The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

Rosalyn's pov

Isabelle and I sat in Alessandro’s hospital room as we watched him sleep. Michael, Jermaine and Genevieve had already visited and left, I had also apologized to izzy for my behavior the other day I was just angry and I took it out on her when really I should be snapping her father's neck but I'll let that stay for now. I also noticed that since Isabelle shifted she looks more like a sixteen year old now, Her body is maturing into a young woman thanks to the help of her wolf, Jermaine has also been teaching her everything she needs to know.

The doctor says Alessandro's condition is improving his vitals are stable, his breathing back to normal and he doesn't look as pale as he did before so he may be able to wake up any day now. I could tell that Isabelle blamed herself for his condition and I have told her many times before that it wasn't her fault but I know the person she needs to hear that from is laying unconscious at the moment. I really wish he would wake up soon I miss my baby boy so much I feel empty without him besides his uncle's wedding is in less than a week and his best man is in a coma.

Micheal and Genevieve wanted to push back the wedding date but I told them they will be doing no such thing I know my boy will wake up in time. Another reason why micheal wanted to push back the wedding was because they had originally planned on keeping it on the lake but ke'shaun had a bitch fit after I beat the shit out of his asshole father and said that after Alessandro wakes up he and I couldn't stay their anymore which caused Michael to get hella angry he was even about to give up his beta position; that was before I talked some sense into him. Our family has being this pack's beta since it was created that's not a legacy to throw away because of a disagreement so after drilling some sense into micheal he calmed down, I on the other hand packed up my and Alessandro's belongings and booked us a double room at the hotel in town then transferred him to the hospital there as well with the help of the pack doctor, and that is where I am now.

I will admit that I was upset over the fact that ke'shaun basically kicked me out after his father was the reason my son is in a coma but after thinking about things logically I realize I didn't care seeing that other than my family, izzy and Jermaine I hated everyone else in that pack.

Speaking of Jermaine, after I calmed down and wasn't on a murder path anymore he had came to see me a couple of times and we finished our conversation that was interrupted the day izzy shifted. I wouldn't exactly say were dating, we made out a few times and that was it but we decided to take things slow. Besides even though he basically set us up I still don't know how Alessandro feels about me and Jermaine so I need his approval before anything can happen and there's another reason for him to hurry and wake up.

There's a knock on the door then in walks Jermaine, speak of the devil and he shall appear. He smiled at me as he walked over placing his hands on my shoulders he kissed me on the cheek then asked the same question he's been asking every time he visits,

"Any change in his condition?" I shook my head as I mentally smiled knowing the question before it's even asked

"Other than his vitals everything else is the same" I replied looking up into his green eyes that seem to draw me in each time I look into them.

We stay like that for a few minutes longer than normal but was brought from our dazed states by the clearing of a throat, we looked over at izzy to see a knowing smirk etched on her lips. We haven't told anyone about us but I think they've figured it out thanks to Jermaine with his constant PDA.

I turned away hiding my red face as izzy laughed at my blushing state

"How long have you known?" I asked

"Since like forever I see the way you guys look at each other when you think no one is looking besides my brother is obsessed with PDA so I think it's safe to say that everyone knows. Also I saw you guys making out by the door once when Jermaine and I were leaving the hospital after a visit" she answered her mischievous smirk still present.

"Told you so" Jermaine jeered when he heard Isabelle say everyone knows, I just glared at him seeing as he's the reason for that. It doesn't bother me though that they know it's not like we're married couples cheating on our spouses.

A nurse came by the room to let us know that visitation hours will be up in a few minutes so we said our goodbyes to the unconscious Alessandro then head out. I had rented a car when I moved into the hotel so it would be easier to travel instead of taking a taxi. Just as we reached the parking lot my phone rang

Hello I answered

"Rosalyn I need your help" Genevieve cried into the phone

"Gen what's wrong?" I asked panicking internally

"Everything" she yelled

"The caterer's messed up the date of my appointment and the photographer backed out at the last minute plus my period is late it should have started three days ago"

"Don't worry Gen everything's gonna be ok I'll come over and help you sort this out and I'll stop buy the pharmacy and buy some tests to find out if your pregnant or not ok?"

"Ok" she sniffled

I hung up afterwards, Wow she is one hyper lady if this is how she reacts now what'll happen if she's really pregnant, poor micheal.

I turned back to Jermaine and said "I'm coming back to the pack house with you guys but I'll need to make a stop at the pharmacy first to pick some things up for Genevieve"

He nodded as he opened my car door for me like the gentleman he is.

"We'll stop by the pharmacy with you so we can go through the front gates together when we reach the pack house I don't want those guards at the gate trying anything if they see you drive up by yourself"

I agreed then started the car as he climbed into his black Ford F150. I don't know why he needs such a big ass vehicle it's almost the size of a tank.

I pulled up in the parking space of the pharmacy hopped out of my car and made my way to the door with izzy and Jermaine close behind. I go to the women's section as I call it and pick up three pregnancy tests

"Damn baby we haven't even been on our first date yet and you thinking that far ahead" Jermaine teased while Isabelle burst out laughing.

Glaring daggers at Jermaine I said "Sorry babe unfortunately these aren't for me because you can't handle all this" then walked away adding a bit more sway in my hips leaving the stunned Jermaine behind as Isabelle laughed yelling


After paying for the tests we leave the pharmacy. I laughed at Jermaine as he pouted all the way back to his car because izzy kept teasing him about what I said. We drove out once again making our way to the pack house, As expected the guards tried to block me from entering when they realized who was in the car behind Jermaine seeing as I haven't came back since I left. After Jermaine threatened to have them all banished they let me through much to their dismay. Reaching the pack house Jermaine and I went inside, izzy spotted her friends and left as soon as the vehicle stopped. After promising to see him before I leave I make my way upstairs to Genevieve, I knocked twice before a red eyed puffy face Gen opened the door. The water works began again as she saw me

"Thank God your here Rose I don't know what to do I can't get another photographer for the wedding and the caterer's are refusing to reimburse the deposit” she cried

"It's ok hun here's what I want you to do go take a relaxing shower I'll make us some tea and you'll take the tests while I deal with the wedding alright" she nods and walks to bathroom to do as I instructed.

I went to the kitchen and brewed a pot of camomile tea, after placing it on a tray along with two cups I head back upstairs. Genevieve is still in the shower when I get back so I got started on my tasks. I remembered a human friend I had when I was in highschool who's a photographer she and I had kept in touch over the years, I called her up in hopes that she could fulfill my request.

"Hey Kylie it's Rosalyn how are you" I say as she answers

"Hey Rosie am good what's up" she says in her ever peppy voice

"My brother is getting married on the 7th of November and the photographer ditched at last minute so I was wondering if you could fill in for me the pay is reasonable plus you and I would get a chance to catch up, so could you make it" I ask a bit of desperation in my tone

"November 7th umm yeah I can make it I don't have anything planned for that day I'll fly out on the fourth so I can get prepared and you don't have to worry about the pay I'll do it for free think of it as a wedding gift to mikey I can't believe my little boy is all grown up" she says dramatically

"Thank you so much ky your a life saver. I'll pick you up at the airport when you reach just text me the info

"Ok I will bye" she replied

I called the catering company next and after threatening to get my so called lawyers from wall Street involved and suing them for everything they've got they agreed to send back the deposit, at times I scare even myself. Genevieve stepped out of the bathroom in yoga pants and one of Micheal's sweatshirt minutes after I hung up the phone. I handed her a cup of tea as she asked if I made any progress

"Well I asked an old friend of mine and Micheal's to be the photographer and she accepted she also said she'd do it for free as a wedding gift to micheal and you can expect the deposit by tomorrow" "She choked on her tea as she stared at me wide eyed in shock

"Omg Rosalyn your the best I've been trying to get those thieves to send back the money while trying to find a photographer for hours and you did it in mere minutes. Are you secretly a sorceress or something” she asked with playful suspicion

"Wouldn't you like to know" I teased

"Now for the final task of the day" I say going into the shopping bag to take out the pregnancy tests.

I could feel the nervousness wash off her in waves

"It's gonna be ok gen you may not even be pregnant it's not abnormal for a woman's period to be late and if you are pregnant i know micheal would be ecstatic he loves you with all his heart and he'll love a baby just as much” I reassured her handing over the tests, nodding she enters the bathroom once again.

A minute later she comes back and sets the timer on her phone for three minutes. We wait silently lost in our own thoughts until the timer beeps making Genevieve jump with a small squeak, I laughed at her jumpiness as we walked into the bathroom. Too nervous to look she asked me to do the honours I looked at all three tests to see two plus signs and a smiley face, i turned around to her with a straight face as she looked at me expectantly

"I'm sorry Genevieve but.... your pregnant!!!" I shouted jumping up and down as Genevieve's expression changed from nervousness to happiness I hugged her squealing congratulations, I'm so happy my brother is gonna be a father an I will finally be an aunt.

"So when are you gonna tell micheal?" I ask

"I don't know" she say still smiling

"Maybe I'll tell him tonight when he gets back”

I beamed at her as she unconsciously rubs her flat tummy

"Well the sooner the better because you'll need to make a doctor's appointment plus I don't know how long I can hold in this happy news" I squealed.

Gen laughed at my antics even though she nodded in agreement. After finishing our tea I realized it was getting late and I promised Jermaine I'd see him before I left so after some teasing from Genevieve and me blushing like crazy I made my way to Jermaine's room.

Reaching his door I knock twice, after not receiving an answer I tried the knob to see if he was actually there or not. With a single twist the door opened and I poked my head inside before stepping in completely, what I see next knocks the air right out of my lungs I felt like someone sucker punched me. Jermaine was on his bed sucking face with some blond bimbo, I cleared my throat making my presence known they both looked up at me Jermaine's eyes going wide as saucers when he saw me

"Rosalyn its---" he started but I quickly cut him off by saying

"There's no need to explain its not like we were dating anyway" my voice cold and void of any emotions.

I turned around leaving the room and make my way downstairs fighting the unshed tears that gathered in my eyes as Jermaine follows close behind calling out for me to let him explain, I can't believe I trusted him if I wasn't so exhausted I'd kick both their asses. As I reach for the front door the last voice I wanna hear makes its way to my ears

"What the hell are you doing here bitch" the asshole who caused my son to be in a coma says

I refuse to call him by his name, before I could react Jermaine walks up to me

"Rosalyn baby please don't go let me explain its not what it looks like"

Ha, famous words of a cheater

"What does it looks like then huh Jermaine because to me it seems like you were sucking face with some blond bimbo who probably has herpes and she sure as hell wasn't checking your temperature” I yell

"It's not like that at all she---" he starts to explain but is once again cut off when his father says "Jermaine why the hell are you talking to this trash like she's someone important”

This man was really getting on my nerves and if I wasn't so pissed at his son I'd probably snap his neck by now

"Dad just but out ok this has nothing to do with you" Jermaine says anger in his voice, seems like there's trouble in paradise.

He turned back to me then said "Rosalyn I promise you I'd never betray you like that she was the one who kissed me" he says pleading me with his eyes to believe him but I don't.

I had almost forgotten the old man standing next to us until he spoke again

"Jermaine what the hell is going on here don't tell me your actually in a relationship with this sad excuse of a woman" he yelled drawing the attention of the occupants of the house which unfortunately included ke'shaun, Isabelle and their mother.

His last remark was the last straw so I turned to him with "I'd stay quiet if I were you old man because I am livid right now and I'll have no problem taking my anger out on you"

I knew my eyes were glowing because I could feel my wolf come to the surface

"Ha you can try if you want just know you'll never leave this territory alive" he shot back, at this i lunged at him only to be pulled back by muscular arms.

I looked behind me to see Jermaine wrapping me in his arms my wolf calmed down some but I was still flaring.

"Rosy, baby listen to me ok just block everyone out they aren't important right now especially him" he says motioning to his father

I turned away from him because i couldn't bare to look at the face of the man who betrayed my trust.

"Look at me Rosalyn please” he pleaded,

Trying to pry his arms from around my waist I say "why should I so you can look me in the eyes and lie to me" his grip loosens for a second and I took that as my opportunity to rip his arms from around me.

I rushed to the door swinging it open to leave but the ringtone of my phone halted my steps

Hello I answered

"Is this miss Rosalyn Parker?" A female voice asks

"Yes I am is there a problem”

"You need to come down to the hospital right away ma'am it's regarding your son" she replies

I'm about to ask what's wrong with my baby when the line goes dead. I look at the phone to see my batteries have died

"Fuck!!" I cursed running out the door to my car

"Rosalyn wait" Jermaine yells

"I don't have the time to argue with you right now Jermaine something's wrong with my baby boy" I say as I drove off down the dirt road leading to the gate.

The assholes at the gate see me coming and takes their sweet time opening the gate so I slam the car into it sending them flying into the hedges. I'm a bit shook up myself but I don't care about that now something's wrong with my son and I need to get to the hospital.

All sorts of scenarios run through my head as i think of what could be wrong. Sending a silent prayer to the moon goddess I speed towards the hospital.

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