and over enjoying the feeling of the cool, fresh water splashing over my naked body. When I’m sufficiently cooled, I wring my hair out as I make my way to shore. I’ve set out my towel on the grassy shore of the lake right under a beam of sunlight. I bathe in the sun’s heat and slip effortlessly into sleep.

I wake suddenly from the intense heat, but my eyes are too tired to open. It feels like the sun has concentrated its beam on me. The sun drips liquid heat down my neck and slowly across my chest. It travels south down my stomach, burning hotter and hotter the further it goes until I can feel the scorching heat between my legs. The sun beam laps at me and when I finally open my eyes I’m staring into Rohanor’s green eyes.

He sears my skin with hot kisses along the tops of my thighs and hips, nudging my legs open. Automatically they open for him and he plants feather light kisses along my folds. He licks at my slit, flicking his tongue over my clit like how one would strike a match, and with that I’m ablaze. I throw my head back as he circles his tongue around me, dipping into my soaked entrance, but my moans are swallowed by Varian as he kisses me hard from beside me.

Our tongues swirl and dance around one another leisurely, passionately, mirroring the way Ro’s tongue glides over my aching bundle of nerves. The faster his tongue moves the more urgent my kiss with Varian becomes. Ro’s lips clamp down around my clit and he sucks hard making my eyes roll back. He inserts one finger and then another, pumping me as he continues his feast. I pull away from Varian, my breathing now ragged and shallow. He kisses and nips at my neck as Ro pushes me closer and closer to the edge.

He’s pumping into me harder and faster, licking and sucking on my clit. I’m so close, the pressure in my core is reaching critical mass. Without warning Varian sinks his canines into the crook of my neck as Ro scrapes his teeth against my clit and I detonate around his fingers instantly, cumming loudly and violently. I’m in free fall, pleasure pulsing through my veins, and then everything fades into blackness.


Three sharp knocks at my door wake me from my nap. I’m trying to control my breathing after waking up panting, my panties and shorts soaked from my very erotic dream.

Three more knocks at the door, louder and more demanding. I tie my blindfold on and open the door to find Ro and Varian dressed in black slacks, and crisp, white dress shirts. The first few buttons are left undone showing off a little tuft of chest hair. I find my heat rising again at the sight of them, my cheeks flush in embarrassment as I recall the dream I just had.

Their eyes are pools of black and their nostrils flare. Ro screws his eyes shut and clenches his fists, Varian pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head before looking at me with chocolate eyes once more.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you. Dinner will be ready any minute, did you still want to head down with us?”

“Oh right, yeah, uhm come in… I’m just going to get changed.” My face must be tomato red at this point. How am I supposed to sit with them at dinner with the memory of him tongue fucking me in my dream?

I grab new clothes, including new panties, and race to the bathroom. I use a washcloth to quickly clean the effects of my dream off, then slip into tight black jeans and a black short sleeved dress shirt with a scoop neck and sheer back.

I re-emerge from the bathroom and I’m met with dazzling smiles from both brothers. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in anything but training clothes. You look lovely.” Varian’s compliment makes me blush.

I follow them through the halls down to the dining hall where dozens of pack members are already gathered. I recognize several men and women from our training sessions and wave at them as I enter. There are some hushed whispers as I walk past a group of men at one table so I’m only able to hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

“Is that her? The dragon chick?”

“Yeah man you should have seen her go at it with that other guy she’s with.”

“I wouldn’t mind a chance to go at it with her myself, she’s fucking hot.”

I roll my eyes and smile to myself but I don’t pay any mind to their comments, I just keep making my way to the kitchen. A deafening growl rips through the room and I already know who it is before turning around. What I didn’t expect to see was Ro holding the man who had been talking about me by the throat.

“Don’t you ever speak about your L — I mean guest, like that ever again.” He releases the man, throwing him down onto the table before stalking off.

I look at Varian who looks just as upset but I’m learning he’s not as hot headed as Ro. “Where’s he going? Is he coming back?”

“He’s probably gone to the office, hard to say if he’ll be back. Maybe once he calms down.” He gives me an apologetic shrug.

“Come on, let’s bring dinner to him then.” I get Varian to help me plate three dishes, one for each of us, and then carry them to their office. Ro is staring out of one of the floor to ceiling windows, his legs shoulder width apart and his hands fisted in his pockets.

“Hey, we brought you some dinner.” I say softly as I enter the office. He hangs his head and slowly makes his way over to the couches where I’ve set up our plates on the coffee table.

“I’m sorry for losing my temper back there. I’m more sorry for the rude things our warrior said about you. It won’t happen again.” His words are sincere and when he’s done speaking he finally looks up at me.

“For the record, I’m not offended. Let’s just forget about it, yeah?” I’m the most eligible bachelorette back home, I’ve heard my fair share of propositions. I understand having to discipline disrespectful warriors, but I didn’t think he needed to choke the guy.

Ro nods and at last we dig in. For the rest of the night we talk about my colony back home, and my family. I discuss them discreetly, indicating that I have a brother and that my parents are of higher rank. They tell me about pack hierarchy and how they came to be alphas, what they’ve done for the pack in the last three years, and their plans for the future of the pack.

I’ve learned they’re quite the eligible bachelors themselves, and that their little sister Kat’s birthday is a couple of days away. Their mom has planned a big party for her, to them turning 18 is like the equivalent of us turning 100 — it’s a coming of age.

The sun has long since set before I begin to yawn and feel the effects of fatigue wearing at me. The twins walk me back to my room, insisting that I leave the dishes for them to handle. Standing in front of my door I suddenly feel shy in front of them. Do I just say good night? Should I hug them? What’s the protocol here?

Ro puts me out of my silent misery by lifting my hand to his lips and placing a tender kiss on my knuckles without taking his eyes off of mine. Varian slips his hand around my lower back, kisses me on the temple and whispers good night in my ear.

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