The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Genevieve's pov

I followed Rosalyn out the hospital because I know she was hurting and as much as she won't admit it she needed someone by her side. We all know Alessandro is her life and it was clear that she would become feral if he was to die. I don't really understand what's going on but I could tell that mr black had something to do with it based on the fact that Rosalyn just beat the crap out of him and was about to snap his neck.

"Rosalyn!" I called out but she didn't answer, she just kept on walking

"Rose wait please” I tried again

"Go back inside Gen and leave me alone” she replied without stopping.

I ran towards her to catch up and we walked in silence after that. We soon arrived at the lake behind the pack house and we sat under the biggest tree we could find

"I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better rose but I just want you to know that no matter what I'm always here for you" I told her truthfully

She didn't answer and I knew why the moment I looked at her, tears were streaming down her face like a water fall. She started sobbing and I quickly pulled her into a hug

"What am I gonna do if he dies Gen I can't loose him he's all I've got" she cried into my shoulder "Come on Rose you know Alessandro is stronger than that he's not gonna let some little coma get the best of him" i say trying to cheer her up

"You don't understand Gen, the reason Alessandro is in a coma is because of all the pain he took from Isabelle I felt it and that amount of pain would have killed her within half an hour if Alessandro hadn't taken it away when he did but now all that pain is inside his body and him and his wolf is trying to recuperate from it and that's why he's in a coma at least that's my theory, but what I can't understand is why the blacks would allow doctors to inject wolfsbane into Isabelle” she replied "What do you mean inject Isabelle with wolfsbane" I asked

"When a wolf shifts they feel pain because their bones basically break and rearrange themselves but no matter what kind of sickness Isabelle has she should have shifted from the age of twelve and she shouldn't have been feeling so much pain so I asked the doctor to test Isabelle's blood and he found a high amount of wolfsbane in it which was what prevented her wolf from coming out but it seemed she had stopped taking the injections for some time now and that's what caused her to shift" she informed me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing so all along the medicine the doctors were giving Isabelle was wolfsbane I wonder if they were trying to kill her wolf. I turned around to ask Rosalyn another question but she was sound asleep on my shoulder, I guess all that crying wore her out.

"Babe" I called out micheal through our mind link

"Genevieve where are you guys is Rosalyn ok? He asked you could hear the worry in his voice. "Yeah she's good but she's asleep we're at the lake could you come and bring her back to her room please”

"ok I'll be there in a minute" he replied before cutting the link.

Around three minutes later he arrived "Any more news on Alessandro?" I asked as he picked up Rosalyn

"No, nothing yet, the doctor said he'd call us when there's any change” he replied

"And how's Mr black"

He scoffed at my question

"Doctors put him on bed rest for a couple days his wounds are healing but not as fast as they normally would it seems Rosalyn really did a number on him, she should have snapped his neck" he answered venom lacing his words.

We soon reached the pack house and everyone was starting at the sleeping Rosalyn in Micheal's arms

"What happened to her is she ok? Jermaine asked as he ran up to us

"She's fine she's only sleeping” I told him as Michael walked pass us to the stairs

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL?!" I heard someone yell from the top of the stairs

I ran towards the sound to find Steven standing at the top of the stairs looking at Rosalyn and shaking in anger

"She's fine dad she's only sleeping” micheal told him reassuringly

"Ok and where is Alessandro I wanna talk to him"

At the mention of Alessandro micheal's face fell

"He's at the pack hospital dad he's in a coma" micheal told his father with his head hung low

"HE'S WHAT!!1?" Steven's voice bellowed

"Dad calm down its a long story and I'll explain everything but i need to put Rosalyn on the bed so she can rest” Michael told his father, they both walked to Rosalyn's room while I went to mine to take a shower.

Michael's pov

My dad and I walked into the room Rosalyn and Alessandro shared, I placed her on her bed took off her shoes then pull up the covers over her.

"Ok I can't wait any longer tell me what happened to my baby girl and my grandson” dad demanded impatiently

"Fine I'll tell you but first of all are you even supposed to be out of bed?" I asked

"Am fine I've been moving around better for the past couple of days but I was in my room when my wolf told me something was wrong he wasn't sure what it was but his instinct told him something was up and he has pretty good instincts so I decided to see what was happening” he replied

"Ok i see well am glad your doing better dad I honestly thought I was gonna lose you" I say sadly "You don't have to worry about loosing me son I'm not going anywhere any time soon besides you haven't given me any grandkids yet so am not going anywhere" he replied giving me a hug

"Now tell me what happened”

I sighed then told him everything that happened based on what Isabelle told us. From Alessandro taking away her pain to him flat lining and Rosalyn almost killing Mr black. To say dad was furious was the understatement of a century i had to hold him down a couple times throughout my explanation so he wouldn't go up to the alpha suite to hospitalize Mr black again

After an hour of getting him to calm down we went to the kitchen and I made us something to eat then sent him back to his room to rest. Afterwards I brought the rest of the food up to my room so Genevieve and I could have dinner together but when I opened the door my heart fell at the sight before me, my mate was on the bed crying. I placed the tray at the bottom of the bed then scooped her up in my arms

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked she continued crying even harder so I brought her to my lap and set her so she was straddling me and laid her head on my chest while I rubbed her back, her cries soon turned to sobs then to sniffles

"You ok now babe?" I ask

"Yeah" she nodded

"I was just worried about Rosalyn and Alessandro I mean what if he doesn't wake up we'll loose them both" she said

"I understand how you feel Gen and trust me I'm worried about them too she's my baby sister and he's my nephew so we have to stay strong for the both of them because they need us right now so we can't let them see us falling apart or they will crumble too" I told her.

We ate dinner then I went to take a much needed shower, when I got back in the room Genevieve was half asleep I could tell she was waiting for me so I quickly got into bed and pulled the covers over us both, I wrapped my arms around her pulling her flush into my chest breathing in her wonderful scent

"Goodnight my love" I told her falling asleep

"I love you micheal" was the last thing I heard before I fell into darkness.

Ke'shaun's pov

I sat in my parents room looking at my dad who had bandages all over his body I still can't believe Rosalyn was the one who did this to him he looks like he just came from the world war. All this fighting and arguing is really starting to get to me at first I was glad to see Rosalyn again but if this is the price then it would have been better if she had stayed where she was.

I get that Alessandro was trying to help izzy but what if he had injured her more or worst Killed her I mean you don't just go around sticking your claws into people and that story Rosalyn gave about taking away Isabelle’s pain sounded absurd to me I've never even heard of such a thing.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my mom telling my dad to calm down, I looked in their direction to see my dad trying to get up from the bed

"Dad what are you doing you need to rest” I said rushing over to help mom push him back down

"I want that girl and her bastard out of this pack’s territory by morning Ke'shaun" he yelled

"Calm down dad before you blow a gasket" I replied

"Are you crazy you can't expect him to kick them out she's his mate and that boy is their son" my mom scolded

"I don't care who they are I want them out” dad yelled

"Ok guys calm down" I said trying to get them to stop fighting

"Dad I won't kick out Rosalyn seeing as Alessandro is still in a coma but when he wakes up I'll ask them to leave because I honestly can't take this fighting and arguing anymore it's driving me nuts" I told them dad huffed at my response but agreed anyway

"Ke'shaun are you sure you wanna do this" mom asked

"Yes mom I'm sure it's what's best for everyone if they go"

"Even for you?" She questioned

"Yes mom especially for me" I replied

She shook her head disapprovingly then said "Ok if that's what you want after all you are the alpha” I sighed as I got up to leave the room, kissing my mom on the forehead and telling her to get some rest I exited their room and made my way to the office.

I was going through some paper work when Jermaine walked in. I haven't really seen him that much since he got back especially with everything that's been going on

"Hey baby bro what can I do for you?" I asked teasingly

"You do realize your just a year older than me me right?" He scoffed

"Yeah but am still older” I jeered

"Whatever" he replied flipping me off.

He sat in the chair in front my desk then says

"I came to ask you what you were gonna do about the situation were currently in I know it was wrong of Rosalyn to attack dad but he basically spat in her face after her son tried to help izzy which resulted in Alessandro almost dying and is now currently in a coma”

"Look I know Rosalyn was emotional when she attacked dad I mean what woman wouldn't be after watching her son flat line but regardless of that wrong is still wrong and I won't tolerate her and Alessandro’s violent behavior any longer. I don't even know what happened to the innocent nerd that we used to know she was never like this" I replied

"I've already decided that after Alessandro wakes up and is healthy enough I will be asking him and Rosalyn to leave I know it sounds harsh but it has to be done besides dad won't rest unless they're gone” I say

"What! are you crazy you can't kick them out besides Micheal's wedding is in two weeks" he yelled "Have you even spoken to micheal about this afterall it is his wedding and she is his sister"

"I haven't spoken to micheal yet but I will also it's not like am banning them from our territory they can just stay at a hotel or something until the wedding day and like I said dad doesn't want them here so they have to go" I told him, my mind already made up.

I could tell he was upset with my decision but I won't change my mind and he knew that

"Of course this is about dad it always is what ever dad wants dad gets right and here I thought you were the alpha, have fun telling micheal your kicking his sister and nephew out after they saved your sister's life" he said leaving the office.

I knew he thought I was doing this because of dad but in fact I wasn't. Jermaine and our Father haven't gotten along since he was thirteen when he walked in on our dad making out with one of the Omega's in his office we soon later found out dad was cheating on mom and got someone to give her a potion so she wouldn't feel the effects and find out what he was doing.

Their marriage struggled for two years until mom forgave him and they got back together. However Jermaine never forgave him for betraying our mother and he has made it abundantly clear.

I continued with my paper work trying to get as much as possible finished before I speak with micheal because I know that wont go down easy, I sighed knowing that I might end up loosing my beta.

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